Use Stormwater Utility Network Foundation

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.2)    |    |  

The Stormwater Utility Network Foundation solution provides a preconfigured utility network, maps, styles, step-by-step instructions, common data management workflows, and more. The tasks in the Stormwater Utility Network Foundation project guide you through creating your own utility network using the provided schema and setting up an enterprise environment. The solution also includes a data dictionary with descriptions of the features in the data model.

In this topic, you will learn how to use the solution to create and manage your stormwater utility network.

Get started with the solution

Use the instructions in the Stormwater Utility Network Foundation tasks to get started with the solution.

  1. Sign in to your ArcGIS organization and browse to the Stormwater Utility Network Foundation v1.2 item.
  2. Open the item page and click Download.
  3. Unzip and open the downloaded Stormwater Utility Network Foundation ArcGIS Pro project.
  4. On the View tab, in the Windows group, click Catalog Pane.
  5. In the Catalog pane, expand Tasks and double-click the task item.
  6. In the Tasks pane, click the Explore the Utility Network Foundation Solution task group to expand the collection of tasks.
    Click each group task heading and task to view a description at the bottom of the Tasks pane.

    Each task group includes instructional steps for using the solution. Begin by exploring the contents of the project, tracing and editing workflows with sample data, or configuring the solution for your organization.

Explore the Solution

The solution is designed for organizations that want to experience a fully functional stormwater utility network. Explore common workflows with the sample data in the provided single user file utility network. Task-based workflows are also provided to create, and model your own utility network to behave like a stormwater system in an enterprise environment. The solution also provides preconfigured maps for sharing data and editing data.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Overview
  • What's Included
  • Review the Data Model
  • Explore the Symbology and Data

These tasks introduce the solution and walk through exploring the capabilities of the utility network.

Tracing and Analysis

Tracing is a key capability of the utility network. There are several core trace configurations that allow you to analyze your network.

This solution includes an downstream trace to identify all features that are downstream of the starting point stormwater network.

This task group includes the following task:

  • Downstream Trace

Editing Workflows

Users are guided through editing workflows with the provided sample data. These workflows are designed to showcase common tasks while highlighting the capabilities of the utility network.


In the Contents pane, click the List by Snapping tab. Expand all feature classes to ensure snapping is checked for each asset group.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Add Stormwater Manholes, Pipes, and Catch Basins
  • Add Best Management Practice (BMP) Area

Installing Implementation Prerequisites

After exploring the sample utility network, move on to building out a utility network for your own organization. Before getting started set up the environment with the necessary tools.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Create a Python project environment
  • Install Utility Network Package Tools
  • Install Data Loading Tools

Configure Data Model for Implementation

The data model has been developed and curated over several years to reflect the latest capabilities of the utility network. This solution delivers the latest model which has been developed specifically to support stormwater utilities to best manage their assets in a digital environment.

After exploring the solution, complete the following steps to remove the sample data and prepare the data model to manage your stormwater network.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Project and Remove Sample Data
  • Create Modification Tables (Optional)
  • Loading Data (Optional)

Prototype in a Single User Environment

Creating a utility network that fits your organization's needs requires a solid understanding of your data, as well as the provided date model. We recommend starting out with a prototype to explore with your own data and adjust where necessary. When ready, move on to setting up and implementing your solution in ArcGIS Enterprise.

To learn more about the Attribute Rules included in the Stormwater Utility Network Foundation project, review the Stormwater Utility Network Attribute Rules document.

A few notable attribute rules have been highlighted in the table below. These attribute rules have been designed to improve adding and editing manholes. These are disabled by default but can be enabled to take advantage of the described functionality.

Name Description

Line - Snap to Manhole batch

When a pipe is snapped to a Manhole Channel, the pipe will be pulled back 2 ft. A Connection Point is added to the end of the pipe, contained in the Manhole, and associated by connectivity to the Manhole Channel.

StructureJunction - Create Manhole Channel batch

When a Sewer Storm Vault - Manhole is created, generate and contain a Manhole Channel.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Create File Geodatabase with Schema
  • Adjust Attribute Rules
  • Update Maps' Data Sources
  • Reset Trace Location Feature Classes
  • Adjust Maps
  • Export Asset Package

Deploy Solution to an Enterprise Environment

These tasks are a guide to set up a utility network from start to finish. This includes creating an enterprise database, utility network, and sharing the final maps and services with your organization.

This task group includes the following tasks:

  • Setup Enterprise Database
  • Create Utility Network
  • Apply Schema
  • Adjust Attribute Rules
  • Post Process
  • Publish Services
  • Update Subnetworks
  • Update Maps Data Source to Feature Service
  • Publish Web Map
  • Reset Trace Location Feature Classes
  • Adjust Maps
  • Share with Organization