Workflow item versions

Starting at ArcGIS Workflow Manager Server 11.1, workflow item owners can optionally upgrade a workflow item before it is accessed by workflow users and groups. When an optional item upgrade is available, a notification appears in the Notification Center for the item owner with sufficient privileges. If you choose to upgrade at a later time, workflow users can continue using the workflow item to complete work.

The following is a list of updated features that are available after a workflow item is upgraded to the latest version:


Workflow item versions are independent of your version of Workflow Manager and may not reflect the software version in which they were released.

Workflow item versionFeatureDescription

Add Attachment step

The attachment ID for job attachments added with the Add Attachment step can now be retrieved using the JobOutputArray ArcGIS Arcade expression.

Send Web Request step

If the step is configured to include the response, the attachment ID can be retrieved using the JobOutputValue Arcade expression.

Run Pro GP Tool step

If the step is configured to include the geoprocessing log as an attachment, the attachment ID can be retrieved using the JobOutputValue Arcade expression.

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