ArcGIS Survey123 supports a large amount of the XLSForm specification. This reference guide provides a summary of the XLSForm features that you can use in Survey123. Surveys can be created in either Survey123 Connect or the Survey123 website; some features are only available in one or the other, and some are available in both.
Question types
The following table describes the question types that are available across Survey123 Connect, the Survey123 field app, the Survey123 web designer, and the Survey123 web app. In some questions, there are differences in behavior and implementation across platforms; for the differences, refer to the notes after the table.
Survey123 Connect question type | Survey123 web designer question type | Description | Supported in Survey123 field app | Supported in Survey123 web app |
audio⁴ | Audio⁴ ⁶ | Records an audio clip in the field app. Records an audio clip or accepts an uploaded audio file in the web app. | Yes | Yes |
barcode | Scans a barcode or QR code. | Yes | Yes | |
begin group | Begins a group of questions. | Yes | Yes | |
begin repeat | N/A | Begins a set of repeating questions. | Yes | Yes |
calculate | N/A | Performs a calculation on values in the form. The calculate field contains the outcome of the calculation. | Yes | Yes |
decimal¹ | Decimal input. | Yes | Yes | |
date | Date input. | Yes | Yes | |
dateTime | Date and time input. | Yes | Yes | |
deviceid | N/A | UUID representing the specific device on which the survey was taken. | Yes | No |
email² | N/A | When signed in with an organizational account, this question is automatically populated with the account email address. | Yes | Yes |
end | N/A | End date and time of the survey. | Yes | Yes |
end group | Ends a group of questions. | Yes | Yes | |
end repeat | N/A | Ends a set of repeating questions. | Yes | Yes |
file | Accepts a file on the device. | Yes | Yes | |
geopoint³ | Collects a given GPS coordinate. This defaults to current location. | Yes | Yes | |
geoshape³ | Collects a polygon on a map. | Yes | Yes | |
geotrace³ | Collects a line on a map. | Yes | Yes | |
hidden | N/A | Creates a field in your feature layer that is not displayed on the form. Use the bind::esri:fieldType and bind::esri:fieldLength columns to specify the data schema for this field. | Yes | Yes |
integer¹ | Whole number input. | Yes | Yes | |
image | Accepts either an image from the device's files or a directly taken photo. | Yes | Yes | |
note | Displays text on the screen. Note can also handle hidden calculations. | Yes | Yes | |
range | Slider⁶ | Input for a given range of numbers. | Yes | Yes |
rank list_name | Ranking question; orders a list of choices. Replace list_name with the name of your choice list. | Yes | Yes | |
select_one list_name | Dropdown⁵ ⁶, Likert scale⁵ ⁶, Rating⁶, Single select⁶, Single select grid⁶ | Multiple choice question; only one answer can be selected. Replace list_name with the name of your choice list. | Yes | Yes |
select_one_from_file file_name.csv | N/A | Multiple choice question; only one answer can be selected. Replace file_name.csv with the name of the file located in the survey's media folder that contains the list of choices. | Yes | Yes |
select_multiple list_name | Multiple choice question; multiple answers can be selected. Replace list_name with the name of your choice list. | Yes | Yes | |
select_multiple_from_file file_name.csv | N/A | Multiple choice question; multiple answers can be selected. Replace file_name.csv with the name of the file located in the survey's media folder that contains the list of choices. | Yes | Yes |
start | N/A | Start date and time of the survey. | Yes | Yes |
text | Address⁶, Email⁶, Multiline text⁵ ⁶, Singleline text⁶, Website⁶ | Free text response. A regular expression is applied to Email and Website. The geocode appearance is applied to Address. | Yes | Yes |
time | Time input. | Yes | Yes | |
username | N/A | When signed in with an organizational account, this question is automatically populated with the account username. | Yes | Yes |
¹The web designer combines integer and decimal questions into a single question type named Number. A check box in the properties of the question allows the survey designer to define which input is required.
