Align streets to terrain

This 2019.0 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.

You can use the Align streets to terrain tool to align graph networks to a terrain (map layers with attribute elevation defined) or to the y=0 level. You can access the tool in the following ways:

  • Click the Align streets to terrain tool in the main toolbar.
  • Click Graph > Align streets to terrain in the main menu.

Non-aligned graph network
graph network aligned to a terrain


The following parameters control the alignment:

Align function

The alignment function to apply to the nodes of the graph.

  • Project All: Projects all nodes onto the terrain
  • Project Below: Projects the nodes located below the terrain only.


The terrain to align the graph. All map layers with an "elevation" attribute plus the y=0 level are listed here.


The offset to add after alignment to the y-coordinate of the nodes.

In this topic
  1. Settings