
The WebSocket feed type consumes messages from an externally accessible WebSocket server. The WebSocket protocol enables two-way low-latency communication between a client and server. It does this by establishing persistent socket connections between a server and client in which the server sends data to connected clients. In this case, ArcGIS Velocity acts as the WebSocket client.


Updated sensor values are sent from a WebSocket server.

Usage notes

After configuring feed connection parameters, see Configure input data to learn how to define the schema and the key parameters.


The following are the parameters for the WebSocket feed:

ParameterExplanationData Type


The WebSocket URL from which to connect and receive data.


Custom headers

Optional custom headers to be included in the WebSocket request sent to the specified WebSocket endpoint.

For example, custom headers can be used to specify a third-party API key or authorization header.

Key-Value Pair

Considerations and limitations

The WebSocket server must be externally accessible on the internet.