²The email question types provided in Survey123 Connect and the Survey123 web designer are implemented differently. The implementation in Survey123 Connect automatically populates with the email address of the organizational account the user is signed in to. The implementation in the Survey123 web designer is instead a text field that only accepts formatting matching an email address.
³Geopoint, geotrace, and geoshape questions have been combined into a single question type named Map. A check box in the properties of the question allows the survey designer to define which input is required. An additional question type named Address allows for submitting geocoded points.
⁴Audio questions don't allow upload in the Survey123 field app as they do in the web app. To allow upload of audio in the field app, use a File question.
⁵Several appearances available in Survey123 Connect are instead available as separate question types in the Survey123 web designer. These include Multiline text, Dropdown, and Likert scale.
⁶For each question, the web designer provides an option to cache the answer. In the web app, after submitting a survey record, the answer to the question will be cached in the browser and preloaded into the next submission made for this survey on that device. Caching an answer can be set for all question types except Audio, Image, File upload, and Signature.
Survey worksheet columns
The following table contains all columns supported by Survey123. These columns are included on the survey worksheet in the Advanced template and are listed in this table in the order that they appear in the worksheet.
Column | Description |
type | Select a question type from the provided list. Enter a valid list name if using a select_one or select_multiple question. |
name | The field name in the feature layer. |
label | The question label displayed in your survey. |
hint | Information that can help to answer the survey question. |
guidance_hint | Additional information, only displayed after pressing an icon. |
appearance | Select the appearance of this field in your survey. |
required | Select yes to require a value in this field before completing the survey. |
required_message | When a required field has no response, the message in this column will appear to prompt for an answer. |
readonly | Select yes to set the values in this field to read-only. These values cannot be edited in the survey. |
default | Set the default value for this field. This will prepopulate the survey with the default value. This can be used to save time by either supplying a commonly used answer or showing the type of answer choice that is expected. |
calculation | Perform calculations using the values of preceding questions (for example, ${number} * 100). Reference the calculate field to display the result (for example, The answer is ${calc}). |
constraint | Limit the range of numbers that can be entered (for example, .>0 and .<100). It can be used with all question types. |
constraint_message | When constraint conditions are not met, this message will appear to prompt a valid answer. |
relevant | This allows you to skip questions or make additional questions appear based on the response to a previous question. A question is made visible by meeting the conditions in the relevant column (for example, ${name} = 'value'). A question hidden by this column submits only null values. |
choice_filter | When using cascading selects, this field holds the expression to match the additional attribute columns on the choices tab (for example, attribute = ${value}). |
repeat_count | This value specifies the number of records available in a repeat. Once the repeat count has been specified, records cannot be added to or deleted from the repeat. |
media::audio | Copy an audio file to the media subfolder for your project and type the name of your audio file (for example, audio.mp3) to present audio with your question. |
media::image | Copy an image file to the media subfolder for your project and type the name of your image file (for example, image.jpg) to display an image with your question. |
bind::type | A field type that overwrites the default field type for the question. |
bind::esri:fieldType | Define the target field type in the feature layer. This can be used to overwrite the default field type (for example, calculate and select_one fields are strings by default. To save the values in the feature layer as integers, select esriFieldTypeInteger). |
bind::esri:fieldLength | Define the target field length in the feature layer. You can use this to overwrite the default field length. |
bind::esri:fieldAlias | Provide values for the field alias in the feature layer. You can use this to overwrite the default field alias values, which are derived from the question label. |
