Create a project

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Projects are short-term (1–5 years) developments at the parcel level. To learn more about projects, see Projects. The following users can create projects:

  • Licensed users with editing permissions
  • Users with an ArcGIS Hub Community account

Anonymous public users cannot create projects.

There are multiple ways to create a project in the overview. Each way results in a project that is populated with the following scenarios:
  • Existing—The current scenario
  • Scenario 1—The default scenario, which can be modified

Once a project has been created, you can configure and edit it. In ArcGIS Urban, you can configure multiple aspects of a project, including the name, custom ID, address, description, thumbnail image, web URL, start and end dates, and status. You can also upload external 3D content for a project. To learn more about configuring a project, see Configure a project. To learn more about project editing, see Edit a project.

Create from a parcel

To create a project from a parcel, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Urban.
  2. Zoom in to the project location until the parcel boundaries appear.
  3. Select the parcel or parcels.


    • Press Shift while selecting to select multiple parcels.
    • To deselect a parcel from a group selection, press the Alt key while clicking it in the scene view.

  4. Click the Create here button in the left side panel.

    If you are an unlicensed user or have not signed in, the Create here button is unavailable. You can either sign in or sign up.

    • Click Sign in in the side panel to sign in to your account.
    • Click Sign up to create a Hub Community account.

  5. Choose Project from the drop-down list and fill in the name field.
  6. Optionally, adjust the project boundary.

    This tool supports snapping. To disable snapping temporarily, press the Ctrl key while drawing.

  7. Click Create project.

Create from an address

To create a project from an address, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Urban.
  2. Type an address in the search field, press the Enter key, and click the search result.

    The address's parcel is selected.

  3. Click the Create here button in the left side panel.

    If you are an unlicensed user or have not signed in, the Create here button is unavailable. You can either sign in or sign up.

    • Click Sign in in the side panel to sign in to your account.
    • Click Sign up to create a Hub Community account.

  4. Choose Project from the drop-down list and fill in the name field.
  5. Optionally, adjust the project boundary.

    This tool supports snapping. To disable snapping temporarily, press the Ctrl key while drawing.

  6. Click Create project.
  7. Note:
    You must include a street number in the address search for the underlying parcel to be selected.

Create by drawing the study area

To create a project by drawing its study area, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Urban and sign in.
  2. In the overview, click the add button Add button at the upper right of the header.
  3. Choose Project from the drop-down list.
  4. Draw the project boundary.
  5. Optionally, adjust the project boundary.

    • This tool supports snapping. To disable snapping temporarily, press the Ctrl key while drawing.
    • This tool supports editing constraints. Press the Tab key while drawing to input exact dimensions.

  6. Fill in the name and the address fields in the side panel.
  7. Click Create project.

Create by importing a study area geometry

To create a project by importing its study area from a feature layer, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Urban and sign in.
  2. In the overview, click the add button Add button at the upper right of the header.
  3. Choose Project from the drop-down list.
  4. Click Import study area on the blue banner to open the Import study area dialog box.
    1. In the Item step, search for the ArcGIS Online layer that contains the study area geometry, click the layer, and click Next to continue.
    2. In the Sublayer step, select a sublayer, and click Next to continue.
    3. In the Validation step, review invalid features in the Errors table if needed if errors are detected. Correct the errors in the source data and click Refresh. If all features are valid, click Close to close the Import study area dialog box.

    The geometries of the selected layer are displayed in the view

  5. Select one of the geometries by clicking it.
  6. Optionally, adjust the project boundary.

    This tool supports snapping. To disable snapping temporarily, press the Ctrl key while drawing.

  7. Fill in the name and the address fields in the side panel.
  8. Click Create project.

Copy an existing project

You can create a copy from an existing project if you have access to the existing project and the owner of the project allows creating copies. See Share a project that you own to learn how to enable copying projects for nonowners. For projects that you uploaded to the urban database through the data manager, you must enable copying projects for nonowners on the urban model. See Configure permissions to copy and duplicate to learn more.

The copy of a project is associated with the current urban model by default. You can also save the copy of a project to another urban model.

  • Copying a project creates a project in a separate feature layer with you as the owner.
  • 3D models that you uploaded to a project scenario are not included in the copied project. This is a known limitation because ArcGIS Online does not yet support copying 3D models from one layer to another.

Copy in the current urban model

To create a project from an existing project in the current urban model, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Urban and sign in.
  2. Select a project by searching for it in the left side panel or by clicking its pin on the map.

    The project editor appears.

  3. Click the project name at the upper left of the screen.
  4. From the drop-down menu, choose Save project as duplicate.

    The Save project as duplicate option is disabled if the project is stored in the urban database and you have the privilege to edit the urban model. In this case, choose the Enable editing option instead. It allows you to create an editable copy and you can choose whether or not you want to keep the original project stored in the urban database.

  5. On the dialog box, provide a name for the new project and click OK.

Copy to another urban model

To create a project from an existing project and save it to another urban model, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Urban and sign in.
  2. Select a project by searching for it in the left side panel or by clicking its pin on the map.

    The project editor appears.

  3. Click the project name at the upper left of the screen.
  4. From the drop-down menu, choose Save project as duplicate.

    The Save project as duplicate option is disabled if the project is stored in the urban database and you have the privilege to edit the urban model. In this case, choose the Enable editing option instead. It allows you to create an editable copy and you can choose whether or not you want to keep the original project stored in the urban database.

  5. On the dialog box, provide a name for the new project.
  6. Check the Save project to another Urban Model check box.
  7. Use the Urban Model text box to search for the target urban model.

    You can search by name or by item ID.

  8. Select the target urban model by clicking it in the list of search results.
  9. Click OK.

The project will be converted to the coordinate system of the urban model you copy the project to. You can view the coordinate system of an urban model in the data manager. See Manage general settings to learn more.

Projects and public users

As a public user, you can create a project in Urban by creating a Hub Community account and signing in. This allows users who do not have an Urban license to add a project.