To upload hosted imagery layers, the environment must be configured properly, and must have privileges to be published. Begin publishing imagery by accessing it through the home page or at any time on the side navigation menu under Publish Layer.
To create and publish an imagery layer, complete the following steps:
- On the Excalibur home page click Publish New Hosted Web Layers.
Alternatively, from the side navigation menu, click Publish Layer
- In the Imagery Layer pane, choose a new imagery layer configuration:
- Single Image—Create one imagery layer from a single image resource.
- Image Mosaic—Create one imagery layer by mosaicking many images. This is useful to blend overlapping images into a single, seamless image layer.
- Image Collection—Create an imagery layer that manages a collection of many images. This is useful to query the resulting imagery layer for the properties of individual images.
- Provide a name for the layer in the Layer Name text box.
- Specify the folder where the new layer will be created.
- Optionally, provide a summary that describes the layer.
- Optionally, provide one or more tags.
Separate the terms with commas. For example, federal land is one tag, but federal, land is two tags.
- For Sharing Level, specify who can access the layer:
- Owner—Only the owner can access the imagery layer.
- Organization—Members of the portal organization can access the imagery layer.
- Everyone—Anyone with the URL can access the imagery layer.
- Optionally, click Show Groups to choose organization groups to share the imagery layer with.
- Click Next Step.
- For Data Source, browse to the data and metadata files to publish with the layer.
Alternatively, drag the files into the drop zone.
Click Clear All Files to start over if necessary.
- Click Next Step to provide the imagery service name.
The service name can be different than the item name for this layer. Service names cannot contain spaces or invalid characters.
- For ArcGIS Online, choose Dynamic Imagery layer or Tiled Imagery layer for the layer type.
- Click Next Step to view a summary of choices before publishing.
Alternatively, click Back to make changes.
- Click Create Layer.
Depending on the size of the files and network bandwidth, this process may take some time. A new notification appears in the App Notices dialog box once the imagery layer is published.