body::esri:style | Provide expressions to define the style and behavior of a question (for example, the background color for groups and repeats). |
bind::esri:parameters | Provide parameters for a question that are specific to Survey123 (for example, parameters to control the behavior of repeats when editing your survey). |
bind::esri:workflow | Provides parameters to enable a survey to be available to a rangefinder measurement mode. |
parameters | Provide standard XLSForm parameters for a question (for example, the start, end, and step parameters for a range question). |
body::accept | Set file types accepted for the file question. Accepts file extensions, with multiple file extensions separated by commas (for example, .jpg, .png). |
body::esri:visible | This allows you to skip questions or make additional questions appear based on the response to a previous question. A question is made visible by meeting the conditions in the body::esri:visible column (for example, ${name} = 'value'). A question hidden by this column still contains and submits values. |
body::esri:inputMask | Provide an expression to use an input mask to provide a set format for data entry using characters and symbols. |
label::language (xx) | Provide translations for your question labels. The language must be specified by its name and code (for example, label::Español (es)). Add a new column for each language. The list of languages will appear in a drop-down menu in the survey. |
hint::language (xx) | Provide translations for your question hints. The language must be specified by its name and code (for example, hint::Español (es)). Add a new column for each language. The list of languages will appear in a drop-down menu in the survey. |
guidance_hint::language (xx) | Provide translations for your guidance hints. You must specify the language by its name and code (for example, guidance_hint::Español (es)). Add a new column for each language. The list of languages will appear in a drop-down menu in the survey. |
required_message::language (xx) | Provide translations for the message that appears if a required question is not answered. The language must be specified by its name and code (for example, required_message::Español (es)). Add a new column for each language. The list of languages will appear in a drop-down menu in the survey. |
body::accuracyThreshold | Provide a numeric value for the threshold (in meters) above which position values will not be accepted. Applies to geopoint and the vertices of geoshape and geotrace questions. |
bind::esri:warning | Apply an expression that displays warnings if conditions are not met. |
bind::esri:warning_message | The message that displays if the bind::esri:warning conditions are not met. |
bind::saveIncomplete | Set to true if the app is to automatically save the response after the question. |
You can enter the following values into the appearance column for specific types of questions to alter how they appear or behave. For more information on each, see Appearance.
Appearance | Applicable question type | Description | Supported in Survey123 field app | Supported in Survey123 web app |
annotate | image | Allows the user to open a canvas window on which to sketch that also supports annotation on images. | Yes | Yes |
autocomplete | select_one | Answer choices appear in a drop-down menu with text input to narrow options. | Yes | Yes |
calculator | integer, decimal | Displays a custom calculator widget for this question. | Yes | No |
compact | select_one, select_multiple, begin group, begin repeat | For select_one and select_multiple questions, presents choices horizontally in a space-efficient manner. For groups and repeats, presents questions in a collapsed state at startup, which can be expanded by the user. | Yes | Yes |
compact-n | select_one, select_multiple | Presents choices horizontally in a space-efficient manner, with a maximum amount of columns specified by n. For example, compact-3 limits the question to a maximum of three columns. | Yes | Yes |
distress | integer | Displays the question as a colored sliding scale. | Yes | No |
draw | image | Allows the user to open a canvas window on which to sketch. | Yes | Yes |
field-list | begin group, begin repeat | Displays the group of questions on a separate page when the survey style is set to pages. | Yes | Yes |
geocode | text | Search for and submit a geocoded address. | Yes | Yes |
getinframarkerid | text | Retrieve and store a unique 24-character InfraMarker tag ID. | Yes | No |
hidden | All | Hides the question from view while still accepting defaults and calculations. | Yes | Yes |
