ArcGIS Data Appliance 2022 content

This 2022 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

A data appliance collection is a set of drives containing data and resources required for publishing services. Data Appliance collections are composed of the following contents:

Collection Number of terabyte (TB) drivesContents

Collection 1

2 14-TB drives

Includes the World Imagery basemap (published as a 2D map service), World Hillshade, World Hillshade (Dark) and World Ocean Base layers, at small and medium scales down to 1:72,000 (Level [L] 13), where available; the Arctic and Antarctic services; World Elevation (published as 2D and 3D image services) and elevation analysis services for the World Basic product option.

Collection 2

7 14-TB drives

Includes the World Imagery basemap (published as a 2D map service), World Hillshade, World Hillshade (Dark) and World Ocean Base layers with content for the world to 1:1,000, but with limited availability from 1:9,000 to 1:1,000 (L16–L19); the Arctic and Antarctic services; World Elevation (published as 2D and 3D image services) and elevation analysis services for the World Standard product option.

Collection 3

18 14-TB drives

Includes the World Imagery basemap (published as a 2D map service), World Hillshade, World Hillshade (Dark) and World Ocean Base layers with content for the world to 1:282 (L21), where available; the Arctic and Antarctic services; World Elevation (published as 2D and 3D image services) and elevation analysis services for the World Advanced product option.

Collection 4

5 14-TB drives

Includes the World Imagery basemap (published as a 2D map service), World Hillshade, World Hillshade (Dark) and World Ocean Base layers with content for North America to 1:1,000, but with limited availability from 1:9,000 to 1:1,000 (L16–L19); the Arctic and Antarctic services; World Elevation (published as 2D and 3D image services) and elevation analysis services for the North America Standard product option.

Collection 5

9 14-TB drives

Includes World Imagery basemap (published as a 2D map service), World Hillshade, World Hillshade (Dark) and World Ocean Base layers with content for North America to 1:282 (L21), where available; the Arctic and Antarctic services; World Elevation (published as 2D and 3D image services) and elevation analysis services for the North America Advanced product option.

Basic Legacy

2 4-TB drives

Includes all legacy raster basemap and reference maps (published as 2D map services) at small and medium scales down to 1:72,000 (L13), where available, for the World Basic product option.

World Legacy

8 14-TB drives

Includes all legacy raster basemaps and reference maps (published as 2D map services) with small through large scales down to 1:1,000 (L19), where available, for the World Standard and Advanced product options.

North America Legacy

5 14-TB drives

Includes all legacy raster basemaps and reference maps (published as 2D map services) for the North America Standard and Advanced product options. Map cache includes small through large scales with content for North America down to 1:1,000 (L19), where available.

Esri Vector Basemaps


Ships separately on a USB flash drive and includes all vector basemap styles (published as vector tile layers on a portal) and two vector tile packages (published as hosted vector tile services) for the World Standard and Advanced, North America Standard and Advanced, and the Esri Vector Basemaps product options.

OpenStreetMap Vector Basemaps


Ships separately on a USB flash drive and includes all vector basemap styles (published as vector tile layers on a portal) and two vector tile packages (published as hosted vector tile services) for the World Standard and Advanced, North America Standard and Advanced, and the OpenStreetMap Vector Basemaps product options.

The ArcGIS Data Appliance 2022 Reference Content USB flash drive with help documentation and the World Places Locator is included depending on your product option.


This is the last update for Legacy collections.

For details on the services available with each product option, see the Data Appliance service summary table below.

Data Appliance service summary

The following tables summarize the differences between the services included with each Data Appliance product option:


ServiceThumbnailOverviewCoverage for World Basic (Collection 1)Coverage for World Standard (Collection 2)Coverage for World Advanced (Collection 3)Coverage for North America Standard (Collection 4)Coverage for North America Advanced (Collection 5)

World Imagery

World Imagery Map

Includes high-resolution imagery for North America, Europe, and other areas around the world and low-resolution satellite imagery for the rest of the world.

~1:591M to ~1:72,000 Global

~1:591Mto ~1:72,000 Global

~1:36,000 to ~1:1,000 Limited global coverage

Geographic coverage and levels of detail for ~1:36,000 to ~1:1,000 is a subset of what is included with World Advanced. See the coverage map.

