The Sewer Data Management solution can be configured to meet specific needs in your organization. The sections below outline some administrative tasks to update and manage the solution to fit your organization's needs.
This solution is designed with Map Viewer Classic. Not using Map Viewer Classic to configure the maps can impact functionality.Load data
In some cases, you may need to load existing data into the solution before sharing the maps or applications. Review the maps or applications provided with the solution and determine what, if any, source data you want to load. Sewer Data Management also includes a data model to store information about typical sewer system assets. To explore the schema, view the data dictionary.
If you do have to load data into the solution, you may want to develop a source-target matrix to track how your source data will be loaded into the target layer or layers used in the solution.
Depending on the format of your source data, you may choose to append your source data to the new layers. Once you have determined what source data must be loaded, complete one of the data loading workflows below:
Use the Append tool
In ArcGIS Pro, the Append tool can be used to append multiple input datasets to an existing target dataset. Input datasets can be point, line, or polygon feature classes.
To append features to the target layer or layers using the Append tool, complete the steps below:
- In ArcGIS Pro, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- To open the Sewer Data Manager project, click Open another project, click My Content under Portal, double-click the Sewer Data Management folder, and click Sewer Data Manager.
- Add your existing source layers to a new map. To add the target feature layers from the SewerSystem feature service, click My Content under Portal, double-click the Sewer Data Management folder, and add the SewerSystem feature service to the map.
- On the Analysis tab, in the Geoprocessing group, click Tools to open the Geoprocessing pane.
- In the search bar, type Append and click to open the Append tool.
- Add your existing sewer data from the map to the Input Datasets parameter.
- For Target Datasets, use the SewerSystem features in the map.
- In the Schema Type parameter, use the drop-down menu to choose Use the Field Map to reconcile schema differences to perform field mapping.
- Update your field mapping and click Run.
- Repeat this process as needed to load all your existing data into the target sewer schema.
Use the Data Loading toolset
The Data Loading toolset contains tools to streamline data loading from a source schema to a target schema. The tools help reduce the time and complexity of migrating to a new data schema.
If using ArcGIS Pro 3.0 - 3.1 install the toolbox and review the Data Loading Tools documentation to learn more.If using ArcGIS Pro 3.2 to load data in to the solution, complete the steps below:
- Open the Sewer Data Manager project.
- Click Tools in the Geoprocessing group on the Analysis tab of the ribbon.
- Expand the Data Management Tools then expand the Data Loading toolset.
- Review the Data Loading toolset documentation to understand how to load data into the SewerSystems layer.
Configure the Sewer Data Manager ArcGIS Pro project
The Sewer Data Manager project includes a Sewer Data Manager map with broken links.
- In ArcGIS Pro, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- To open the Sewer Data Manager project, click Open another project, click My Content under Portal, double-click the Sewer Data Management folder, and click Sewer Data Manager.
- In the Catalog pane, expand Maps and double-click Sewer Data Manager to open the map.
- In the Contents pane, click the red exclamation point
next to the Map Notes layer.
The Change Data Source dialog box appears.
- Click My Content under Portal, double-click the Sewer Data Management folder, double-click the MapNotes_managing feature service, and double-click the Map Notes layer.
- In the Contents pane, click the red exclamation point
next to the Manhole layer.
The Change Data Source dialog box appears.
- Click My Content under Portal, double-click the Sewer Data Management folder, double-click the SewerSystem_editing feature service, and double-click the Manhole layer.
The data source is repaired for the remaining layers.
- In the Contents pane, right click the Sewer Data Manager map and click Properties.
- Click the Coordinate Systems tab. In the XY Coordinate Systems Available section select the coordinate system that matches the layers in the map.
Ensure the coordinate system of the map matches that of the feature layers deployed in the solution. If these do not match there may be discrepancies in what units are displayed in the map.
- Click Save to save the project.
Add members to groups in your organization
Included with Sewer Data Management are four groups designed to help managers organize their members based on their privileges and their work. The solution includes the following groups: Sewer Editors, Sewer Field Users, Sewer Map Notes Managers, and Sewer Office Users.
To add members to the groups, complete the following steps:
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.Verify that you have privileges to manage member groups before continuing.
- Click Groups at the top of the site.
- Click the name of the group to open the group details pages.
- On the Settings tab, edit and update the properties of the group, including access, sharing properties, and group ownership.
- Click the Overview tab and click Invite users.
- Select the members you want to add and click Add to group.
- Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each group you need to add members to.
The provided groups are intended to be utilized by members with a minimum of the following user types in order to fully use the provided maps and apps:
Group name | User type |
Sewer Editors |
Sewer Field Users |
Sewer Map Notes Managers |
Sewer Office Users |
Set the default map extent to your service territory
When the Sewer Data Management solution is deployed into your organization, it uses the map default set in your organization. If this property has not been set, you may want to quickly update a few maps and apps to your service territory manually to avoid having to pan and zoom to your area each time you open a map. Follow the steps below to update the initial extent of the maps and apps provided with this solution.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- To set the default map extent for the Sewer Viewer application, browse to the Sewer Viewer item page and click Edit Application.
- On the Map tab, zoom the map to the desired extent and click Use current map view under Set initial extent. Click Save.
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 to set the default map extent for the Sewer Editor and Sewer Map Notes Manager applications.
- To set the default map extent for the Sewer Asset Collector map, open the Sewer Asset Collector map.
- Zoom the map to the desired extent and save it.
- Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the Sewer Mobile Viewer map.
Configure the dashboard
When you deploy the Sewer Data Management solution to your organization you have the option to change spatial reference. If you selected a spatial reference with a linear unit other than meters, you will need to revise the dashboard by completing the following steps.
- In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
- To set the default map extent for the Sewer Dashboard application, browse to the Sewer Dashboard item page and click Edit Dashboard.
- Navigate to the General tab and click the configure button
on Miles of Gravity Main indicator.
- On the Data tab, change the Factor setting to the correct conversion.
The dashboard Factor setting is configured to convert meters to miles. Learn more about how to Convert Values.
- Repeat steps 3 through 4 for the Miles of Forced Main indicator.
- Click the save button