Use export tools

ArcGIS 11.5    |

After working with imagery or video, and analyzing areas of interest, selections can be exported for use in briefings, reports, and presentations.

Use the Analysis Report tool

Generate a report to disseminate key information about a specific area of interest through a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. The Analysis Report tool defines an area of interest and adds any comments from the analysis. A report can be created from the Map Panel or Focus Panel.


If the Focus Panel is chosen for export, the full metadata of the image will be included in the notes section of the slide. Reports can only be created from the Map Panel if a video layer or oriented imagery layer is being used.

To create a report do the following:

  1. Click the Tools menu in the canvas.
  2. In the Export Tools list, click Analysis Report.

    Optionally, click Upload Report to upload an existing Excalibur Report to your portal account.

  3. Click Draw area to draw your area of interest in the Map Panel or Focus Panel.

    Alternatively click Cancel to cancel the drawing. Once you draw an area of interest, you will see a preview of your area of interest and can click Redraw to redraw your area.

  4. Add the following information:
    • Report Title
    • Analyst Comments
    • Report Filename (required)

    Additional report options are available to export a report in dark mode and include a title slide. Including a title slide is selected by default.

  5. Click Create Report.

    The presentation file is available in the browser's default download location, and the Upload Report option appears.


    Optionally, upload a report to the account. The report will upload to different folders depending on the workflow. If working in the canvas view through an ad-hoc workflow, the report is saved in My Content. If the report is created in an Excalibur project, the report is saved to the Excalibur project folder.

  6. Click the Upload button or drag a file to the area.

    Alternatively, click Skip Upload to skip the upload and continue.

    A notification appears in the App Notices center stating the report was uploaded and saved to the account as a new item.

    The tool automatically resets, and you can then view more details on the report by accessing it through the App Notices center in the canvas.

Screenshot tool

The Screenshot tool takes a screenshot of an area of interest and views it in a new tab, or saves it to a location. Reports can be created from the Map Panel or Focus Panel. Screenshots can only be created from the Map Panel if a video layer or oriented imagery layer is being used.

Export an image by choosing one of the following:

  • Open—Opens the defined area of interest as a .png file in a new browser tab.
  • Save—Downloads the defined area of interest as a .png file to a local folder.

Use the Open option

Use the Open option to open the resulting simple .png image in a new browser tab.

To view the image do the following:

  1. Click the Tools menu in the canvas view.
  2. In the Export Tools list, click Screenshot.
  3. Click Draw Area to draw the area of interest and to see a preview.
  4. Optionally, click Cancel to cancel the drawing. Once an area of interest is drawn, click Redraw to redraw the area.

    By default, the screenshot includes any markups, measurements, and observations that intersect with the area of interest drawn. Turn off the visibility of these layers in the Layers List to only capture a screenshot of the area of interest.

  5. Select Open.
  6. Click Submit.

    A new browser tab opens with the .png image.

Use the Save option

Use the Save option to save a simple .png image of the drawn area. This is useful for briefings and presentations.

To download an image do the following:

  1. Click the Tools menu in the canvas view.
  2. In the Export Tools list, click Screenshot.
  3. Click Draw Area to draw an area of interest and to see a preview of the area.

    Once enabled, click Cancel to cancel drawing. To draw an area of interest, click Redraw to redraw the area.


    By default, the screenshot will include any markups, measurements, and observations that intersect with the drawn area of interest. Turn off the visibility of these layers in the Layers List to only capture a screenshot of the area of interest.

  4. Select Save.
  5. Type a name for the saved file.
  6. Click Submit.

    The file is available in the browser's default download location, and the Upload Screenshot option appears.

    Optionally, upload a screenshot to the account. The screenshot will upload to different folders depending on the workflow. If working in the canvas view through an ad-hoc workflow, the screenshot is saved toMy Content. If taking a screenshot within an existing Excalibur project, the screenshot is saved to the Excalibur project folder.
  7. Click the Upload button or drag a file to the area.

    Alternatively, click Skip Upload to skip the upload and continue.

    A notification appears in the App Notices center stating the screenshot was uploaded and saved to the account as a new item.

    The tool automatically resets, and additional details can be viewed on the screenshot by accessing it through the App Notices center in the canvas.

Imagery Clip tool

Export an image by choosing to create a single image export, download the full-resolution image and its supported files, or create a new raster layer using a clipped area of interest. The single image export option downloads the image file and is recommended for presentations and briefings. The source imagery download option downloads the full image and its supported files and is recommended for use in mapping applications. The create a new layer option allows you to clip a specified area of interest which will create a new raster layer as the result. An image can be exported from the map focus panel or image focus view. This tool is only available if an ArcGIS Imagery Layer is in use as the connected analysis layer.

Use Single Image Export

Use the Single Image Export option to download a simple image file of an area of interest. This is useful for briefings and presentations.

To export an image do the following:

  1. Click Tools in the canvas.
  2. Click Imagery Clip in the Export Tools list.
  3. Select Use the view extent or Draw an area to define the Clip Area Source. For Use the view extent, pan and zoom in the Map Panel to the desired area. For Draw an area, click Draw Area Rectangle and draw the desired extent in the Map Panel.

    Once enabled, click Cancel Pencil to cancel the drawing.

  4. Select Single Image Export.
  5. Click Continue. Alternatively, click Reset Reset to reset the panel.
  6. Type a Clip Name for the output file.
  7. Optionally, click Save clipped the image to my account and select the output My Folders where it will be saved.
  8. Click Export Clip. Alternatively, click Reset Reset to reset the panel.

    The file is available in the browser’s default download location.

