Configure Streetlight Management

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.2)    |    |  

Streetlight Management can be used to collect streetlights, cabinets and poles, streamline inspection and maintenance activities, and understand asset conditions.

In this topic, you'll learn how to configure the Streetlight Management solution to meet specific needs of your organization.

Modify streetlight, pole and cabinet types

The Streetlight Management solution includes many types of common streetlights, poles and cabinets. In some cases, you may want to add additional streetlight, pole and cabinet types to the Streetlight Management solution to meet your organization’s needs. You will review the Streetlights, Poles and Cabinets layers and identify the streetlight types and pole types that your organization may want to add or remove from the Streetlight Management solution.

Update streetlight, pole and cabinet types

To update the domain lists, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to your TrafficControlDevices feature layer.
  2. Open the item page and click the Data tab.
  3. Click the Layer drop-down arrow and select Streetlights.
  4. Click Fields.
  5. Click the Fixture Type display name.
  6. In the List of Values (Domain) section, review existing codes and identify ones that are not applicable and ones that are missing.
  7. Click Edit next to List of Values (Domain).
  8. Optionally, click Delete to remove a code from the list.
  9. Optionally, to add a value, click Add, and then type the new code into the Label (displayed value) and Code (stored value) text boxes.
  10. Repeat these steps to add any remaining missing Fixture Types.
  11. Optionally, drag the type to a new location in the list to reorder them. This will change their appearance in the drop-downs that appear in the Streetlight Editor.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Repeat these steps for additional Streetlight fields such as Bulb Type and the Poles and Cabinets layers by updating the Pole Type and Cabinet Type field's domain.

Modify inspection and maintenance types

The Streetlight Management solution helps you assess streetlight, pole and cabinet conditions and record maintenance activities. Inspection details and maintenance types are defined on the TrafficControlDevices feature layer and appear in the Streetlight Editor when field staff are recording their work.

In some cases, you may want to modify inspection details and maintenance types to meet your organization’s needs.

To modify inspection and maintenance types, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to your TrafficControlDevices feature layer.
  2. Open the item page and click the Data tab.
  3. Click the Layer drop-down arrow and select Streetlights.
  4. Click Fields.
  5. Click the Condition display name.
  6. In the List of Values (Domain) section, review existing values and identify ones that are not applicable and ones that are missing.
  7. Click Edit next to List of Values (Domain).
  8. Optionally, click the Delete button to remove a value from the list.
  9. Optionally, to add a value, click Add, and then type the new code into the Label (displayed value) and Code (stored value) text boxes.
  10. Repeat these steps to add additional values.
  11. Optionally, drag the type to a new location in the list to reorder them. This will change their appearance in the drop-downs that appear in the Streetlight Editor.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Click the Layer drop-down arrow and select Streetlight Maintenance.
  14. Click the Maintenance type display name.
  15. Repeat steps 6-12 to modify maintenance types.
  16. Repeat these steps for the Poles, Cabinets, Pole Maintenance and Cabinet Maintenance layers, if necessary.

Update feature templates

The Streetlight Management solution uses feature templates to simplify the collection of streetlights, poles, and cabinets. Organizations may want to add additional feature templates to customize their data collection experience.

In this workflow, you will create a feature template for a streetlight fixture type, which simplifies data collection and creation by preconfiguring attributes. Streetlight feature templates are stored in the TrafficControlDevices feature layer and managed in Field Maps Designer.

To update feature templates, complete the following steps:

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization, and then browse to the Streetlight Editor map.
  2. Click Open in Field Maps Designer.
  3. Click Forms.
  4. Click the Streetlights layer.
  5. Click Templates.

    A list of streetlight feature templates appears. You can reorder the template's position in the list, set the template's properties, or remove the template.

    By default, the Streetlight Management solution has one template that predefines the streetlight's attributes.


    When accessing the templates, you might see a message that says "We accidentally left some of your fields behind". This message appears when fields have not been given a default value. To continue setting default values on templates, click Add fields.

  6. To create a new feature template, hover over the Streetlights template and click Duplicate.

    A new feature template called Copy of Streetlights is created.

  7. To update the feature template, click Copy of Streetlights.

    The template's Properties panel appears on the right.

  8. For the Display name and Description properties, type the name of the streetlight fixture type, for example, Cobra Head.
  9. In the Default Values section, populate the streetlights template's default values, such as Bulb Type and Wattage.

    Setting default values helps simplify data collection and creation.

  10. Optionally, drag the template to a new location to reorder the list of templates.
  11. Click Save Save.

    The feature templates and their default symbology are stored on the Streetlights layer. The feature templates will now be available to simplify data collection in apps such as Streetlight Editor.

  12. Repeat these steps for each new streetlight template.
  13. Optionally, repeat steps 4-11 to create feature templates for the Poles and Cabinets layers.

Administer field assignments

The Streetlight Management solution can be used to manage work such as data collection, inspections, and maintenance assigned to mobile workers. Assignment types appear in the Streetlight Assignments ArcGIS Workforce mobile app used by mobile workers as well as the Streetlight Assignments ArcGIS Workforce dispatcher view in the Streetlight Management Center app.

The Streetlight Management solution includes several assignment types. In some cases, you may want to modify assignment types to meet your organization’s needs. Mobile workers and dispatchers also need to be given roles in the Streetlight Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project.

