Use street-level imagery

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |

The street-level imagery functionality in Urban allows you to compare the future of a city with the current situation on street level in a split screen. You can use the street-level imagery mode in the overview when viewing or editing a plan or project.

Street-level imagery is not available in local urban models. See Understanding local and global urban models to learn more.

To use the street-level imagery functionality, complete the following steps:

  1. Start ArcGIS Urban.
  2. Point to the Street-level imagery button Street level button in the lower right corner.

    A hand icon appears.

  3. You must enable the street-level imagery functionality in the data manager to see the Street-level imagery button. See Configure street-level imagery for details.
  4. Drag the icon onto the scene.

    The streets appear as green lines.

  5. Drop the icon where you want to see the street-level imagery.

    When you use the street-level imagery mode, the Urban scene is on the left and the corresponding street-level imagery is on the right.

  6. To navigate on both sides, use the arrows in the street-level imagery to navigate along the street and use the normal scene navigation (pan, zoom, rotate) to look around.
  7. Click the Close button Close in the upper right corner to close the street-level imagery mode.

When viewing or editing a plan or project, you can switch between scenarios while you are in the street-level imagery mode using the scenario switcher in the header.

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