Access the layers list

ArcGIS 11.2    |

The Layers List allows you to view and interact with layers in the canvas view. Layers include the web service you are connected to, its corresponding footprints, mark up and measurements, and any additional context or project layers that are added to your canvas. There are three different layer types in the layers list:

  • Imagery Layers—Any focused layers that are associated directly with the imagery within the canvas view that were selected. This will include the connected web service and its corresponding footprints. These will not appear if you are connected to an ArcGIS Video Layer.
  • Context Layers—Any non-imagery, non-video, and non-project collection layers, including the mark up and measurement layers, and context layers that are included in a web map selected for an Excalibur project.
  • Project Layers—Any editable collection layers that were added to the Excalibur project.

    The Project Layers are only visible when you open an Excalibur project containing an observation layer.

To access the Layers List and turn layers on and off, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Layers in the canvas.

    The Layers List appears with all available layers currently in the canvas. All layers are toggled on as visible by default.

  2. Click the visibility button to turn the layer on or off in the Map Panel and Focus Panel.

    The web layer and corresponding image footprints are not available to turn on in the Focus Panel.

  3. Additional reference layers that are used for context can be included in the canvas when you're working on an Excalibur project. If layers are included in an Excalibur project, they appear in the Layers List and can be turned on and off.

Change layer transparency

Sometimes context and project layers are overlaid on top of imagery or the basemap, and important objects are prevented from being viewed. The Layers List transparency tool allows you to alter the transparency of the layers, so you can control the visibility of each layer.

By default, all layers have no transparency applied and are fully visible. Complete the following steps to use the transparency tool:

  1. Click the Actions button on a layer within the Layers List that you want to change the transparency on.
  2. Adjust the slider to your preference.

Zoom to a layer

Using the Zoom To functionality allows you to zoom directly to the extent of any given layer. To use the Zoom To button, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Actions button on a layer in the Layers List that you want to zoom to.
  2. Click the Zoom To button.

Time slider

The Time Slider tool is available for Project Layers in the Layers List and can be used to filter your project layers based on time. To learn more about the time slider tool and how it works, see Editable collection layers.