Invasive Pest Management can be used to optimize pest detection operations.
Invasive pests are a constant and forbidding threat to the world's agricultural trade systems and native landscapes. To combat these threats, state and local governments establish inspection programs to assist with early pest detection and protect crop yields. Pest inspection programs also ensure that public agencies comply with regulations and protect public and private lands. Placing and routinely inspecting insect traps in open spaces, on agricultural land, and on residential property helps mitigate these threats. However, while routine inspections can reduce the risk of infestation, the sheer volume of trapping sites makes it difficult to inspect every site. Understanding where traps are located and inspections have occurred help organizations monitor service agreements and measure program performance. Furthermore, understanding historical trapping sites helps organizations optimize future pest detection operations and inspection plans.
The Invasive Pest Management solution delivers a set of capabilities that help state and local governments develop pest trapping plans, perform field inspections, monitor program metrics, and share program information with internal and external stakeholders.
Deploy the solution
This solution can be deployed in your ArcGIS organization.
See Deploying a solution for more information.
Invasive Pest Management requires the following:
- ArcGIS Online
- ArcGIS Field Maps
Information products
Invasive Pest Management includes the following information products:
Item | Description | Minimum user type |
Invasive Pest Field Map | An ArcGIS Field Maps map used by pest inspectors to collect invasive pest information and perform inspections in the field | Mobile Worker |
Invasive Pest Management Dashboard | An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by pest program managers to monitor and organize pest inspection activities | Viewer |
Invasive Pest Program Dashboard | An ArcGIS Dashboards app used by pest program directors to monitor key pest and inspection metrics | Viewer |
Invasive Pest Management | An ArcGIS Hub site used by the public to learn more about the invasive pest program and submit pest reports | Not required |
Report a Pest | An ArcGIS Survey123 form used by the public to submit pest reports | Not required |
Invasive Pest Report Manager | An ArcGIS Instant Apps app used by pest program managers to manage public pest reports | Contributor |
Invasive Pest Inspections Notebook | An ArcGIS Notebooks app used by mapping technicians to update the Invasive Pest Traps layer with values from the Invasive Pest Inspections table | Creator |
When you deploy this solution in your ArcGIS organization, you also get a solution item that organizes the key information products and summarizes all the ArcGIS items (applications, forms, projects, maps, feature layers, feature layer views, and so on) included with the solution. The solution item also illustrates any dependencies items have on each other.
Release notes
The following are the release notes:
Version | Description |
1.0 (March 2025) |