Available with the ArcGIS Indoors Maps extension.
A mobile map package consolidates maps into a single file (.mmpk) that can be shared to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal or ArcGIS Online account. Mobile map packages created for the ArcGIS Indoors mobile apps can be used for exploring, identifying, and searching for various points of interest, and indoor navigation.
Data in a mobile map package can also reference online content. This way, data that changes frequently is instantly available in the Indoors mobile app. There is no need to publish a new mobile map package and download map updates in the app to get these changes.
Only use data from a feature service layer for data that updates frequently; otherwise use local data for optimum app performance. Referencing online content is only supported for some Indoors feature layers.
Prepare the map
An Indoors mobile map package must contain all map layers and stand-alone tables required by the ArcGIS Indoors mobile apps.
The following layers are required for indoor data visualization in the Indoors mobile apps:
- Details
- Units
- Levels
- Facilities
Include the Network_ND layer to support indoor routing and directions.
Include the following layers to support additional functionality in the Indoors mobile apps:
- Events—List events and locate them on the map.
- Occupants—Search for occupants and find them on the map.
- <Points of interest> layers—Search and explore.
- <Barrier> layers—Use in routing when there are temporary changes to the network.
- <Work order> layers—Integrate work orders.
- Reservations layer—Reserve workspaces.
- TrackingZones—Use if tracking is configured.
- Sites—Organize facilities features.
Optionally, include the following tables to support workspace reservations:
- Areas—This is required if you are using the Indoors Space Planner app to assign occupants to spaces.
- Area Roles—This is required if you are configuring reservation managers who can book and manage office hotel bookings for other people.
The following field data types are available in ArcGIS Pro 3.2: date only, time only, timestamp offset, big integer, and 64-bit object IDs. These data types are not supported in the Indoors mobile apps.
Layer names included in the mobile map must exactly match these layer names to enable functionality in the Indoors mobile apps.
To create a map and prepare it for use in a mobile map package, complete the following steps:
- Start ArcGIS Pro.
- Sign in to your ArcGIS organization if necessary.
- Create a project and add a connection to the Indoors geodatabase or open an existing project that contains the Indoors geodatabase.
- Click the Insert tab and click the New Map button
to create a map if necessary.
- Add the following layers to the new map in the order shown and set the visibility according to the table below:
Layer name Layer visibility (recommended) Events
<Points of interest> layers
<Barrier> layers
Tracking Zones
- Depending on your organization, you may have several points of interest (POI) layers, such as Places + Things, Safety + Security, and Retail + Services. Ensure that the layer has a definition query set using CATEGORY_TYPE and the layer name matches the value set.
- The following layers are supported by Indoors mobile apps to connect to and reference online content:
- Occupants
- Events
- Reservations
- <Points of interest> layers
- <Work order> layers
- <Office hotel> layers (the Units layer and Areas table)
- <Barrier> layers
- Floor plan layers such as Details, Levels, and Facilities should not reference online content.
- Online content can only reference feature service-based layers. Map image layers are not supported.
- Oriented Imagery feature layer created for 360-degree photos is not supported.
- All layers in the map should have unique names.
- Configure the map as floor aware.
- Configure additional layers as floor aware.
- If you're using the reservation model to configure office hotels and meeting rooms, add the Reservations feature class to your web map.
- Set the visible scale range of the layers as necessary.
- Set symbology for layers according to the following:
Details and Units layers
Set according to the USE_TYPE attribute.
<Category source> layers
Set according to the field that describes the feature type.
Occupants and Events layers
Use an empty point symbol (no color or outline, and point size 1).
- Use caution when applying symbols for points of interest layers that have dense coverage. For example, offices are symbolized by the color of the unit polygon and shouldn't have individual point symbols.
- For points of interest layers, the single symbol and unique value symbology types are supported. For unique value, only one field and one symbol is supported.
- Turn on labeling for Units (NAME attribute), Occupants (KNOWNAS attribute), and any additional features that require a label.
- Set the display field in the layer properties to NAME for all map layers except People. If the People layer is present, set its display field to KNOWNAS.
- Configure pop-ups by selecting the fields for the map layers that you want to be visible on the info card in the Indoors mobile app and activate required fields.
Custom fields with Arcade expressions are not supported.
- Add the Areas stand-alone table if you're configuring the map for office hotels.
