Use analysis tools

ArcGIS 11.2    |

The analysis tools contain features to highlight areas of interest through mark up, labeling, and measurement. Each analysis tool can only be used in the Map Panel when a video layer is the primary analysis layer.

Use the Mark Up tool

The Mark Up tool allows you to create simple graphics on top of the map using text and shape elements to call attention to areas of interest.

Create mark up

To create mark up, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Tools menu in the canvas.
  2. In the Analysis Tools list, click Mark Up.
  3. Choose a geometry.
    • Point—Click the map to drop a point.
    • Line—Click the map to draw a line segment. Double-click to complete the line.
    • Rectangle—Click and drag the map to draw a rectangle.
    • Polygon—Click the map to draw at least three segments. Double-click to complete the polygon.
    • Text label—Type text in the input box and click the map to drop a label.


    You can create mark up in the Map Panel if you are connected to a video layer.

  4. Optionally, prior to drawing mark up, customize mark up with the following options based on the geometry you choose:
    • Size
    • Style
    • Outline
    • Fill
    • Width
    • Transparency
    • Font Color (Text label only)
    • Font Size (Text label only)
    • Name
    • Description

To edit or delete an existing mark up, open the Mark Up tool and click directly on the corresponding mark up graphic on the image. To delete all mark up, click the Clear All Mark Up button. All graphics will be deleted.


You can save mark up as a feature collection when an Excalibur project is created or saved. For more information, see Save markup to a project.

Use the Count tool

The Count tool allows you to count objects in your imagery manually by marking each object with a graphic. The Count tool places a point graphic where you click and keeps a total count associated with each point graphic as it is added.

To count objects within your imagery, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Tools menu in the canvas view.
  2. In the Analysis Tools list, click Count.
  3. Optionally, in Style Properties, change the following properties of the point graphic that will be created in the Map Panel:
    • Fill Color
    • Outline Color
    • Size
    • Style
  4. Optionally, in Count Options, set the following:
    • Start At—The number that the count will begin at once a count is started (1–100).
    • Increment By—The increment that the count will increase after the first count graphic is added (1–10).

    For example, if you set Start At to 2 and Increment By to 2, the following pattern would be expected: 2, 4, 6, 8, ….

  5. Click Reset to reset the style properties and count options and to clear any current count graphics in the Map Panel.
  6. Once the style properties and count options are set, click Start Count to begin counting in the Map Panel.
  7. Click in the Map Panel to create a count graphic at that location. Continue clicking to add additional count graphics.

    The Count Total value updates based on the count start and increment.

  8. Optionally, once count graphics are added on the map, set the following:
    • Undo Last Count—Removes the last count graphic that was placed in the Map Panel. You can continue to use this to undo action for a sequential removal of count graphics.
    • Clear Count—Removes all count graphics from the Map Panel.
  9. Click Stop Count when the count workflow is complete.

You can change the Increment By setting when an active count has been stopped.

Use the Measure tool

The Measure tool allows you to measure horizontal and vertical distances, areas, and feature locations on an image in map space when connected to a video layer.

To calculate measurements in the Map Panel, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Tools menu in the canvas.
  2. In the Analysis Tools list, click Measure.

    The measurement type will be set to Map Measurements.

  3. Click a measurement to perform.
  4. From the drop-down list, choose the units to display.

    The available units to display will be based on the measurement type selected.

  5. Click the map to create a measurement.

    The Measurement Results List automatically populates based on the units selected.

  6. Optionally, select one or more of the following:
    • Hide measurement on map—Turns the visibility of the measurement off.
    • Hide label on map—Turns the visibility of the measurement label off.
    • Copy to clipboard—Copies the results to the clipboard.
    • Clear from list—Removes the measurement from the map and the Measurements Results list.

    If the measurement conducted was a Distance measurement type with multiple vertices, the segments will appear in the Measurement Results list where information and options for each segment can be viewed and turned on or off.

  7. Click Clear All to remove all measurements from the Map Panel and the Measurements Results list.