hide-input | geopoint | Collapses the coordinate entry section when the survey is opened in the web app. | No | Yes |
horizontal | select_one, select_multiple | Displays answer choices horizontally and in columns. | Yes | Yes |
horizontal-compact | select_one, select_multiple | Same as compact appearance. | Yes | Yes |
image-map | select_one, select_multiple | Displays an attached .svg image with selectable regions. | Yes | No |
inframarker | text | Supply information to be written to an InfraMaker tag. | Yes | No |
likert | select_one | Makes the answer choices appear as a Likert scale. | Yes | Yes |
minimal | select_one, select_multiple, barcode, begin repeat | Presents multiple responses (select_one, select_multiple), multiple questions (repeats), and a text box (barcode) in a hidden or minimized style. | Yes | Yes |
minimal compact | begin repeat | Presents questions inside a repeat as both collapsed (compact) and hidden (minimal). | Yes | Yes |
month-year | date | Selects only a month and year for the date. | Yes | Yes |
multiline | text, image, file | Presents a text question as a multiline text box. It allows multiple attachments for an image or file question. | Yes | Yes |
new-front | image | Limits the question to only taking a photo, using the front-facing camera as the default. | Yes | No |
new-rear | image | Limits the question to only taking a photo, using the rear-facing camera as the default. | Yes | No |
no-ticks | range | Displays the range slider without positions, minimum values, or maximum values. | Yes | Yes |
nopredictivetext | text | Disables predictive text for mobile devices. | Yes | No |
numbers | integer, decimal | Displays a custom numerical keyboard for this question. | Yes | No |
predictivetext | text | Enables predictive text for mobile devices. | Yes | No |
press-to-locate | geopoint, geotrace, geoshape | For geopoint questions, only accepts a location after the user interacts with the question. For geotrace and geoshape, it centers the user's location without capturing a point when first interacting with the question. | Only for geopoint | Yes |
rangefinder | text | Accepts either the full JSON object or a specified value that is returned from a rangefinder. | Yes | No |
search | text | Populates the choice list with values from a CSV table in the survey's media folder, or an existing feature layer or table. | Yes | No |
signature | image | Presents a UI for signature capture. The signature is added to the feature as an attachment. | Yes | Yes |
spike | image | Requires a Spike device and Spike app. It uses Spike integration to measure distance and location in a photo. | Yes | No |
spike-full-measure | image | Requires a Spike device and Spike app. It uses Spike integration to measure distance, location, area, and lengths in a photo. | Yes | No |
spike-point-to-point | image | Requires a Spike device and Spike app. It uses Spike integration to measure distance between two photographed points. | Yes | No |
spinner | integer, decimal | Adds buttons to increase and decrease value. | Yes | No |
table-list | begin group | Presents a set of select_one questions inside a group with a common choice list in a table format. | Yes | Yes |
thousands-sep | decimal | Displays answers with thousands separators. It applies to prepopulated answers only. | Yes | No |
week-number | date | Selects a week number. | Yes | No |
year | date | Selects only a year for the date. | Yes | Yes |
Some question types in XLSForm have additional parameters that allow you to control the style or behavior of questions in a survey. In some cases, these parameters complement the appearances that a question type supports. For an overview of the parameters supported by each question type, see XLSForm parameters.
Default values
Entering today() into the default column of a date question sets the default value to today's date.
Enter the choice name (not choice label) for default values of select_one questions.
Responses to a select_multiple question type work differently than others, with each checked answer entered in the order it was selected, separated by commas. To define several values as defaults in a select_multiple question, separate them with commas, for example, item1,item2,item3.
Data validation
Entering yes as a value in the required column causes the survey question to require that the question contain a value before the form can be completed.
The operators listed in the following table can be used in XLSForm columns that support expressions, including the constraint, calculation, and relevant columns.
For more information about calculations and constraints, see Formulas, and for more about the use of the relevant column, see Form expressions.
