Publish the World Places Locator service

This 7.2 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

The data resources required for deploying World Places Locator are included on Collection B, which is available with all ArcGIS Data Appliance 7.2 product options.

The World_Places_Locator\New\locators\worldplaces folder contains the following three files:

  • Worldplaces.loc
  • Worldplaces.loz

The following instructions are available to assist you in deploying World Places Locator on your system:

  • For information about supported environments, see System requirements.
  • If you previously used World Places Locator (ESRI_Places World) from ArcGIS Data Appliance 7.1, you need to delete this service from ArcGIS Server.
  • To use World Places Locator with ArcGIS Server, you need to deploy it using ArcGIS Server Manager.

The steps below describe the deployment process for ArcGIS Server 10.6.1 or later.

Copy the worldplaces folder to ArcGIS Server

Copy the worldplaces folder from ArcGIS Data Appliance (World_Places_Locator\New\locators\worldplaces) to your ArcGIS server, for example, C:\locators\worldplaces. You can use Windows copy and paste tools or another copy utility.

Publish World Places Locator on ArcGIS

Using ArcGIS Server Manager, you can publish the World Places Locator service definition file (.sd) as a service.


The service definition file,, is created with the data path C:\locators\worldplaces. If your data is stored in a different location, you need to use ArcGIS Pro 2.5.1 or later to publish a geocode service.

  1. Start ArcGIS Server Manager and sign in.
  2. Click Services > Manage Services > Publish Service.
  3. Browse to the locators > worldplaces folder on your GIS server, for example, C:\locators\worldplaces.
  4. Select and click Next.
  5. On the Specify properties dialog box, make sure that Name is ESRI_Places_World and Type is Geocode Service. Leave Folder set to Existing, and check Start service immediately. Click Next.
  6. Click Publish to publish the service definition as a service.

The published service screen appears for the ESRI_Places_World geocode service indicating Status: Started. The new geocode service appears in the list of available services.

For more information about ArcGIS Server and .sd files, see Publish service definition files.