Create a new imagery project

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You can create a new imagery project using the guided workflow in ArcGIS Excalibur. The guided workflow walks you through each step to ensure that all resources required to create an imagery project are addressed. In addition to the guided workflow, there is an advanced option to create an imagery project in a single step by uploading an imagery project definition file.

Guided workflow

You can create a new imagery project using the guided workflow in ArcGIS Excalibur. The guided workflow walks you through each step to ensure that all resources required to create an imagery project are addressed.

You can cancel the guided workflow or return to a previous step at any time. You can also ignore optional steps if you don't need them for your imagery project.

Identify imagery

The first step in creating an imagery project is identifying the imagery to be used in the project. If you already have imagery from the Queued Images tab in the imagery catalog search or from the imagery exploitation canvas, you can start the guided workflow at Select a project type. If you don't have imagery for your project identified, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Create a New Imagery Project view, select an imagery layer from the Imagery Layer Selector.

    The imagery layers in the selector are the image services that are available to you from your content and your organization's content in your portal.

  2. Click Select.

    The imagery search catalog opens, where a search is automatically run on the selected imagery layer.

  3. Select the images on the Search Results tab to add them to the Queued Images tab.
  4. Click the Queued Images tab and click the Create New Project button to begin creating your project.

Select a project type

Select a project type. A project type provides a focused set of tools you can use when working on the imagery project.

  1. Click the imagery project type check box for the project type you want to use.
  2. Click the Next button.

Define project details

Provide information that describes your imagery project and what needs to be accomplished.

  1. Provide information for the following parameters:

    • Title (required)
    • Summary (optional)
    • Instructions(required)
    • Tags (required)

  2. Choose to share your project with your organization or to keep it private.
  3. Click Next.

Select a web map

You can optionally choose a web map to include in your project. A web map can contain reference layers that provide context for your imagery task. This is an optional step; if you don't choose a web map, the default web map from your portal is used.

  1. Choose a web map using the web map picker.

    Only one web map can be chosen.

  2. Click Next.
  3. Alternatively, if you don't want to include a specific web map, click Skip.

The item details of each web map are available from the item picker below each option. When clicked on, the item details page will load in a separate tab.

Select observation layers

If you chose an observation imagery project type, you must select at least one observation layer by choosing an existing observation layer or creating a new observation layer. If you chose a base imagery project type, this step is not included in the guided workflow you'll move on to Project summary.

Select existing observation layers

If you chose an existing observation layer, the observation layer picker will appear containing available feature layers that are properly tagged with the observation layer tag. One or more observation layers can be selected from this list.

To select an existing observation layer:

  1. After clicking the existing observation layer option, choose at least one observation layer using the observation layer picker.

    A dialog will appear if the layer you chose is invalid or is not time enabled. If the layer you chose is not time enabled and you are the layer owner, you will have the option to enable the time settings. You may also choose to dismiss the warning, but the layer will have limited time-based capabilities in your imagery project.

  2. Click Next.

The item details of each existing observation layer are available from the item picker below each option. When clicked on, the item details page will load in a separate tab.

Create a new observation layer

If you chose to create a new observation layer, you will step through an experience that allows you to either choose the base observation layer schema or to add additional fields to the base schema to quickly get started with your observation collection tasks.

  1. After clicking the Create a New Observation Layer option, provide information for the following details:
    • Layer Title (required)
    • Layer Geometry Type (required)
    • Layer Tags (required)

    The spatial reference of your new observation layer will be set to the spatial reference of your selected imagery in your project.

  2. Choose to share your observation layer with your organization or to keep it private, and click Next.
  3. If the base observation layer schema is all that is desired, click Next.
  4. Optionally, you can begin adding an additional field to the base schema by providing a:
    • Field Name
    • Field Alias
    • Field Type
  5. If desired, you can define a picklist (domain of coded values or range) for the new field by selecting Coded Values or Range.

    A Range domain cannot be made for a new field of type String.

  6. Enter a Name and Code for each domain in your picklist ensuring you add each domain to the list.
  7. After all domains are added to the new field, click Add Field.
  8. Repeat steps 4-7 until all additional fields are added to the base schema.
  9. Click Next when finished.
  10. Choose your observation layer styling based on a Single Symbol or Unique Values

    By default, the Single Symbol styling option is selected and is based on the geometry type you chose on the observation layer details step.

  11. Choose the single symbol style properties for your layer.
    • Points: size, style, color, and outline
    • Lines: select color and width
    • Polygons: outline, fill, and outline width
  12. If a unique values styling is desired, choose the Unique Values option to style your layer based on a coded value.

    The Unique Values option will be disabled if your new observation layer does not contain any coded value domains. Range domains are not supported for styling.

  13. Choose the field that you want to style your observation layer off of that contains coded value domains from the Available Fields picklist.

    The coded values table will populate with all values within the selected Field.

  14. Click on each style icon in the coded values table and change the style properties.
  15. Click Next when finished.
  16. Review a summary of the choices you just made and click Create to create your new observation layer.

    A status indicator will display while your new observation layer is created

  17. After your new observation layer is created successfully, click Next to view your Project Summary or click Add Another Observation Layer to add more layers.

    If you choose to add more observation project layers, you will be brought back to the Add More Observation Project Layers step.

    A summary of your observation layers you created will appear before moving to the next step.

Project summary

This is the last step in the guided workflow. It is a summary of what you've chosen for your imagery project. If any edits need to be made, click the Back button to make the appropriate changes. Once everything is confirmed, complete the following steps to create your imagery project:

  1. Click the Create Project button to create your imagery project.

    Your new imagery project is created.

  2. After the imagery project creation succeeds, click to open the project or to view the projects list.

Upload an imagery project definition file

In addition to the guided workflow, there is an advanced option to create an imagery project in a single step by uploading an imagery project definition file. A properly formatted JSON file must be provided to successfully create an imagery project.

To upload an imagery project definition file, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Create a New Imagery Project view either from the ArcGIS Excalibur home page or using the left-side navigation.
  2. In the Create a New Imagery Project view, click the Advanced Option button.
  3. Click Browse for an Imagery Project Definition file and browse to the properly formatted JSON file.
  4. Click the project to open it or to view the projects list.

The examples below provide sample JSON correctly formatted for the base and observation imagery project types.

Base imagery project JSON

The formatted JSON example of a base imagery project type below includes the following:

  • Project details
  • Project instructions
  • Image from an image service
  "itemInfo": {
	"title": "Title of project",
	"summary": "Summary of project.",
	"projectType": "base"
  "itemData": {
	"instructions": "Project instructions.",
	"rasterIds": [1],
	"serviceUrl": "Imagery Web Service URL"
  "version": "1.0"

Observation imagery project JSON

The formatted JSON example of an observation imagery project type below includes the following:

  • Project details
  • Project instructions
  • Image from an image service
  • Web map
  • Project details
  • Editable collection layer
  "itemInfo": {
	"title": "Title of project",
	"summary": "Summary of project.",
	"projectType": "observation"
  "itemData": {
	"instructions": "Project instructions",
	"rasterIds": [1, 4, 7],
	"observationLayers": [{
	  "itemId": "Observation layer item ID",
	  "type": "Feature Layer"
	"serviceUrl": "Imagery Web Service URL",
	"webmapId": "Web Map item ID"
  "version": "1.0"