Apply search filters

ArcGIS 11.2    |

The search filters help you refine your results when searching for imagery or video. These search filters are heavily based on your active search service as the metadata within this service defines which filters are available for use. If the active image service contains the supported metadata, you can apply the following filters: Date Range, Cloud Cover, Predicted NIIRS, and Obliquity. If the metadata for these filters does not exist in your active search service, these filters will not display in the Filters tab. An Area of Interest filter will always be available regardless of your active search service and will be the only filter available for video services.

Once a search filter is applied and a search is run, the map pans and zooms to the extent of the results, footprints appear on the map, and results appear on the Results tab, if images or video from the active layer exist based on the defined filters.

If no images or video from the active layer exist based on the defined filters, a message stating such appears on the Results tab.

Since there are multiple search filters you can enable at a time, you can view a summary of your current search filters below the search map.

Apply an area of interest filter

You can use the geometry tools on the Filters tab to discover imagery or video within a specific area of interest. The area of interest filter is the only filter available for video services.

To apply an area of interest filter, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Filters tab, expand Area of Interest Filter.
  2. Click a geometry to search for imagery or video where the footprints intersect with the defined area of interest:
    • Point—Click the map to drop a point.
    • Rectangle—Click and drag the map to draw a rectangle.
    • Line—Click the map to draw a segment. Double-click to complete the line. (imagery only)
    • Polygon—Click the map to define a side. Double-click to complete the polygon. (imagery only)
    • Circle—Click and drag the map to draw a circle. (imagery only)
  3. Once a geometry has been drawn on the map, click Run Search to perform a search based on the defined geometry.
  4. Optionally, click Clear All Graphics or Reset to remove the geometry graphic from the map.

When using an area of interest filter against a video layer, a list of markers is returned that identifies the number of times the specified location intersects with the video coverage and the duration of each marker. These markers will appear on the video player timeline when connecting to the Canvas view with the video layer.

Use the Cloud Cover filter

The Cloud Cover filter allows you to narrow your search results based on the maximum cloud cover percentage you want returned. Once the filter is set, only those images whose cloud cover metadata does not exceed the specified value are returned.

To use the Cloud Cover Filter:

  1. Click the Filters tab.
  2. Expand the Cloud Cover Filter.
  3. Move the slider to your desired maximum cloud coverage percentage. Optionally, enter the percentage you would like to apply.

    The indicated percentage appears above the slider and changes dynamically.

  4. Click Run Search to complete your search.

Use the Date Range Filter

The Date Range Filter allows you to narrow your search results based on a preferred start date, end date, or range. If a specific time frame is chosen, all images from the specified range will be returned. If only a start date or end date is specified, all images after the start date and before the end date are returned respectively. If the active image service does not have metadata based on time, this filter will not appear.

To use the date range filter, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Filters tab.
  2. Expand the Date Range Filter.
  3. Choose your desired start date or end date from the calendar picker.

    Your specified date range appears.

  4. Note:

    By default, the Date Range Filter will be set to the oldest image (Start Date) and the newest image (End Date) in the collection. You cannot pick a date beyond this date range threshold.

  5. Additionally, you can use Date Presets to conduct a search. You have the following choices:
    • Last Day
    • Last 2 Days
    • Last Week
    • Last Month
    • Last Year
  6. Click Run Search to complete your search.

Use the Predicted NIIRS Filter

The Predicted NIIRS Filter allows you to narrow your search results based on the minimum amount of detail you want to see in your imagery. This filter ranges from 0.1 to 9.0 increasing every tenth (0.1) of a decimal. Once the filter is set, only those images whose Predicted NIIRS values are equal to or above your specified value are returned.

To use the Predicted NIIRS Filter, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Filters tab.
  2. Expand the Predicted NIIRS Filter.
  3. Move the slider to your desired Predicted NIIRS value.

    The indicated value appears beside the slider and changes dynamically.

  4. Click Run Search to complete your search.

Use the Obliquity filter

The Obliquity Filter allows you to narrow your search results based on the minimum obliquity angle. Once the filter is set, only those images whose degrees of obliqueness are equal to or above your specified value are returned.

To use the Obliquity Filter, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Filters tab.
  2. Expand the Obliquity Filter.
  3. Move the slider to your preferred degrees of obliqueness. Optionally, enter the desired degrees.

    The indicated degree of obliqueness appears on the top of the slider and changes dynamically.

  4. Click Run Search to complete your search.