Use the Go-to Coordinate tool

ArcGIS 11.2    |

The Go-to Coordinate tool allows you to input coordinates using one coordinate system and output to different coordinate systems using multiple notation formats. You can input a coordinate to quickly pan-to and center on the corresponding location on the map or capture any coordinate location by clicking directly in the map view. The Go-to Coordinate tool appears when you are in the canvas view and is always visible.

Go to a coordinate

You can pan to and center on a coordinate by entering a coordinate in the input box. To go to a coordinate, complete the following steps:

  1. Open an Excalibur project or connect to the canvas of an analysis layer.
  2. Locate the Go-to Coordinate tool at the bottom of the canvas.
  3. Enter a coordinate and select a format using the Select Coordinate Format drop-down menu.

    The default format is XY.

  4. Click Go.

    A location pin centers and pans in the Map Panel. If the Focus Panel is open and a non-video layer is the focus analysis layer, the location pin will center and pan on the image if it is in the extent.

  5. Note:
    An error message appears if the coordinate is invalid or if the coordinate is outside the Image Focus extent.
  6. Use the Select Coordinate Format drop-down menu to change the format of the coordinate.
  7. Click Copy Coordinate to copy the coordinate or click Clear Coordinate to remove the coordinate.

When you enter a new coordinate in the Go-to Coordinate tool, the location pin on the map will be removed.

Capture a coordinate

You can capture any coordinate location by clicking directly in the Map Panel using the Capture Coordinate button. To use the Capture Coordinate button, complete the following steps:

  1. Open an Excalibur project or connect to the canvas of an analysis layer.
  2. Locate the Go-to Coordinate tool at the bottom of the map view.
  3. Click Capture Coordinate.

    The pointer turns into crosshairs when in the capture mode.

  4. Click the map to capture the coordinate at that location.

    The coordinate appears in the Go-to Coordinate tool. A location pin centers and pans in the Map Panel. If the Focus Panel is open and a non-video layer is the focus analysis layer, the location pin will center and pan on the image if it is in the image extent.

  5. Note:
    An error message appears if a coordinate is invalid or if a coordinate is outside the Image Focus extent.
  6. Use the Select Coordinate Format drop-down menu to change the format of the coordinate.

    The default format is XY.

  7. Click Copy Coordinate to copy the coordinate or click Clear Coordinate to remove the coordinate.

When you use the Capture Coordinate tool to search for a new coordinate, the location pin will be removed.

Flash a location

The Flash tool allows you to identify a location between the Map Panel and Focus Panel if you are using Split View. In some situations, one panel may be at a different extent than the other, and it can become confusing when trying to identify a location from one panel to the other. Using the Flash tool will quickly flash and center on the location in the panel that is clicked and in the opposite panel at the corresponding location. The Flash tool appears when you are in the canvas view and is only available when using Split View.

To flash a location between panels, complete the following steps:

  1. Open an Excalibur project or connect to the canvas of an analysis layer.
  2. Open the Image Metadata table and set an image as the focus image to open Split View. If you are connected to a video layer, then Split View will be open by default.
  3. Locate the Flash tool at the bottom of the canvas.
  4. Click the Flash tool to activate it and then click on either the Map Panel or Focus Panel.

    A flash will appear on the location clicked and will also appear in the corresponding location in the opposite panel while both views are centered on this location.