Operator | Description | Example |
. | The current answer | .=1 |
+ | Addition | ${question_one} + 4 |
- | Subtraction | ${question_one} - 4 |
* | Multiplication | ${question_one} * 4 |
div | Division | ${question_one} div 4 |
= | Equal | ${price}=9.80 |
!= | Not equal | ${price}!=9.80 |
< | Less than | ${price}<9.80 |
<= | Less than or equal to | ${price}<=9.80 |
> | Greater than | ${price}>9.80 |
>= | Greater than or equal to | ${price}>=9.80 |
and | And | ${price}>9.00 and ${price}<9.90 |
mod | Modulus (division remainder) | ${question_one} mod ${question_two} |
or | Or | ${price}=9.80 or ${price}=9.70 |
The following functions are supported in Survey123:
Function | Description | Example |
boolean(question, expression, or value) | Returns true if the value provided is not null. It's recommended that you use boolean-from-string() instead. Caution:This function always returns true in the Survey123 web app. For alternatives, see Empty values. | boolean(${question_one}) |
boolean-from-string() | Returns true if the string provided is 'true' or '1'. Otherwise, returns false. | boolean-from-string(${question_one}) |
coalesce(value1, value2) | Returns the first nonempty value. This function supports only two values. | coalesce(${question_one}, ${question_two}) |
concat(value1, value2, …) | Returns the concatenation of the string values. | concat(${question_one}, ' and ', ${question_two}) |
contains(string, substring) | Returns true if the given string contains the substring. | contains(${question_one}, 'red') |
count(repeat) | Returns the amount of responses to a given question across repeats. For more information, see Aggregate functions. Note:When used in the Survey123 field app, this function can be placed inside or outside of the repeat. If the function is to be used in the Survey123 web app, it must be placed outside of the repeat. A count value from outside the repeat can be referenced in a calculation inside the repeat. | count(${question}) |
count-selected(question) | Returns the number of selected answers for select_one and select_multiple questions. This function also returns the number of attached files for image, audio, and file questions using the multiline appearance. | count-selected(${question_one}) |
date(question, expression, or value) | Converts a number or string to a date object, without preserving time. | date('2017-05-28T04:39:02+10:00') |
date-time(question, expression, or string) | Converts a number or string to a date object. | date-time('2017-05-28T04:39:02+10:00') |
Converts a date object to a decimal date-time number. | decimal-date-time(${date_question}) | |
decimal-time(question, expression, or string) | Converts a time object to a number representing a fractional day in the device's time zone. | decimal-time(${time_question}) |
ends-with(string, substring) | Returns true if the given string ends with the substring. | ends-with(${question_one}, 'hand.') |
false() | False | false() |
Fits an existing date or time value to a defined format. | format-date(${previous_time}, '%H:%M') | |
if(condition, a, b) | If the condition evaluates to true, returns a; otherwise, returns b. | if(selected(${question_one}, 'yes') and selected(${question_two}, 'yes'), 'yes', 'no') |
indexed-repeat(question, repeat, index number) | Returns the value from a specific question in a repeat record. For more information, see Repeats. | indexed-repeat(${room_no}, ${floor}, 3) |
int(question, expression, or value) | Converts to integer. Conversion varies depending on data type. Note:If this function is empty, it will return NaN and the question will remain empty. | int(${question_one}) |
join(separator, question) | Concatenates all answers to a given question in a repeat, separated by the given separator. | join(',', ${question_in_repeat}) |
jr:choice-name(choice_name, 'question') | Used for select_one questions. It returns the label associated with the name of the choice in the given question. Be aware that the question must be defined inside quotes. | jr:choice-name(${select_one}, '${select_one}') |
Used for select_multiple questions. It returns the label associated with the name of the choice in the given question. The selected-at() function must be used to extract the label for individual answers. Be aware that the question must be defined inside quotes. | jr:choice-name(selected-at(${select_multiple}, 3), '${select_multiple}') | |
max(value1, value2, ...) | Returns the maximum value in a given range, or to a single question across repeats. | max(${question_one}, ${question_two}) |
min(value1, value2, ...) | Returns the minimum value in a given range, or to a single question across repeats. | min(${question_one}, ${question_two}) |
not(expression) | Returns a false value if the expression would return true, and a true value if the expression would return false. | not(selected(., 'yes')) |
now() | Returns a time stamp for this instant. This function is used in time and dateTime questions. It behaves the same as today() in date questions. | now() |
number(question, expression, or value) | Converts to number. Conversion varies depending on data type. Note:If this function is empty, it will return NaN and the question will remain empty. | number(${question_one}) |
once() | If a question already has a value, returns the existing value. This function is useful when using random() or uuid() in a repeated question to ensure the value doesn't change when you browse through the repeat records in the form. | once(uuid()) |
position(..) | Returns the index of the current record in a repeat. For more information, see Repeats. | position(..) |
