Publish hosted observation layers

ArcGIS 11.2    |

Observation layers can be used in projects to collect features from imagery and video. See Add observation layers to learn more about observation layers.

To create an observation layer, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to the  Publish New Hosted Web Layers  area from the home page or the side navigation menu. 
  2. Click Observation Layer.
  3. Provide the following information:
    • Layer Title (required)
    • Summary
    • Layer Tags (required)
  4. Choose to share your observation layer with your organization or to keep it private and click  Next. 
  5. Define the layer's geometry type by choosing between Points, Polygons, or Lines.
  6. Optionally, you can add additional fields to the base schema by providing the following:
    • Field Name
    • Display Name
    • Data Type

    You can also enable or disable attachments for this observation layer by clicking  Enable Attachments on or off.

  7. Optionally, you can define a pick list (domain of coded values or range) for the new field by selecting  Coded Values  or  Range. 

    A Range domain cannot be made for a new field of type String.

  8. Enter a value for the Name  and  Code  parameters for each domain in your pick list, ensuring you add each domain to the list.
  9. After all domains are added to the new field, click  Add Field. 
  10. Repeat steps 6 through 10 until all additional fields are added to the base schema.
  11. Click Next when finished.
  12. Choose your observation layer styling based on a single symbol by clicking  Single Symbol  or on unique values by clicking  Unique Values.

    By default, the  Single Symbol  styling option is selected and is based on the geometry type you chose in the observation layer details step. 

  13. Choose the Single Symbol style properties for your layer:
    • Points—Size, style, color, outline, and transparency 
    • Lines—Outline, fill, outline width, and transparency 
    • Polygons—Color, width, and transparency 
  14. If Unique Values styling is desired, choose the Unique Values option to style your layer based on a coded value.

    The Unique Values option is unavailable if the observation layer does not contain coded value domains. Range domains are not supported for styling.

  15. Choose the field that you want to style your observation layer on that contains coded value domains from the  Available Fields  pick list.

    The coded values table is populated with all values in the selected field. 

  16. Click each style icon in the coded values table and change the style properties.
  17. Click Next.
  18. Review the summary of your choices and click  Publish Layer  to create the observation layer. 

    A status indicator appears while your new observation layer is created. 

  19. After your new observation layer is created successfully, you can click  Create Another Layer  to create more layers.

    If you choose to add more observation project layers, you return to the  Create an Observation Layer  step.