Access the more menu

ArcGIS 11.2    |

The More menu contains additional options for your imagery or video.

View focus layer information

You can learn more information about your layer by viewing the REST Services Directory. This displays information such as the map extent, data (service) type, server name or URL, operations allowed and service restrictions, and the native coordinate system of the service.

To navigate to the REST Services Directory, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the More menu in the canvas.
  2. Click Focus Layer Information.

    A new tab will open with the REST Services Directory listing your information.

View Excalibur project details

You can learn more about your Excalibur project by accessing the project details. The Project Details page is where you can view important information and details about the Excalibur project. You can also add additional capabilities to an Excalibur project on the Project Details page.

To view the Project Details page:

  1. Click the More menu in the canvas.
  2. Click Project Details.

To learn more about the Project Details page, see Project Details.

Change connected layers

After connecting to the canvas with a WMS or WMTS URL, you can change the connected sublayer to view a different one from that service.

  1. Click the More in the canvas.
  2. Click Change connected layers.

    A dialog box appears allowing you to select layers to connect to.

  3. Select a different layer to view in the canvas and click Connect. Alternatively, click Return to return to the canvas view with the same connected layer.