Site Scan allows you to export all processed outputs and PDFs, such as the processing report and measurement reports. To access the Export menu, browse to the mission you want to export data from, and click the Export button on the lower left menu. Some file types have the option to share the download link. To download files manually, click the download button. The sections below describe the different download options.
Orthomosaic, DSM, and DTM
On the Export menu, the first option is the mission's raster data, including your orthomosaic, orthomosaic preview, DSM (digital surface model), and DTM (digital terrain model). The orthomosaic preview is a .png file, which is a much smaller size and works well for use in documents and presentations. To perform raster analysis on your orthomosaic, the orthomosaic TIFF file must be used. You can use the DSM or DTM for elevation and slope analysis. The DTM is a raster layer that filters out human-made structures. The DSM is an unfiltered elevation raster layer. You can use either one depending on your analysis needs.
Point cloud
There are two options for exporting your point cloud. LAS is the standard file type and is accepted in most software that visualizes point clouds. The LAZ file is a compressed version of the LAS file, which reduces the file size. However, before using LAZ files, ensure the software you plan to load it into accepts the LAZ file type.
If your mission has a viewable mesh, you can export your mesh from the Export menu. Depending on the mesh settings used in processing, you will see the available mesh output file formats. The Reality Engine generates an SLPK mesh by default. This format allows you to use your mesh in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online and Enterprise apps.
You can also publish your mesh to ArcGIS Online or Enterprise using the Share to ArcGIS option and load it into ArcGIS Pro through your active portal.
If you processed using the Autodesk Recap mesh engine within Site Scan, the following are other file format options in addition to SLPK: