The Tools Panel contains tools that work directly with the web service in the canvas. The tools include features that enhance the display of the imagery, analyze imagery and video through markup and measurements, and export the current view for use in presentations.
The following are the tools in the Tools Panel:
- Display tools—Apply common display settings to your imagery and change the order of imagery to gain the most value out of each pixel. These tools are only available when connected to the canvas with an ArcGIS Imagery Layer. The Image Display tool is available for ArcGIS Tiled Imagery Layers as well.
- Image Display
- Image Order
- Enhancements
- Comparison tools—Conduct automated pixel-based comparisons within imagery in the Map Panel.
- Swipe
- Flicker
- Detect Change (only available when connected to the canvas with an ArcGIS Imagery Layer)
- Analysis tools—Highlight areas of interest through markup, labeling, and measurements. The Mark Up, Count, and Measure tools are available for all service and layer types. These tools can only be used in the Map Panel when connected to an ArcGIS Video Layer or Oriented Imagery Layer. The Deep Learning tool can be used to automate the task of recording observations and extracting geographical features from your analysis layer.
- Mark Up
- Count
- Measure
- Deep Learning
Deep Learning tool is only available for ArcGIS Online and when connected to the canvas with an ArcGIS Imagery Layer or ArcGIS Tiled Imagery Layer within an Excalibur project. To use this tool a Professional or Professional Plus user type and role with the Imagery Analysis privilege are required.
- Export tools—Export the current view into various file formats to use in briefings, presentations, or applications. These tools can only be used in the Map Panel when connected to an ArcGIS Video Layer or Oriented Imagery Layer.
- Analysis Report
- Screenshot
- Imagery Clip (only available when connected to the canvas with an ArcGIS Imagery Layer). To use Create a New Layer option a Professional or Professional Plus user type and role with the Imagery Analysis privilege are required.
- Attachment Report (only available when an observation layer is added to the canvas)
- Video Frame (only available when connected to the canvas with an ArcGIS Video Layer)
- Video Clip (only available when connected to the canvas with an ArcGIS Video Layer)
- Project tools—View instructions on what needs to be accomplished in an Excalibur project and use specific tools to help streamline your tasks. These tools can only be used in the Map Panel when connected to an ArcGIS Video Layer or Oriented Imagery Layer.
- Instructions
- Collect Observations
- Edit Observations
- Chip Observations
The Collect Observations tool, Edit Observations tool, and Chip Observations tool are only available when an observation layer is added to the canvas.