pulldata() | Returns a value from an external CSV file. For more information, see Retrieve a value from CSV. | pulldata('users', 'email', 'name', ${respondent_name}) |
pulldata("@exif") | Returns a value from the EXIF metadata in an image. For more information, see Extract image metadata. | pulldata("@exif", ${photo}, "GpsLatitude") |
pulldata("@geopoint") | Returns a value from a geopoint question. For more information, see Extract geopoint values. | pulldata("@geopoint", ${location}, "horizontalAccuracy") |
pulldata("@javascript") | Runs a JavaScript function in the form and returns the result. For more information, see JavaScript functions in survey forms. | pulldata("@javascript", "functions.js", "uniqueID", ${buildings}) |
pulldata("@json") | Returns a value from a JSON object. For more information, see Retrieve a value from JSON. | pulldata("@json", ${json_output}, "attributes.ZIP_CODE") |
pulldata("@layer") | Queries an ArcGIS feature layer, feature table, or query enabled map service and returns the result. For more information, see Query a feature layer. | pulldata("@layer", "getRecordAt", "", ${location}) |
pulldata("@property") | Returns information about the device or signed-in user. For more information, see Device and user properties. | pulldata("@property", 'username') |
random() | Returns a random value between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive). | random() |
regex() | Applies a regular expression to the question's input. Returns true if the pattern is matched. For more information, see Regular expressions. | regex(., '^\d{5}$') |
selected(question, value) | Checks whether answer is selected. This function is used for select_one and select_multiple questions. | selected(${question_one}, 'a') |
selected-at(question, number) | Used for select_multiple questions. It returns the name of the choice selected for the given number, counted starting from zero; for example, '2' will return the third selected choice. | selected-at(${question_one}, 2) |
starts-with(string, substring) | Returns true if the given string starts with the substring. | starts-with(${question_one}, 'The') |
string(question, expression, or value) | Converts to string. Conversion varies depending on data type. | string(${question_one}) |
string-length(question, expression, or value) | Returns the length of a nonempty string. | string-length(${question_one}) |
substr(question, start, end) | Returns the substring beginning at the specified start and extends to the character at index end -1, where start and end begin at 0. | substr(${question_one}, 1, 2) |
sum(repeat) | Returns the sum of all responses to a given question across repeats. For more information, see Aggregate functions. Note:When used in the Survey123 field app, this function can be placed inside or outside of the repeat. If the function is to be used in the Survey123 web app, it must be placed outside of the repeat. A sum value from outside the repeat can be referenced in a calculation inside the repeat. | sum(${question}) |
today() | Returns today's date, internally stored as local midday. This function is used in date questions. | today() |
true() | True | true() |
uuid() | Returns a random UUID string. | uuid() |
version() | Returns the version of the survey defined in the settings worksheet. | version() |
The following mathematical functions are supported in Survey123:
Function | Description | Example |
acos(value) | Returns the arc cosine of the value. | acos(${question_one}) |
asin(value) | Returns the arc sine of the value. | asin(${question_one}) |
atan(value) | Returns the arc tangent of the value. | atan(${question_one}) |
atan2(value1, value2) | Returns the arc tangent of the quotient of the values. | atan2(${question_one}, ${question_two}) |
cos(value) | Returns the cosine of the value as an angle in radians. | cos(${question_one}) |
sin(value) | Returns the sine of the value as an angle in radians. | sin(${question_one}) |
tan(value) | Returns the tangent of the value as an angle in radians. | tan(${question_one}) |
exp(value) | Returns the natural exponent of the value. | exp(${question_one}) |
exp10(value) | Returns 10 to the power of the value. | exp10(${question_one}) |
log(value) | Returns the natural logarithm of the value. | log(${question_one}) |
log10(value) | Returns the base-ten logarithm of the value. | log10(${question_one}) |
pi() | Returns pi. | pi() |
pow(value, power) | Returns the value to the power specified. | pow(${question_one}, 3) |
round(value, places) | Returns the rounded value. | round(${question_one}, 5) |
sqrt(value) | Returns the square root of the value. | sqrt(${question_one}) |
HTML formatting
You can use HTML formatting in question labels and hints, as well as the labels in choice lists. Supported HTML formatting is as follows:
Tag | Attribute |
a | href, style |
abbr | title |
audio¹ | autoplay, controls, loop, muted, preload |
b, strong, i, em, u, ul, ol, li, tbody, br, hr | |
dd, dl, dt | style |
div¹ | style, align |
figcaption | style |
figure | style |
font | size, color, style |
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 | style |
img | src, width, height, border, alt, style |
p | style |
source¹ | media, src, type |
span | style |
sub | style |
sup | style |
table | width, height, cellpadding, cellspacing, border, style |
td, th | height, width, valign, align, colspan, rowspan, nowrap, style |
tr | height, valign, align, style |
video¹ | autoplay, controls, height, loop, muted, poster, preload, width |
¹Only supported in the Survey123 web app.
