World Imagery

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World Imagery basemap

This map is a compilation of satellite and aerial imagery worldwide.

Map Service Name: World_Imagery


World Imagery provides one-meter or better satellite and aerial imagery in many parts of the world and lower-resolution satellite imagery worldwide. The map includes 15-meter TerraColor imagery at small and mid-scales (1:591,000,000 down to 1:72,000) for the world. The map features Maxar imagery at 0.3-meter resolution for select metropolitan areas around the world, 0.5-meter resolution across the United States and parts of Western Europe, and 1-meter resolution imagery across the rest of the world. In addition to commercial sources, the World Imagery map features high-resolution aerial photography contributed by the GIS User Community. This imagery ranges from 0.3-meter to 0.03-meter resolution (down to ~1:280 in select communities).


Sources: Esri, Maxar, Earthstar Geographics, and the GIS User Community

Coordinate system

Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (WKID 102100)

Tiling scheme

Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere

Map service data format

Map server cache in JPEG format


When the data appliance is installed, citation data (also known as metadata) is automatically exposed through the REST endpoint for the World_Imagery service. These are not feature services but rather feature layers within a map service. The key difference is that feature layers can be queried, but they cannot be edited. In ArcGIS Pro, use the Explore tool on the Map tab to see the resolution, collection date, and source of the imagery at the location you click. In the Map Viewer with pop-ups enabled on the layer, click the location to identify the source information. In ArcMap, use the Identify tool to identify the source information at the location you click. Values of 99999 mean that metadata is not available for that field. The metadata applies only to the best available imagery at that location. You may need to zoom in to view the best available imagery.

You can view the citation layer at http://<>/arcgis/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/4 (substitute <> with the local ArcGIS server name).


As illustrated in the coverage maps below, worldwide coverage is provided in World Basic (Collection 1) down to ~1:72,000; World Standard (Collection 2) down to ~1:1,000, and World Advanced (Collection 3) down to ~282; and regional coverage is provided in North America Standard (Collection 4) down to ~1:1,000, and North America Advanced (Collection 5) down to ~282.

World Basic Imagery coverage

Scale (Level)StandardAdvanced

1:4,000 (Level 17)

Coverage for World Standard Imagery Level 17

Coverage for World Advanced Imagery Level 17

1:2,000 (Level 18)

Coverage for World Standard Imagery Level 18

Coverage for World Advanced Imagery Level 18

1:1,000 (Level 19)

Coverage for World Standard Imagery Level 19

Coverage for World Advanced Imagery Level 19

1:600 (Level 20)

Not available

Coverage for World Advanced Imagery Level 20

1:282 (Level 21)

Not available

Coverage for World Advanced Imagery Level 21

Larger coverage maps for Standard and Advanced Imagery are available below.

Standard Imagery coverage maps

The following coverage maps are applicable to both World and North America Standard.

Standard Imagery coverage map at 1:4,000 (Level 17)

Standard Imagery coverage map at 1:4,000 (Level 17)

Standard Imagery coverage map at 1:2,000 (Level 18)

Standard Imagery coverage map at 1:2,000 (Level 18)

Standard Imagery coverage map at 1:1,000 (Level 19)

Standard Imagery coverage map at 1:1,000 (Level 19)

Advanced Imagery coverage maps

The following coverage maps are applicable to both World and North America Advanced.

Advanced Imagery coverage map at 1:4,000 (Level 17)

Advanced Imagery coverage map at 1:4,000 (Level 17)

Advanced Imagery coverage map at 1:2,000 (Level 18)

Advanced Imagery coverage map at 1:2,000 (Level 18)

Advanced Imagery coverage map at 1:1,000 (Level 19)

Advanced Imagery coverage map at 1:1,000 (Level 19)

Advanced Imagery coverage map at 1:600 (Level 20)

Advanced Imagery coverage map at 1:600 (Level 20)

Advanced Imagery coverage map at 1:282 (Level 21)

Advanced Imagery coverage map at 1:282 (Level 21)