Description styling

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.4)    |

In ArcGIS Urban, you can style the text of the following descriptions:

  • Indicator description
  • Project description
  • Plan description
  • Zoning and land-use type description
  • Overlay boundary description

You can style descriptions with markdown. Markdown is a markup language that is used to format text. ArcGIS Urban supports the following markdown syntax elements:

  • Paragraphs
  • Bold and italic text
  • Link
  • Unordered list
  • Ordered list
  • Table


To create paragraphs, separate text blocks with a blank line.

This is the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph.

Example of text with two paragraphs

Bold and italic text

You can emphasize a single word or a phrase the following way:

  • Bold—Add two asterisks before and after the text (**).
  • Italic—Add an underscore before and after the text (_).
  • Bold and italic—Add three asterisks before and after the text (***).

**This text is bold.**

_This text is italicized._

***This text is both bold and italicized.***

Examples of text in bold, text in italics, and text in both bold and italics


To create a link, enclose the link text in square brackets [ ] and append the URL enclosed in round brackets ( ).

[Link text](

Example of a formatted link

Unordered list

To create an unordered list, begin each item of the list with a dash (-). To add a nested list, indent the sublist by four spaces.

- First item
- Second item
- Third item
    - Indented item
    - Indented item
- Fourth item

Example of an unordered list

Ordered list

To create an ordered list, begin each item of the list with a number followed by a period. To add a nested list, indent the sublist by four spaces.

1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item
    1. Indented item
    2. Indented item
4. Fourth item

Example of an ordered list


To create a table, add a new line for each row and separate columns with pipes (|). Add three or more dashes (---) in each column of the second line to separate the headers from the content.

| First Header  | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content cell  | Content cell  |
| Content cell  | Content cell  |

Example of a table

You can align the content per column by adjusting the second row of the table definition as follows:

  • Align right—Add a colon to the left of the dashes (:---).
  • Align center—Enclose the dashes with colons (:---:).
  • Align right—Add a colon to the right of the dashes (---:).

| Left    | Center  | Right   |
| :---    |  :---:  |    ---: |
| Content | Content | Content |
| Content | Content | Content |

Example of a table with aligned text