    Imagery Clip tool returns with sharing choices.

  9. Reset Reset to do another clip, Close Close the Imagery Clip panel or, optionally, change the image item's sharing.

Use Source Imagery Download

Use the Source Imagery Download option to select the imagery files that intersect with the drawn area of interest or defined extent. Options to download imagery data sets and complementary files will be provided.

  1. Click Tools in the canvas.
  2. Click Imagery Clip in the Export Tools list.
  3. Select Use the view extent or Draw an area to define the Clip Area Source. For Use the view extent, pan and zoom in the Map Panel to the desired area. For Draw an area, click Draw Area Rectangle and draw the desired extent in the Map Panel.

    Once enabled, click Cancel Pencil to cancel the drawing.

  4. Select Source Imagery Download.

    The Source Imagery Download option is only available if the image service has download capabilities enabled.

  5. Click Continue. Alternatively, click ResetReset.

    A list of component images appears.

  6. Select the individual files of the source imagery to download. Alternatively, click Select All to select all files in the source imagery.
  7. Click Download. Alternatively, click ResetReset.

    A confirmation dialog box appears listing the number of images and the total size of the download.

  8. Click Download to confirm the download. Alternatively, click Cancel to go back to the file selection.
  9. The downloaded files are available in the browser’s default download location.

Use Create a New Layer

Use the Create New Layer option to create a clip of a specified area of interest which will create a new raster layer as the result.

  1. Click Tools in the canvas.
  2. Click Imagery Clip in the Export Tools list.
  3. Select Use the view extent or Draw an area to define the Clip Area Source. For Use the view extent, pan and zoom in the Map Panel to the desired area. For Draw an area, click Draw Area Rectangle and draw the desired extent in the Map Panel.

    Once enabled, click Cancel Pencil to cancel the drawing.

  4. Select Create a New Layer.
  5. Add a layer name and select which folder the layer will be added to.

    For ArcGIS Enterprise the output will be a Dynamic Imagery Layer.

  6. For ArcGIS Online select the layer type and choose the result layer as a Dynamic Imagery Layer or a Tiled Imagery Layer.
  7. Optionally for ArcGIS Online estimate credits before creating the layer.
  8. Click Create Layer.

    The clip operation is submitted and may take a few minutes to complete. If the Imagery Clip tool remains open as the job runs, the results will be added to the map upon completion. If the tool is closed the result layer will not be added to the map automatically, but can be added through the Add Layers menu.

    Optionally, click Cancel to cancel the clip job on the server.

Video Frame

Video Frame will take a snapshot of the current frame being played in your video in the Focus Panel, and either create a media layer to view that snapshot orthorectified in the Map Panel or downloaded it as an image file. This tool is only available if a video player is in use as the connected analysis layer.

View the video frame on the map

To view the captured video frame in the Map Panel do the following:

  1. Click Tools in the canvas.
  2. Click Video Frame in the Export Tools list.
  3. Click Create to capture the current video frame that is displayed.

    A preview of the frame appears. Alternatively, click Create Another to capture a different frame.

  4. Select Create layer an add to map.
  5. Click Submit.

    The captured video frame is added to the map.

  6. Click Save to save the resulting Media Layer.

Download the video frame

To download the captured video frame do the following:

  1. Click Tools in the canvas.
  2. Click Video Frame in the Export Tools list.
  3. Click Create to capture the current video frame that is displayed.

    A preview of the frame appears. Alternatively, click Create Another to capture a different frame.

  4. SelectDownload file.
  5. Type a unique file name.
  6. Click Submit

    The file is available in the browser's default download location, and the option to upload the video frame appears.

    Upload a snapshot of a video frame to a portal or ArcGIS Online account. If working in the Canvas view through an ad-hoc workflow, the video frame is saved in My Content. If the video frame is captured within an existing Excalibur project, the video frame is saved to the Excalibur project folder.

  7. Click Upload, or drag a file to the area. Alternatively, click Skip Upload to skip the upload and continue.

A notification appears in the App Notices center stating the video frame was uploaded and saved to the online account as a new item.

Video Clip

Video Clip selects a start time and end time using the video being played in the Focus Panel and exports the selected video clip as an .mp4, .ts, or .mov file. This tool is only available if a video player is in use as the connected analysis layer.

To use Video Clip do the following:

  1. Click Tools in the canvas.
  2. Click Video Clip in the Export Tools list.
  3. Select Clip Start and Clip End times.

    A preview of the video clip appears. Alternatively, click Use current playback time to set value to use the current video time in the input.

  4. Type a file name for the video clip.
  5. Select the output file format
    • .mp4
    • .ts
    • .mov
  6. Select the output video resolution. The options will change based on the selected video.
  7. Click Export Clip.

    The output file is added to the browser's default download location.

Attachment Report

Attachment Report creates and configures a report that highlights the attachments available on the project observation layers. This report provides a simple and immersive experience for sharing analysis with others.

To create an attachment report do the following:

  1. Click Tools in the canvas.
  2. Click Attachment Report in the Export Tools list.
  3. Type a Report Title.
  4. Optionally, add Tags.
  5. Select Folder to choose a folder to publish the report. The project folder is selected by default.
  6. Select configuration options as needed: layout style, theme, and observations with attachments.
  7. Click Create Report.

    The report is published to the portal account in the folder selected during configuration. It is also added within Project Details on the Products tab.

  8. Choose the sharing level for this report and click Update Sharing if any changes are made.
  9. Click View Report.

    The report opens in a new tab as an Attachment Viewer web app to further analyze the attachments on the observation layers in the project.