Share a project

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |

In the project settings, you can configure with whom you'd like to share your project: individual users, groups, all users of your organization, or everyone. Additionally, you can allow nonowners to edit your project and create copies of it.

Share a project that you own

A project is by default only accessible to the user who created it. Only this user can change the sharing settings. Complete the following steps to share a project that you own:

  1. Select the project you want to share in the view or in the search panel.

    The project editor appears.

  2. Expand the drop-down menu named after the project in the header and choose Share project.

    The project configuration opens on the Sharing tab. Following the ArcGIS Enterprise sharing terminology, you can configure the sharing level as well as the group sharing. To learn more about the Enterprise sharing terminology, see Share items in the ArcGIS Enterprise documentation.

  3. Choose from the following options from the Set sharing level drop-down menu to configure the sharing level:
    • Owner—The project is only accessible to you.
    • Organization—Share the project with all users of your organization.
    • Everyone (public)—Share the project with everyone.
      • Before sharing a project with everyone, you must disable the Allow non-owners to edit setting in the Permissions section to prevent nonowners from making changes to the project.
      • Public projects are visible to everyone who has access to the urban model. See Share an urban model to learn more.
  4. Optionally, share the project with an existing group of users in the Set group sharing subsection.
    1. Use the input field to search for groups.
    2. Select a group by clicking it.

      The group is added to the list of groups the project is shared with.

  5. Optionally, create a new group of users to share the project with in the Set group sharing subsection.
    1. Click the Create group button.
    2. On the Create group dialog box, provide a group name.
    3. Search for group members using the Search users input field.
    4. Select a user by clicking it.
    5. Click Create and share to share the project with the selected users.

      This creates a group in the background that contains the users you searched for. The group is added to the list of groups the project is shared with.

  6. Use the Allow non-owners to edit toggle button in the Permissions section to configure whether the users you shared the project with can edit it.
  7. Use the Allow non-owners to save as duplicate toggle button in the Permissions section to configure whether the users you shared the project with can copy it.

In addition to the project, the user must have access to the urban model. See Share an urban model to learn more.

Filter projects by access level in the overview

Signed-in users of ArcGIS Urban can filter the projects shown in the overview in the sharing settings defined in ArcGIS Enterprise. To filter the content, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the overview.
  2. Click Projects below the search bar in the upper left corner of the screen.

    The side panel with the list of projects expands.

  3. Click the Access drop-down menu and choose from the following options:
    • Private—Shows the projects that are exclusively accessible to you.
    • Organization—Shows the projects that are shared with your organization.
    • Shared—Shows the projects that are shared with you through a group.
    • Public—Shows the projects that are shared with everyone.

    You can also combine the options in the Access drop-down menu.

    The overview content is filtered.