By default, a hyperlink created with HTML formatting that is opened in the Survey123 web app will open the destination in the same tab as the survey. To open this link in a new tab instead, add target="_blank" to the a href tag, for example:
<a href="" target="_blank">Link to Esri website</a>
Regular expressions
Regular expressions are sequences of characters that define a search pattern. They can be used in one question to determine its value based on other questions or to constrain data entry. A regular expression can be built from the subexpressions listed in the following table. For more information, see Formulas.
Subexpression | Match |
^ | Matches beginning of line. |
$ | Matches end of line. |
. | Matches any single character except newline. |
[...] | Matches any single character in brackets. |
[^...] | Matches any single character not in brackets. |
(re) | Groups regular expressions and remembers matched text. |
(?: re) | Groups regular expressions without remembering matched text. |
a| b | Matches either a or b. |
\A | Beginning of entire string. |
\b | Matches word boundaries when outside brackets, and matches backspace (0x08) when inside brackets. |
\B | Matches nonword boundaries. |
\d | Matches digits. It is equivalent to [0 through 9]. |
\D | Matches nondigits. |
\G | Matches point where last match finished. |
\n, \t, \e, and so on | Matches new line, tab, escape, and so on. |
\N | Back reference to capture group number N. |
re* | Matches 0 or more occurrences of preceding expression. |
re+ | Matches 1 or more occurrences of preceding expression. |
re? | Matches 0 or 1 occurrences of preceding expression. |
re{ n} | Matches exact number of occurrences of previous expression defined in place of n. |
re{ n,} | Matches n or more occurrences of preceding expression. |
re{ n, m} | Matches at least the number of occurrences defined by n and, at most, defined by m in preceding expression. |
\s | Matches a whitespace character: tab, line feed, form feed, carriage return, or space. |
\S | Matches nonwhitespace. |
\w | Matches word characters. |
\W | Matches nonword characters. |
\z | End of entire string. |
\Z | End of entire string except allowable final line terminator. |
For example, the regular expression regex(.,'^[A-Za-z]*$') requires the user to enter only letters, no numbers or special characters, into a string question.
Esri field types
The bind::esri:fieldType column can be used to overwrite the default field type with one of the following values. For more information, see Esri custom columns.
Field value | Result |
esriFieldTypeDate | Date and time values |
esriFieldTypeDateOnly | Date values only with no time values |
esriFieldTypeTimeOnly | Time values only with no date values |
esriFieldTypeTimestampOffset | Date, time, and offset from UTC value |
esriFieldTypeDouble | Double-precision floating point numbers |
esriFieldTypeGUID | Globally Unique Identifier |
esriFieldTypeInteger | Whole numbers (32 bit) |
esriFieldTypeBigInteger | Whole numbers from (64 bit) |
esriFieldTypePointZ | Enables altitude capturing in geopoints |
esriFieldTypeString | A series of alphanumeric symbols |
null | Null field, does not store values |
Special characters
Question names and choice names should not contain special characters, such as spaces, commas, hyphens, parentheses, brackets, or characters such as $, %, and #. It is important that choice names for select_multiple questions do not contain spaces or commas.