~1:591M to ~1:72,000 Global

~1:36,000 to ~1:282 Limited global coverage

~1:36,000 to ~1:282. Complete contiguous United States, Australia, New Zealand, and most of Europe coverage where available. See the coverage map.

~1:591M to ~1:72,000 Global

~1:36,000 to ~1:1,000 Limited North America coverage

Geographic coverage and levels of detail for ~1:36,000 to ~1:1,000 is a subset of what is included with North America Advanced. See the coverage map.

~1:591M to ~1:72,000 Global

~1:36,000 to ~1:1,000 Complete contiguous United States coverage

~1:36,000 to ~1:282 Limited North America coverage. See the coverage map.


Antarctic Imagery

Antarctic Imagery

15-meter TerraColor imagery designed to be used as a basemap for overlaying other data for the Antarctic region.

World Basic (Collection 1), World Standard (Collection 2), and World Advanced (Collection 3): ~1:902,000,000 down to ~1:110,000

Arctic Imagery

Arctic Imagery

15-meter TerraColor imagery designed to be used as a basemap for overlaying other data for the Arctic region.

World Basic (Collection 1), World Standard (Collection 2), and World Advanced (Collection 3): ~1:451,000,000 down to ~1:110,000

Arctic Ocean Base

Arctic Ocean Base

Designed to be used as a basemap by marine GIS professionals and as a reference map by anyone interested in ocean data.

World Basic (Collection 1), World Standard (Collection 2), and World Advanced (Collection 3): ~1:451,000,000 down to ~1:881,000

World Hillshade

World Hillshade basemap

Portrays elevation as an artistic hillshade. It was designed to be used as a backdrop for topographical, soil, hydro, land cover, or other outdoor recreational maps.

World Basic (Collection 1): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:577,000 Global; ~1:288,000 to ~1:144,000 Near global

World Standard (Collection 2), World Advanced (Collection 3), North America Standard (Collection 4), North America Advanced (Collection 5): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:577,000 Global; ~1:288,000 to ~1:144,000 Near global; ~1:72,000 to ~1:9,000 Select areas in United States and Europe

World Hillshade (Dark)

World Hillshade (Dark) basemap

Portrays elevation as an artistic hillshade. It was designed to be especially useful in building maps that provide terrain context while highlighting feature layers and labels.

World Basic (Collection 1): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:577,000 Global; ~1:288,000 to ~1:144,000 Near global

World Standard (Collection 2), World Advanced (Collection 3), North America Standard (Collection 4), North America Advanced (Collection 5): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:577,000 Global; ~1:288,000 to ~1:144,000 Near global; ~1:72,000 to ~1:9,000 Select areas in United States and Europe

World Ocean Base

World Ocean Base map

Map of the oceans showing bathymetry.

World Basic (Collection 1): ~1:591,000,000 to 1:577,000; ~1:288,000 to ~1:72,000 Limited global coverage

World Standard (Collection 2), World Advanced (Collection 3), North America Standard (Collection 4), North America Advanced (Collection 5): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:577,000 Global; ~1:288,000 to ~1:9,000 Limited global coverage

Reference layers


Arctic Ocean Reference

Arctic Ocean Reference layer

Designed to be used as the reference layer for the Arctic Ocean Base map, this reference layer includes marine water body names, undersea feature names, and derived depth values in meters.

World Basic (Collection 1), World Standard (Collection 2), and World Advanced (Collection 3): ~1:451,000,000 down to ~1:881,000

World Elevation



Terrain layer

World elevation layer composed of multiresolution and multisource elevation data (DTM) that provides access to elevation values and derivatives such as slope, aspect, and hillshade to use in analysis and visualization.

World Basic (Collection 1), World Standard (Collection 2), World Advanced (Collection 3), North America Standard (Collection 4), North America Advanced (Collection 5): Includes global elevation data from multiple sources with resolutions ranging from 1,000 meters globally to 2 meters in a few regions

Terrain 3D

Terrain 3D layer

World elevation surface to use for oblique viewing in Scenes in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online Scene Viewer.

World Basic (Collection 1), World Standard (Collection 2), World Advanced (Collection 3), North America Standard (Collection 4), North America Advanced (Collection 5): Includes global elevation data from multiple sources with resolutions ranging from 1,000 meters globally to 2 meters in a few regions

Elevation analysis



Elevation profile tool

The Profile geoprocessing tool calculates profile tables for lines you specify on a global elevation dataset.

