Filter by Time Range

Tool icon Available in real-time and big data analytics.

The Filter by Time Range tool Filter by Time Range tool filters features using a specified time before, time after, or time range. Each feature's Start Time key field value is evaluated by the time range specified. Features that the specified time range evaluates as true are retained.


The following are example uses of the Filter by Time Range tool:

  • A real-time analytic uses the Filter by Time Range tool to retain only the incoming records from a feed in which the feature Start Time key field value is After 2019-09-01 06:00.
  • A big data analytic uses the Filter by Time Range tool to retain only records in which the feature Start Time key field value is Between 2019-09-01 15:00 to 2019-09-15 03:00.

Usage note

The Filter by Time Range tool filters features based upon the defined Start Time key field value. The Start Time key field is specified when configuring a feed or a source. See Configure input data for information on how to specify a Start Time key field.


ParameterDescriptionData type

Input Layer

The layer that will be filtered.


Time Range

A time range that will be evaluated to filter the incoming data.

Each record is evaluated. Records that evaluate to true are retained, and those that evaluate to false are discarded.

The Time Range options include Before, After, and Between. Use the time picker to select a single date and time (Before or After) or a range of date and time (Between).


Output layer

The Filter by Time Range tool does not alter incoming features; the output layer will contain the same fields and attribute values as the incoming features.