Use School Locator

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.2)    |    |  

The School Locator solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you inventory educational facilities and relevant districts, communicate neighborhood schools, and promote educational resources available in a community.

Find schools and attendance zones

You will assume the role of a resident in the community and want to learn more about schools and attendance zone boundaries in your area.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Find Your School site.
  2. From the item page, click View.
  3. Scroll to the Schools by the Numbers section and review key metrics.
  4. Scroll to the Find a Neighborhood School section and review the My Neighborhood School app.

    Use the My Neighborhood School app to locate your neighborhood school.

  5. Type an address in the search text box and press the Enter key, or click a location on the map.
  6. Click Expand All.
  7. Review the list of school attendance zones.

    You can see information related to which school your child will attend, program and services, hours of operation, grades, and enrollment numbers.

  8. In the search results, click Elementary School.

    The map zooms to corresponding school attendance zone boundaries and highlights the associated school your child will attend based on your searched address.

  9. Scroll to the Explore all Schools section and review the School Locator app.

    Use the School Locator app to explore all schools in our district.

  10. Type an address in the search text box and press the Enter key, or click Search this area.
  11. Click Filter and check the Elementary Schools check box to filter the map.
  12. Click Close.
  13. In the search results, click the first search result.

    The map pans to the corresponding school.