Publish hosted observation layers

ArcGIS 11.3    |

Observation layers can be used in projects to collect features from imagery and video. See Add observation layers to learn more about observation layers.

To publish a new observation layer, complete the following steps:

  1. Browse to the  Publish New Hosted Web Layers  area from the home page or the Publish Layer button on the side navigation menu. When publishing a new observation layer within an Excalibur project, navigate to the Observation Layer tab and click Add Layer > Define your own layer.. 
  2. Provide information for the following details:
    • Layer Name
    • Define the layer's geometry type by choosing Points, Polygons, or Lines.
  3. Choose to add the Excalibur Calculated Fields and Analyst Comments Field to the layer. 

    You will be able to edit additional layer information, add/remove fields, edit the layer styling, and edit specific layer settings after the layer is published.

  4. Click Create Layer.

    The new layer appears in the Observation Layers tab and a notification appears verifying that the layer was created.

Configure an observation layer

After the creation of an observation layer, choose to configure the layer after it is published or at a later point. The Configure Observation Layer page appears immediately after the layer is published. To learn more about configuring an observation layer, see Congifure an observation layer.