To administer field assignments, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and click the Apps button Apps button in the header of the site.
  2. From the app launcher, click Workforce to open the app.
  3. Under Projects, hover over the Streetlight Assignments project and click Configure.
  4. Click the Assignment Types tab.
  5. In the Assignment Type section, review existing types and identify ones that are not applicable and ones that are missing.
  6. In the Enter a new type text box, type a new assignment type, and then click +Type.
  7. Click the Users tab.
  8. From the Organization User drop-down menu, select a user to add to the project.
  9. From the Project Role menu, assign the user either the dispatcher role or mobile worker role.
  10. Click +User.
  11. Click the Advanced tab.

    Each assignment type is integrated to the Streetlight Editor, which allows field staff to access the Streetlight Editor from the ArcGIS Workforce app. As you add new assignment types, you may want to add the Streetlight Editor integration.

  12. In the ArcGIS Field Maps integration list, click Edit on any of the existing Streetlight Editor integrations.
  13. Check the box next to the new assignment type, and click Next.
  14. Click Done.
  15. Optionally, remove the ArcGIS Field Maps integration for assignment types that are not needed in your organization.

    Removing the integration is necessary to remove the assignment type from the Streetlight Assignments ArcGIS Workforce project.

  16. Click the Assignment Types tab.
  17. To remove assignment types, click the X button.

Modify service request types

The Streetlight Management solution can be used to solicit streetlight requests for service from mobile workers as well as the general public. Service request types appear in the Streetlight Request ArcGIS Survey123 form.

The Streetlight Management solution includes four service request types. In some cases, you may want to modify service request types to meet your organization’s needs.

To modify service requests, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Survey123 Connect and sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
  2. Click Streetlight Request to download the survey.
  3. In the Download window, click Download and click OK.
  4. Click Streetlight Request to open the survey.
  5. On the left, from the side toolbar, click the XLSForm button.
  6. At the bottom of the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, click the choices tab.

    This tab comprises all the selectable options for survey questions.

  7. In the list_name column, type reqtype.
  8. Type the new service request, type in the name and label columns.
  9. Note:

    Include the word "Streetlight" in new request types to ensure they display in the Streetlight Request Manager and Streetlight Request Dashboard apps.

  10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for each new service request type.
  11. Save and close the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and preview your changes in ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.
  12. In ArcGIS Survey123 Connect, in the left toolbar, click Publish to publish your changes.
  13. Click Publish survey to publish your changes, and then click OK.

Publish a 3D streetlight layer

The 3D Streetlight Notebook can be used by mapping technicians to create and update a scene layer used to visualize streetlights in 3D. Because multiple streetlights can be attached to the same pole, it can be challenging to view all the streetlights at a given location in 2D. 3D helps to visualize and communicate the streetlights on a given pole or along the roadway.

The Streetlight Management solution uses an ArcGIS CityEngine rule package (*.rpk) to visualize the streetlights in 3D. The rule package uses the following fields to generate the 3D symbol. If a field value is blank, the default value will be used.


Fixture Type

Type of streetlight


Bulb Type

Type of bulb


Mounting Height

Height above ground measured to where the fixture is mounted to the pole


Mounting Height Units

Unit of measure of mounting height


Facing Direction

Direction light is pointing from its base


Create a streetlight scene layer

The 3D Streetlight Notebook can be used to create and update a scene layer used to visualize streetlights in 3D. The first time the notebook runs, it publishes a new scene layer and updates the Streetlight Viewer (3D) web scene to point to the new scene layer. This scene layer represents a static snapshot of the assets stored in the TrafficControlDevices feature layer. As new streetlights are added, updated, or removed from the TrafficControlDevices feature layer, you will need to re-run the notebook to refresh scene layer.

Subsequent runs of the notebook will publish a temporary scene layer using the latest features in the TrafficControlDevices feature layer, update the source of the original scene layer to point to the new scene layer, and clean up the temporary scene layer.


To complete this workflow, you must be assigned a role of Administrator or a custom role that includes the privilege to create, edit, and schedule ArcGIS Notebooks.

To create or update the streetlight scene layer, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the 3D Streetlight Notebook item.
  2. Open the item page and click Open Notebook.
  3. From the Cell menu, click Run All.

    As the notebook runs, messages will be printed beneath each cell to indicate the progress. When finished, a message will state that the scene layer update is complete.

  4. Exit the notebook and open the Streetlight Viewer app to view the 3D streetlights.

    When you re-run the notebook and update the scene layer, you may need to clear your browser cache or open the browser in incognito or private mode to see the updated streetlights.

Schedule automatic updates

The notebook can be scheduled to run at a regular interval to update the scene layer to reflect the latest streetlight collection defined in the TrafficControlDevices feature layer.

To schedule automatic updates, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the 3D Streetlight Notebook item.
  2. Open the item page and click Open Notebook.
  3. Click Tasks.
  4. Click Create Task.
  5. For Title, type 3D Streetlight Task and click Next.
  6. Set the schedule for your notebook to run.
  7. Click Create Task to finish scheduling the notebook.

Add members to groups in your organization

Included with Streetlight Management are three groups designed to help managers organize their members based on their privileges and their work. The solution includes the following groups: Streetlight Maintenance, Streetlight Operations, and Streetlight Stakeholders.

To add members to the groups, complete the following steps:

  1. In a browser, sign in to your ArcGIS organization.
    Verify that you have privileges to manage member groups before continuing.
  2. Click Groups at the top of the site.
  3. Click the name of the group to open the group details pages.
  4. On the Settings tab, edit and update the properties of the group, including access, sharing properties, and group ownership.
  5. Click the Overview tab and click Invite members.
  6. Select the members you want to add and click Add to group.
  7. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each group you need to add members to.

Group nameInformation Products

Streetlight Maintenance

  • Streetlight Editor

Streetlight Operations

  • Streetlight Management Center

Streetlight Stakeholders

  • Streetlight Viewer