World Basic (Collection 1), World Standard (Collection 2), World Advanced (Collection 3), North America Standard (Collection 4), North America Advanced (Collection 5): Includes global elevation data from multiple sources, with resolutions ranging from 1,000 meters globally, 30 meters for most latitudes, and 10 meters in the continental United States


Elevation viewshed analysis layer

The Viewshed geoprocessing tool creates viewshed polygons for observation points you specify on a global elevation dataset.

World Basic (Collection 1), World Standard (Collection 2), World Advanced (Collection 3), North America Standard (Collection 4), North America Advanced (Collection 5): Includes global elevation data from multiple sources, with resolutions ranging from 90 meters for most latitudes, 30 meters for most latitudes, and 10 meters in the continental United States



World Places Locator

World Places Locator

This new locator allows you to geocode various types of places around the world.

World Basic, World Standard, World Advanced, North America Standard, North America Advanced: References a geodatabase of more than 30 million places including countries, states and provinces, administrative areas (for example, counties), cities, landmarks, water bodies, and more



National Geographic World Map

National Geographic World Map

Designed to be used as a general reference map for informational and educational purposes as well as a basemap by GIS professionals and other users.

World Basic (Basic Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:144,000 Global; ~1:72,000 United States

World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:144,000 Global; ~1:72,000 to ~1:9,000 United States

USA Topographic Maps

USA Topographic Maps

Includes land cover for the world and detailed topographic maps for the United States at various scales.

World Basic (Basic Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:1,000,000 Global; ~1:577,000 to ~1:72,000 United States

World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:1,000,000 Global; ~1:577,000 to ~1:18,000 United States

World Boundaries and Places

World Boundaries and Places reference layer

Includes boundaries and place-names for the world.

World Basic (Basic Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global

World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global; ~1:36,000 to ~1:1,000 In select areas

World Boundaries and Places Alternate

World Boundaries and Places Alternate reference layer

Includes boundaries and place-names for the world. (Mature support)

World Basic (Basic Legacy); World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:144,000 Global

World Dark Gray Base

World Dark Gray Base

Designed to add thematic content to a neutral background with minimal colors, labels, and features.

World Basic (Basic Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global

World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global; ~1:36,000 to ~1:9,000 Limited global coverage

World Dark Gray Reference

World Dark Gray Reference layer

Provides labels for selected cities and towns around the world in support of the World Dark Gray Base map.

World Basic (Basic Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global

World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global; ~1:36,000 to ~1:9,000 Limited global coverage

World Light Gray Base

Light Gray Base (canvas map)

Designed to add thematic content to a neutral background with minimal colors, labels, and features.

World Basic (Basic Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global

World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global; ~1:36,000 to ~1:9,000 Limited global coverage

World Light Gray Reference

World Light Gray Reference layer

Provides labels for selected cities and towns around the world in support of the World Light Gray Base map.

World Basic (Basic Legacy):~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global

World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global; ~1:36,000 to ~1:9,000 Limited global coverage

World Ocean Reference

World Ocean Reference layer

Shows surface and subsurface feature names and derived depths.

World Basic (Basic Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:577,000 Global; ~1:288,000 to ~1:72,000 Limited global coverage

World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:577,000 Global; ~1:288,000 to ~1:9,000 Limited global coverage

World Physical Map

World Physical Map

A Natural Earth physical map for the world. (Mature support)

World Basic (Basic Legacy); World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:2,000,000 Global

World Street Map

World Street Map

Includes highway-level data for the world and street-level data for a number of countries.

World Basic (Basic Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global

World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global; ~1:36,000 to ~1:1,000 In select areas

World Topographic Map

World Topographic Map

Includes administrative boundaries, cities, water features, parks, landmarks, highways, roads, railways, and airports.

World Basic (Basic Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global

World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global; ~1:36,000 to ~1:1,000 In select areas

World Transportation

World Transportation reference layer

Includes transportation data for the world. It was designed to overlay imagery basemaps.

World Basic (Basic Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global

World Standard and World Advanced (World Legacy); North America Standard and North America Advanced (North America Legacy): ~1:591,000,000 to ~1:72,000 Global; ~1:36,000 to ~1:1,000 In select areas