- Ensure that the map has a coordinate system set for Current XY, such as WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere), and Current Z, such as WGS84.
- Optionally, rename the map to make it easily identifiable, and complete all metadata fields.
- Set the display extent of the map to display all of the map data.
Add a basemap
A basemap is an essential component of an indoor map that provides context and perspective for nearby features. When selecting a basemap, consider the scale of the map. Unlike image tile basemaps, vector tile basemaps are smaller in size and support higher levels of detail.
Use an Esri-hosted basemap
In ArcGIS Pro, you can add basemaps from the Basemap gallery in the Layer group on the Map tab. Depending on your active portal's configuration, the gallery may include default Esri basemaps, maps shared to your organization's basemap gallery group, and basemaps added to a project in ArcGIS Pro.
To add Esri vector basemaps to a map, complete the following steps:
- On the Map tab, in the Layer group, click Basemap
to open the basemap gallery.
- Click a basemap in the gallery.
Use a custom basemap hosted on your Enterprise portal
To use a custom basemap hosted on your Enterprise portal, complete the following steps:
- Author a custom basemap.
- Create a vector tile package using the Create Vector Tile Package tool.
When running the Create Vector Tile Package tool, make the following adjustments to support an indoor level of detail and scale the tile down by a factor of 17:
- Uncheck the Package for ArcGIS Online | Bing Maps | Google Maps check box.
- Choose the VectorBasemapTilingScheme.xml file included in the Indoors symbology resources for the Tiling scheme parameter.
- Share the vector tile package to your Enterprise portal.
- Sign in to your Enterprise portal in a browser and publish the vector tile package as a hosted layer.
- Add the Enterprise portal items to the map in ArcGIS Pro.
Alternatively, if you have a hosted tile layer, click the Add Data drop-down arrow in the Layer group and click Data From Path to specify the URL to the hosted tile layer.
Use a custom basemap for disconnected environments
To use ArcGIS Indoors in a disconnected environment, complete the following steps:
For optimal performance on mobile devices, the extent of the vector tile packages should only include the area of interest for the site.
- Author a custom basemap.
- Create a vector tile package using the Create Vector Tile Package tool.
When running the Create Vector Tile Package tool, make the following adjustments to support an indoor level of detail and scale the tile down by a factor of 17:
- Uncheck the Package for ArcGIS Online | Bing Maps | Google Maps check box.
- Choose the VectorBasemapTilingScheme.xml file included in the Indoors symbology resources for the Tiling scheme parameter.
- Choose the map you created for the mobile map package.
- Add the vector package to the map below the Facilities layer and the Sites layer if present.
Configure Indoors categories
ArcGIS Indoors allows you to configure points of interest in ArcGIS Pro that you want to interact with as routable locations on the map. Points of interest, such as occupants, specific locations, events, and objects, are displayed as discrete points on a map and symbolized with an icon. You can configure these places to support explore and search capabilities in the Indoors mobile apps. You can also use them as input to generate the network to support routing. Points and areas of interest can be divided into logical categories and category groups to facilitate the explore experience in Indoors Viewer and Indoors mobile apps.
Configure work orders
The Indoors mobile apps provide a unique experience for workers involved in building operations and field work through integration of work order data that is maintained in a separate system. Including work orders in the Indoors mobile app allows you to log issues and assign or track assignments spatially and in real time. You can configure work orders by mapping fields to the Indoors model during category creation in the Configure Indoors Categories pane in ArcGIS Pro.
Configure app launch actions
Indoors includes support for launch actions to third-party apps directly from the info card in the Indoors mobile apps. These launch actions allow organizations to integrate information related to Indoors items or items available in additional work order, asset, and other point of interest layers that may be included in the Indoors map.
A launch action can be configured to open a web page or native mobile app to allow people to submit incidents or requests regarding a selected item. You can create launch actions to automatically populate form fields with information from the item, or open a web page or mobile app directly to information related to the item. You can create launch actions in the Configure Indoors Launch Actions pane in ArcGIS Pro.
Configure workspace reservations
You can configure office hotels and meeting rooms and allow users to book them using the Indoors apps. Users can interactively find available workspaces on the map or search for them based on time, duration, and location. Workspace reservations can be configured using Microsoft 365 or the Reservations layer in Indoors.