Set up ArcGIS Urban

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |

ArcGIS Urban is accessible with or without an ArcGIS Urban license:

  • Users without a license can access publicly shared urban models, plans, and projects in the read-only view (for example stakeholders or the public).
  • Users with a license can administer urban models and edit plans and projects (for example urban planners or GIS professionals).

See the sections below to learn how to license ArcGIS Urban and how to create an urban model.

License ArcGIS Urban

An ArcGIS Urban license is required to administer an urban model and edit plans and projects. To add a license to your ArcGIS Enterprise account, do the following:

  1. Obtain an ArcGIS Urban license for your ArcGIS Enterprise organization.
  2. Assign the license to your user account.
  3. Review the Manage licenses topic in the ArcGIS Enterprise help for additional information about how to assign licenses to users.

  • The accessibility of ArcGIS Urban workflows depends on the privileges that are associated with ArcGIS Enterprise user roles. See Workflow accessibility to learn more.

Create an urban model

To create an urban model, assign a license to your ArcGIS Enterprise account and complete the steps below.

  1. Sign in to ArcGIS Enterprise.
  2. Go to the Content page in your organization, click the Create app button, and choose Urban.

    ArcGIS Urban starts.

  3. Choose the location of your urban model.
    1. Type an address or the name of a place into the input field, and press the Enter key to confirm.
    2. Use the handles in the map to adjust the model location.

    The model location has the following implications:

    • It defines the initial map view when you open the urban model. You can change it later. See Configure general settings for details.
    • It optimizes the address search in Urban. You can only search for addresses that are within the model location extent.
    • It makes your Urban model item on ArcGIS Enterprise searchable by location. See Browse content in the ArcGIS Enterprise documentation for details.
    • It limits the basemap you can choose for the model on the Select basemap dialog box. Only basemaps that intersect with the model extent can be used.

  4. Select the basemap and coordinate system for the urban model.

    The coordinate system of the basemap defines the type of the urban model: local or global. By default, a global urban model with the WGS 1984 Web Mercator coordinate system is created. When you select a basemap with a projected coordinate system, a local urban model is created. See Understanding local and global urban models to learn more about the differences.

    • In a local urban model, certain functionality is not available. See the Understanding local and global urban models section below to learn more.
    • The urban model coordinate system cannot be changed after the model has been created.
    1. Click the Select item button Select.
    2. Select an item from the Select basemap dialog box.
      • Only items from your organization's basemap gallery can be selected. See the Configure map topic in the ArcGIS Enterprise documentation to learn more about configuring the basemap gallery.
      • Only items that intersect with the extent of the urban model can be selected. See Define content extent in the ArcGIS Enterprise documentation to learn how to set the extent of an item.
    3. Click Select to close the dialog box.
    4. If you selected a basemap with a projected coordinate system, check the check box to acknowledge the limitations of local urban models.
  5. Select an elevation layer for the urban model. See Elevation layer to learn more.
    1. Click the Select item button Select.
    2. Select an item from the Select elevation layer dialog box.
    3. Click Select to close the dialog box.

    • The elevation layer must have the same coordinate system and tiling scheme as the basemap. See Configure a web elevation layer for more information on how to set up a tiling scheme for an elevation layer before publishing.
    • For global urban models in Web Mercator, the default elevation is used and the Select elevation layer section is not shown. You can configure the elevation layer after the urban model has been created. See Configure an elevation layer to learn more.

  6. Expand the Template drop-down menu to choose a template to define the data:
    • Choose Empty to set up an empty urban model to add your own data.
    • Choose USA Default to set up an urban model populated with predefined space use and building and zoning types.
  7. Optionally, click Import from feature layer to upload a parcels layer.
    The parcels are converted to the coordinate system of the urban model if the coordinate systems don't match.

    You can also upload parcels later. See Add parcels for details.

  8. Optionally, click Import from feature layer again to upload zoning boundaries from a feature layer with defined symbology for each zoning type.
    The zoning boundaries are converted to the coordinate system of the urban model if the coordinate systems don't match.

    You can also upload zoning boundaries later. See Manage zoning for details.

  9. Click Create Urban Model.

    When the setup tool has finished creating the urban model, ArcGIS Urban starts automatically.


Closing the browser tab or refreshing the page cancels the initialization process. Keep the tab open while the urban model is created.

For more information and step-by-step instructions on how to prepare data using the data manager, see Prepare data.

Understanding local and global urban models

Depending on the coordinate system used, the urban model will be displayed in a local or a global scene in Urban.


See Viewing modes to learn about the technical differences between local and global scenes, and Supported coordinate systems for further information.

Before creating an urban model, consider the following:

  • If you have 3D base layers such as existing buildings, trees, reality mesh, elevation layer, and context layers stored in a projected coordinate system, it is recommended that you create a local urban model.
  • If you don't have 3D base layers and you want to use the out-of-the-box data in Urban, it is recommended that you create a global urban model in Web Mercator.

Geometries that you create or import in Urban are stored in the coordinate system of the urban model. On import, geometries are converted to the coordinate system of the urban model if the coordinate systems don't match.

Layers that are loaded in Urban—such as 3D base layers, context layers, and indicator layers—must match the coordinate system of the urban model, with the exception of noncached layers such as feature layers. Noncached layers can be added in any coordinate system, since they will be reprojected to the coordinate system of the urban model.


See Geometry projections to learn more about the impact of reprojecting geometries, and Data layers for further information on different types of data layers.

In local urban models and global urban models in CGCS2000, you cannot use certain functionality due to technical limitations. The following are not available:

  • Default 3D base layers configured in your organization
  • Default basemaps configured in your organization
  • Default elevation layer configured in your organization
  • Street-level imagery

In global urban models in WGS84, the following are not available:

  • Default basemaps configured in your organization
  • Default elevation layer configured in your organization
  • Street-level imagery