Publish the elevation analysis services

This 7.2 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

If you want to create elevation profiles from the world elevation data, you need to publish the Elevation and ElevationSync geoprocessing services on ArcGIS Server 10.6.1 or later with an Advanced license. You also must have either an ArcGIS Desktop 10.6.1 or later Standard or Advanced license. Before publishing the services, you must repair the data paths of the source mosaic datasets to point to the ArcGIS Data Appliance path in your network.

Repair the paths to the image files referenced by the source mosaic datasets

When ArcGIS Data Appliance is deployed in your network, the paths to the image files are changed, and the source mosaic datasets need to be repaired so that the new paths are used. You can find the mosaic datasets consumed by the elevation geoprocessing services in the following file geodatabase:


where <server-ip> is the network IP or server name of the data appliance. You need ArcGIS Desktop Standard or Advanced to perform this task.

List of available mosaic dataset names

The dataset names that begin with D_ are derived mosaic datasets. The dataset names that begin with R_ are referenced mosaic datasets. Derived mosaic datasets are used to merge multiple source mosaic datasets, primarily to enable different collections of imagery to be accessed via one source. A referenced mosaic dataset is a new mosaic dataset that references an existing mosaic dataset but can redefine some properties and also include additional functions such as hillshade.

Repair the paths for the derived mosaic datasets

Follow the steps below to repair the paths for mosaic datasets located under \\<server-ip>\CollectionB_source_documents\data\WorldElevation\ElevationGP\MD\:

  1. Click Open to open the Catalog window in ArcMap and browse to \\<server-ip>\CollectionB_source_documents\data\WorldElevation\scripts\.
  2. In the Catalog Tree window, expand WorldElevation.tbx and double-click the Repair mosaic dataset paths tool.

    Catalog Tree window with WorldElevation.tbx expanded

    The Repair mosaic dataset paths dialog box appears.

  3. In the GDB Full Path field, insert the UNC path, for example \\<server-ip>\CollectionB_source_documents\data\WorldElevation\ElevationGP\MD\ElevationGP.gdb, where <server-ip> is the network IP or server name of the data appliance.

    Repair mosaic dataset paths window showing GDB Full Path, Old Path, and New Path

  4. In the Old Path field, insert V:. For the New Path, insert the UNC path, for example, \\<server-ip>\CollectionB_source_documents\data, where <server-ip> is the network IP or server name of the data appliance.
  5. Click OK to apply the changes.

    The tool repairs paths for the D_DTM_30m, D_DTM_10m, D_SRTM_GEBCO_ZERO, R_1000m_GEBCO, R_10m_GEBCO, R_30m_GEBCO, and R_90m_GEBCO mosaic datasets.


    The R_10m_GEBCO dataset references D_DTM_10m, the R_30m_GEBCO dataset references D_DTM_30m, and both the R_90m_GEBCO and R_1000m_GEBCO datasets reference D_SRTM_GEBCO_ZERO.

Create the data source map document

Follow the steps below to create the data source map document:

  1. Open ArcMap as a blank document.
  2. In the Catalog window, browse to \\<server-ip>\CollectionB_source_documents\data\WorldElevation\ElevationGP\Layers, where <server-ip> is the network IP or server name of the data appliance. Drag the following two layers to ArcMap:
    • footprints103090_credit.lyr
    • footprints103090prf.lyr

    When you perform this step (and the next step), make sure you drag the layers or datasets from a full UNC path, and do not use any mapped network drive. If the map document contains any mapped network drive letter in the data source paths, it may cause problems for the geoprocessing services. The best practice is to disconnect any mapped network drives before you perform these steps and reconnect them after you are done setting up the geoprocessing services.

  3. Browse to the elevation tools source data file geodatabase: \\<server-ip>\CollectionB_source_documents\data\WorldElevation\ElevationGP\MD\ElevationGP.gdb, where <server-ip> is the network IP or server name of the data appliance. Drag the following referenced mosaic datasets to ArcMap:
    • R_1000m_GEBCO
    • R_10m_GEBCO
    • R_30m_GEBCO
    • R_90m_GEBCO

    If a Geographic Coordinate System Warning message appears during this process, click the Close button to close the dialog box and ignore the message. After this step, the ArcMap table of contents should look similar to the following:

    table of contents listing layers and tools

  4. Click the ArcMap Save button to save the map document as ElevationGP.mxd to a local folder (for example, in the folder C:\temp), and close ArcMap.
  5. Open Windows Explorer and copy ElevationGP.mxd from your local machine to the following location: \\<server-ip>\CollectionB_source_documents\data\WorldElevation\ElevationGP\MapDocuments, where <server-ip> is the network IP or server name of the data appliance.

Publish the elevation geoprocessing services

You can create the elevation geoprocessing services by publishing their service definition files to ArcGIS Server using ArcGIS Server Manager.

  1. Open ArcGIS Server Manager and sign in.
  2. Click Services > Manage Services > Publish Service.
  3. Browse to source_documents > service_definitions on the Data Appliance data collection, for example, \\<server-ip>\CollectionB_source_documents\service_definitions.

    The following two service definition files for the elevation geoprocessing services are in this folder:

    • is for publishing a synchronous elevation geoprocessing service, and is for publishing an asynchronous elevation geoprocessing service.

  4. Select the service definition for the synchronous elevation geoprocessing service,, and click Open.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Accept the default service name in the Publish Service window. Accept the default folder to publish the service to the site root folder.

    Publish Service window for ElevationSync service

  7. Click Next.
  8. Optionally choose the GIS server cluster that will host the published service definition.

    To learn more, see Upgrade a multiple-cluster site for Windows.

  9. Click Publish to publish the service definition as a service.
  10. Repeat steps 2–9 to publish the file to ArcGIS Server as a geoprocessing service.

The new Elevation and ElevationSync geoprocessing services appear in the list of available services under the root folder.

Add a mapFile property to the geoprocessing service properties

The new geoprocessing service needs to be associated with a map document that contains all the source data layers to function properly. You can do this by adding a mapFile property to its service properties.

  1. Sign in to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory using the URL http://<server name>:6080/arcgis/admin.

    ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory

  2. Click services to view the available services under the root folder.
  3. Click the ElevationSync geoprocessing services that you published to this folder.

    This takes you to the service properties page.

    ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory

  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Edit.
  5. On the Edit GPServer page, scroll down and locate the properties section.
  6. Add a mapFile property to a new line at the beginning of the properties section. The mapFile property points to the data source map document (ElevationGP.mxd) that you created earlier, which is available in the following data appliance folder: \\<server-ip>\CollectionB_source_documents\data\WorldElevation\ElevationGP\MapDocuments\ElevationGP.mxd, where <server-ip> is the network IP or server name of the data appliance.

    The following is an example of the text to insert: "mapFile": "\\\\<server-ip>\\CollectionB_source_documents\\data\\WorldElevation\\ElevationGP\\MapDocuments\\ElevationGP.mxd",

    Notice that two backslashes are used to separate folders from subfolders.

    Edit GPServer with highlighted text example

  7. Click Save Edits to save and restart the geoprocessing service.
  8. Repeat steps 3–7 for the Elevation asynchronous geoprocessing service to set up the mapFile property.