Configure login settings—Esri Maps for IBM Cognos (v6.0 Archive) | Location Analytics

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Configure login settings

Esri Maps for IBM Cognos provides the following two login methods to access items on the ArcGIS platform:

  • user login— Users are known to the platform. The ArcGIS administrator can configure enterprise or other login methods that allow an organization's users to log in to the platform with the same credentials they use to access other enterprise-level information systems.
  • app login— Users are not known to the platform. The system administrator provisions a user account to act on behalf of Esri Maps for IBM Cognos by specifying a single user name and password in the settings file, which Esri Maps for IBM Cognos passes to the ArcGIS platform. When accessing Esri Maps, users are automatically signed in to the platform.

For detailed information about the modifiable configuration properties, see Administrative and login settings.

Esri Maps for IBM Cognos login settings

Depending on the authentication method enabled by the ArcGIS administrator, and whether you're accessing ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS, different settings must be configured in the Esri Maps for IBM Cognos Administrative and login settings file (settings.js).

The following table lists the different configurations and provides an example of the configuration settings for each one. For more information about authentication, see ArcGIS authentication.

Login methodArcGIS authentication methodConfiguration settingsDetails
ArcGIS Online


  • Out-of-the-box authentication
  • Enterprise login
arcgisUrl: "[URL to ArcGIS organization]",
//for example: ",
arcgisAuthType: "user",
arcgisAppUser: "",
arcgisAppPassword: "",
arcgisAppId: "[app ID generated upon application registration]"
//for example: "nvgHDDFXzMRWmKfY"

Define the URL to your ArcGIS organization(arcgisUrl).

Administrators must register the application with the platform and include the generated application ID (arcgsAppId) in the login settings. See Generate an application ID for details.

Users log in with their ArcGIS or domain account user name and password.


Out-of-the box authentication

arcgisUrl: "[URL to ArcGIS organization]",
//for example: ""
arcgisAuthType: "app",
arcgisAppUser: "[user_name]",
arcgisAppPassword: "[user_pwd]",
arcgisAppId: ""

Define the URL to your ArcGIS organization(arcgisUrl).

A single user, provisioned by the administrator in the settings file, retrieves an authentication token; this token is then used to retrieve items from ArcGIS.

Users are automatically logged in to the ArcGIS platform.

Portal for ArcGIS


  • Out-of-the-box authentication
  • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)*
  • Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA)*
arcgisUrl: "[URL to ArcGIS organization]�,
//for example: ""
arcgisAuthType: "user",
arcgisAppUser: "",
arcgisAppPassword: "",
arcgisAppId: ""

Define the URL to your ArcGIS organization(arcgisUrl).

Users log in with their ArcGIS or domain account user name and password.

For PKI and IWA, authentication occurs at the browser level; users are automatically signed in.

* If your organization's Portal for ArcGIS is secured using PKI or IWA authentication and users within your organization use a non CORS-enabled browser (such as Microsoft IE8 or IE9), you must configure your environment so that your Portal for ArcGIS and the web server component of your Business Intelligence system are served from the same origin—that is, they must be on the same host, domain, and port, and use the same protocol.


Out-of-the box authentication

arcgisUrl: "[URL to ArcGIS organization]",
//for example: ""
arcgisAuthType: "app",
arcgisAppUser: "[user_name]",
arcgisAppPassword: "[user_pwd]",
arcgisAppId: ""

Define the URL to your ArcGIS organization(arcgisUrl).

A single user, provisioned by the administrator in the settings file, retrieves an authentication token; this token is then used to retrieve items from ArcGIS.

Users are automatically logged in to the ArcGIS platform.