Use Immunization Outreach

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The Immunization Outreach solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you inventory vaccine providers, communicate vaccination coverage, and promote available resources.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the following workflows.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

Manage vaccine providers

The Vaccine Provider Manager app can be used by health program leads to organize and maintain an inventory of vaccine providers and pop-up vaccination events.

Add a provider or pop-up event

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a health program lead who needs to add information for a pop-up vaccination event happening in the community.

  1. In a browser, open the Vaccine Provider Manager app.
  2. If necessary, click Add in the upper right of the Vaccine Provider Manager app.
  3. In the Editor panel, select the Pop-up Provider feature template and place it by clicking on the map.
  4. In the Vaccine Provider Form, add the information for Provider Details. For the provider to be visible on the Vaccine Locator app, select Yes for the Publicly Visible field.
  5. Select Create.
  6. The new provider has now been added and is visible to the public in the Vaccine Locator app.

    The Pop-up Provider and Other feature templates include fields to specify the date range that the event is active. Within the Vaccine Provider Manager app, the info panel will indicate when the event occurs and if the event has ended. The Vaccine Locator application will only display the pop-up provider or Other feature if the event dates have not already passed.

Update provider information

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a health program lead who needs to update information for a pop-up event in the community.

  1. If necessary, open the Vaccine Provider Manager app in a browser.
  2. Click Update in the upper right of the Vaccine Provider Manager app. Choose the pop-up provider created in the previous workflow from the list panel on the left side of the app.
  3. The Editor panel will update to display the chosen feature’s attributes.
  4. Make any desired edits and select Update to save the changes or chose Delete to completely removed the feature from the data.

Review Immunization Outreach destination

Improving immunization rates at the community level and requires transparent public education to provide information about various immunizations. There are a variety of vaccines, some may be seasonal while others are needed for travel or school. Providing information such as the benefits and safety on vaccines and where to obtain access, while highlighting local immunization clinics is the important first step in education.

In this workflow, you will assume the role of a member of the public. You are interested in the information about immunization for you and your children.

  1. In a browser, browse to the Immunization Outreach site.
  2. Review the Immunization Outreach site, the COVID-19 page and Flu (Influenza) page.
  3. Review the Immunization Outreach site for information about benefits, safety, and frequently asked questions.

Locate health resources

You will assume the role of a member of the public who wants to learn more about where vaccines are available.

  1. In a browser, go to the Immunization Outreach site and review the sections.
  2. Scroll to the Ready to Be Vaccinated section and click the Locate provider button to open the Vaccine Locator app.

    The Vaccine Locator can be used to locate various vaccines offered by providers near you.

  3. Enter an address in the Find a provider, address, or place search field, and press Enter; alternatively, click a location on the map and click Search this area.

    The results appear and show all vaccine providers and pop-up events in the community. Scroll through the list of providers to view details such as contact information, hours of operation, and what vaccines are offered.

  4. Click Filter and then check the specific vaccine's check box to filter the map.
  5. Click Close.
  6. In the panel, click a result to see it highlighted on the map or click a point on the map to jump to the provider's information in the panel.
  7. Optionally, click the Directions button to view turn-by-turn directions to the selected vaccination provider.

    The Directions button is only visible if it has been configured in the configuration section.

Monitor vaccine coverage

Now, you will assume the role of a member of the public who is looking to see how the vaccine coverage is distributed across demographic segments of the population.

  1. In a browser, go to the Immunization Outreach site.
  2. View the Flu (Influenza) page.
  3. Scroll to the How Are We Doing? section and click the Learn More button to open the Vaccine Distribution Dashboard.
  4. On the Overview tab, review the high-level metrics.
  5. On the top right, adjust the filters to refine the results to a different geography.
  6. On the Current Demographic Coverage tab, review the current vaccination coverage by demographic types.
  7. On the Historical Trends tab, review the historical vaccination coverage trends by demographic types.

    The dashboard is intended to show seasonal trends of a vaccine such as influenza. See the configuring section on how to use the same dashboard to specify other vaccines.

Analyze vaccine equity

This workflow is optional and doesn't need to be completed to work with the solution.

The Social Equity Analysis solution delivers a set of capabilities that can help you understand vaccine coverage, analyze community characteristics, and generate a vaccine equity index that can be used to educate internal and external stakeholders. It can be deployed and used in collaboration with the Immunization Outreach solution.

In the first several workflows, you will assume the role of an epidemiologist and use the Social Equity Analysis solution to analyze vaccine equity. In the final workflow, you will assume the role of a community member interested in learning more about community vaccine needs.

Deploy the Social Equity Analysis solution

To download the Social Equity Analysis ArcGIS Pro project, complete the following steps:

  1. In a browser, go to Introduction to Social Equity Analysis and click Deploy the solution.
  2. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the SocialEquityAnalysis item.
  3. From the item page, click Download.
  4. Unzip the downloaded folder, and then from the unzipped folder, open the ArcGIS Pro project.

Evaluate conditions and actions

First, you will use the tasks in the Social Equity Analysis ArcGIS Pro project to summarize and load data into your vaccine reporting areas.

