Analyze graph

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Graph networks can be analyzed by computing global integration, local integration and in-between centrality. For each street these values are computed and stored as object attribute integrationGlobal, integrationLocal, and inbetweenCentrality. The values can be visualized or used to approximate street widths.

In order to open the dialog, select a set of graph segments or a graph layer and click Graph > Analyze Graph... from the main menu.



Three modes are available:

  • Calculate analysis only (as object attribute): For each street the three analysis values global integration, local integration and inbetween centrality are computed. These values are stored as object attributes.
  • Visualize analysis (assign rule): Computes the three analysis values and assigns a visualization rule file to the street shapes. Model generation is automatically triggered. The visualization can be configured by selecting street shapes and using the Inspector.
  • Set street width (based on integration): Computes the three analysis values and maps the local integration to the range specified by Street Width Min and Street Width Max. After running the tool, select the street layer to see/change the mapping code in the layer attributes in the inspector.

Depth of local integration

The number of 90 degree turns to take into account to compute the local integration value.

Street Width Min

Street width lower bound, only used in Set street width mode.

Street Width Max

Street width upper bound, only used in Set street width mode.


All shortest paths between all selected street segments are computed. The shortest path cost function is the sum of all angles between the segments along the path.

Global integration

For each street segment, the shortest paths to all other segments are summed up. Each sum is then divided by the square of the number of segments. Next, each value is inverted. Finally, the values are normalized so that each value is in the range zero to one.

Local integration

For each street segment, the shortest paths to all other segments which are closer than (Depth of local integration) 90 degree turns are summed up. Each sum is then divided by the square of the number of visited segments. Next, each value is inverted. Finally, the values are normalized so that each value is in the range zero to one.

Inbetween centrality

For each street segment, the number of shortest paths which pass this segment is computed. Then, the values are normalized so that each value is in the range zero to one.


The global integration of a typical street network.