Select Fields

Tool icon Available in real-time and big data analytics.

The Select Fields tool Select Fields tool selects a subset of fields to retain. This tool is useful when incoming data has extraneous fields. Additionally, it can be configured to remove geometry from features.


As a logistics manager, in analysis of point-based observational data, you used the Calculate Motion Statistics tool to calculate a variety of attributes about features in motion. You can then use the Select Fields tool to retain only the calculated attributes relevant to your requirements.

Usage notes

Keep the following in mind when working with the Select Fields tool:

  • Geometry can be removed using the Remove Geometry parameter. By default, geometry will be retained
  • Optionally, and instead of using the Select Fields tool, you can remove fields when first configuring a source or feed. For more information, see Configure input data. Fields can also be removed using the Map Fields tool.


The following are the parameters for the Select Fields tool:

ParameterDescriptionData type

Input Layer

The point, line, or polygon features to select a subset of the fields to retain.

Features or tabular data

Fields to Retain

One or more fields to be retained for the next step in the analytic model.


Remove Geometry

Remove geometry from the schema. Attributes and time will remain.


Considerations and limitations

All fields and geometry can be removed; however, the output must have, at a minimum, either one field or geometry.