tileUV operation

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  • tileUV (uvSet, textureWidth, textureHeight)


  1. uvSetinteger (range[0,5])
    Number of texture coordinates set. The numbering corresponds to the texture layers of the material attribute, see also texturing: essential knowledge.
  2. textureWidthfloat
    The texture width in world coordinate system units (e.g. meters). Values < 0 are allowed and mirror the texture. The operators ~ (floating) and ’ (relative) can be used, see below. 0 is allowed and means “don't touch this axis”.
  3. textureHeightfloat
    The texture texHeight in world coordinate system units (e.g. meters). Values < 0 are allowed and mirror the texture. The operators ~ (floating) and ’ (relative) can be used, see below. 0 is allowed and means “don't touch this axis”.


The tileUV operation re-scales the texture coordinates of the selected uv-set such that the uv space gets tiled with tiles of a given width and height. The textureWidth and textureHeight parameters support usage of the floating and relative operators to avoid complex calculations with the texture space dimension. For example, if the parameter textureWidth is set to ~20, the projection matrix is initialized such that the surface of the current shape's geometry is exactly spanned with texture tiles of approximately size 20 along the u direction. Or if the parameter texHeight is set to ’0.5, the texture will be repeated twice along the height.



Street tiling

A multi-face street shape.

A multi-face street shape

The default texture coordinates.

The default texture coordinates

The tiled texture coordinates. The tile width (in u-direction) is exactly 20 meters and the tile height is exactly 10 meters. Some tiles are cut.

   tileUV(0, 20, 10)
The tiled texture coordinates

Usage of the ~ and ' operators. The tile width is roughly 20 meters, such that the whole available space is exactly filled, and the tile height is half of the available space such that exactly two tiles fit in.

   tileUV(0, ~20, '0.5)
Usage of the

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