Use Transit Outreach

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.2)    |    |  

The Transit Outreach solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you solicit feedback from riders, manage the transit agency's response, share information about upcoming service changes, and allow the public to provide feedback on proposed changes.

In this topic, you’ll learn how to use the solution by assuming the role of a user and performing the workflows below.

Use your organization's data or configured apps to follow these workflows.

View service changes

First, you’ll assume the role of a transit rider. You use the same transit routes on your daily commute. You will use the Transit Service Change app to learn about upcoming changes to service and how it may impact your commute.

  1. In a browser, from the Transit Outreach solution, view the Transit Service Change app.

    All routes are listed in the panel on the right. They are also marked on the map.

  2. Click a route in the list or on the map.
  3. Review the details about when the service change is effective, how it will impact riders, and why the change is being made.

    The Transit Service Change app can also be used by riders to comment on proposed changes.

  4. On the right, at the bottom of the route details, click the Add a comment button.
  5. Provide your name, address, and comments.
  6. Click Submit.

Manage service changes

Next, you’ll assume the role of a transit mapping technician who manages service change communication. You will use the Transit Data Management project to manage the routes and service change details visible to the public in the Transit Service Change app.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Transit Outreach solution.
  2. Download the Transit Data Management project package.
  3. Open the Transit Data Management project in ArcGIS Pro.
  4. In the Catalog pane, expand the Tasks folder, and double-click the Transit Data Management task.

    If you do not see the Catalog pane, from the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.

  5. In the Tasks pane, expand the How to Use Transit Data Management task group to see the collection of tasks.
  6. Double-click Manage transit service changes task and follow the steps provided.

Submit rider feedback

Now, you’ll assume the role of a transit rider. While riding a bus, you noticed a problem and want to report it to the transit agency. You will use Transit Rider Reporter to submit feedback.

  1. In a browser, from the Transit Outreach solution, view the Transit Rider Reporter app.
  2. For I would like to, choose the reason that you are submitting the survey.
  3. For Related to, choose the response that best describes what your report is about.

    Depending on the category selected, additional questions appear. For example, clicking Bus adds questions about the route and vehicle number.

  4. Answer any additional questions, if necessary.
  5. For Details, type additional information about the issue.
  6. For When did it occur, choose the date and time that you made your observation.
  7. For Where did it occur, search for the address and press Enter.
  8. In the Contact Information section, choose the type of response that you want.

    To submit feedback anonymously, choose No, for your information only.

  9. Click Submit.

Manage rider reports

You will now assume the role of a transit agency employee who monitors customer feedback. You will use Transit Rider Reporter Manager to view and manage rider feedback.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Transit Outreach solution.
  2. View the Transit Rider Reporter Manager app.

    All reports are listed in the table at the top. The table can be sorted and filtered in various ways.

  3. In the table, use the column header filters and arrows to filter results.
  4. From the table, select a report with a status of Submitted.

    The report details open at the lower left, and the map zooms to the report's location.

  5. After reviewing the details, you decide to assign the report for follow-up.
  6. In the report details, click the Edit Record button Edit.
  7. Click the Assigned To drop-down arrow and choose a group.
  8. Change the status to In Progress.
  9. Optionally, to add comments to the rider report, click the Comments tab, and then click Add Record.
  10. Click Save.

    In the table, the record's status updates to In Progress. On the map, the symbol also changes.

    You have received a message from the group that you assigned the report to. The message states that the rider report has been communicated to the appropriate team and the report can be closed.

  11. If necessary, in the table, click the report.
  12. In the report details, click the Edit Record button.
  13. Change the status to Completed.
  14. Click Resolved On and choose a date.
  15. Optionally, for Resolution, type details about how the report was resolved.
  16. Click Save.

    In the table, the record's status updates to Completed. On the map, the symbol also changes.

Monitor rider reports

As rider reports are submitted, resolved, and closed, you are interested in noting trends and the overall feedback received. You will continue your role as a transit agency employee, this time looking to gain insight into the feedback received through the Transit Rider Reporter app. You will use Transit Rider Reporter Dashboard to view feedback and key metrics.

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Transit Outreach solution.
  2. View the Transit Rider Reporter Dashboard app.

    The Transit Rider Reporter Dashboard app opens with the Overview tab active.

    The Overview tab displays infographics of categories of reports. This information gives management a quick overview of the number of reports submitted by the public.

  3. Click the Rider Reports tab.

    The Rider Reports tab allows a transit manager to monitor their department's progress with responding to reports. The tab displays the top problem types and categories and summarizes reports by month with details.

    Charts are linked, so when you click a category in one chart, related charts and lists are filtered and updated to allow a manager to identify issues and areas that need attention.

  4. On the left side of the app, click the arrow to display the side panel.

    To pin the side panel to the dashboard, click the pin in the upper right.

    The side panel allows you to apply several survey and feedback filters. You can filter by Report Type, Submission Date, Occurrence Date, and Route.