  1. If necessary, from the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.
  2. In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder and double-click the Equitable Site Selction task.
  3. In the Tasks pane, double-click the Identify Study Area, Create and Prepare Variables task group to expand the collection of tasks.
  4. Double-click the Identify study area and enrich with demographic variables task and follow the steps provided.
  5. Note:

    In the third step of this task, when adding demographic data to reporting areas, keep the total population variable but adjust the other variables that you want to enrich. You may want to consider using some of these common indicators:

    • Population Age 65+
    • Household Income Below Poverty
    • Black Population
    • Hispanic Population
    • Population Age 25+: High School/No Diploma

    Relevant community characteristics are unique to each geography, you will want to focus on the characteristics that matter to your community. Use the Vaccine Distribution Dashboard app to help inform your analysis.

    You may want to account for current vaccination rates. In the fourth step of this task, import your current vaccination geographic data as the community assets. This can be point data representing the individual residences of those who have been vaccinated.

    The fifth step can be used to summarize vaccination records. For Input Summary Features, select the vaccination data layer from the previous step.

  6. Review and share results.

Identify community characteristics

Next, you will use the community indicators data or enriched demographic variables from the previous steps and the Equitable Site Selection tasks in the Social Equity Analysis ArcGIS Pro project to identify input variables and find areas with a higher preponderance of these factors.

  1. In the Tasks pane, double-click the Analyze equity task group to expand the collection of tasks.
  2. Double-click the Create an equity analysis index task.
  3. In the first step, for Enriched Boundaries, browse to the enriched layer with your summarized vaccination rates.
  4. For Focus Factors (High to Low focus variables), click the drop-down arrow and choose all variables where high values equate to a higher focus.

    For example, choose Household Income Below Poverty and Population Age 65+.

  5. For Focus Factors (Low to High focus variables), click the drop-down arrow and choose all variables where low values equate to a high focus.

    The suggested variables chosen earlier all would fall under High to Low focus variables, but you may have chosen additional variables ranked in this order.

  6. For Output Features or Table, type EquityAnalysisIndex.
  7. In the second step, review the index outputs generated.
  8. In the final step, complete the parameters on the Share As Web Layer pane and click Publish to share it.

Create an equity analysis index

Next, you will use the data generated from the previous steps and tasks to identify and rank need across your reporting areas.

  1. In the Tasks pane, click the Create Equity Analysis Index task group to expand the collection of tasks.
  2. Double-click the Create equity analysis index map task.
  3. In the first step, for Input Table, browse to the CommunityCharacteristicsIndex layer that you previously created.
  4. Leave the Focus Factors (High to Low focus variables), field blank.

    For example, choose Black Population and Hispanic Population.

  5. For Focus Factors (Low to High focus variables), click the drop-down arrow and choose all variables where low values equate to a high focus.

    There are no variables where high low equate to a higher focus.

  6. For Output Layer, type EquityAnalysisIndex and click Run.
  7. In the second step, review the index that you generated.
  8. In the final step, complete the parameters on the Share As Web Layer pane and click Publish to share it.

Publish a vaccine equity analysis index map

After you share the equity analysis index web layer, you can add the layer to a map that can be shared with the public. To add one or more layers to a web map, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization, if necessary, and browse to the map tab to author a new web map.
  2. From the item page, click Open in Map Viewer.
  3. On the left, in the Contents (dark) toolbar, click Add and click Browse layers.
  4. Search for the equity analysis layer that you shared previously and add the layer to your map.
  5. In the Contents toolbar, click Layers to open the Layers pane.
  6. In the Layers pane, to the right of the equity analysis index layer that you just added, click the ellipses and click Zoom to.
  7. Save the map.
  8. In your ArcGIS Organization, browse to the Equity Analysis Index instant app, open the item page, and click View.

    The Equity Analysis Index map is now available in a shareable app.

Select equitable locations

If you have already identified potential sites for an event, you can use your equity analysis to find the most equitable location based on need. In this step, you will use the Equity Analysis Index to select the most appropriate location for a pop-up vaccine clinic.

  1. In the SocialEquityAnalysis ArcGIS Pro project, from the Tasks pane, click the Evaluate Coverage and Perform Site Selection task group to expand the collection of tasks.

    This task group includes the following tasks:

    • Evaluate coverage of existing asset sites by travel time
    • Identify candidate sites
    • Perform site selection

  2. Complete these tasks in order to determine the best location for a pop-up vaccine clinic location, using the following parameters where applicable:
    • For Existing Asset Locations, browse to your Vaccine Providers layer.
    • For Candidate Locations, browse to your layer of proposed pop-up vaccine clinic locations.

Explore community need

After the Equity Analysis Index map is created and shared with the public, community members can use it to understand how vaccine need is distributed across the community.

You'll now assume the role of a community member who wants to use the Equity Analysis Index app to explore vaccine need in the community.

  1. In a browser, view the Equity Analysis Index app.
  2. Search for an address or click a reporting area on the map.

    A pop-up displays the equity rank score and details for the given area.

  3. Review other communities and examine how need is distributed across the region.
  4. On the upper right, click the Open Share button to view sharing options.