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Export PDF

PDF Export allows you to export the map and any of its layers. In addition to exporting a visual of your orthomosaic, you can enable photo and ground control point (GCP) locations, elevation data layers (Contours, Elevation Data, Cut/Fill, Hillshade), markup layers (beta feature), overlays, and measurements.

Before exporting your map in PDF format, it is important to prepare it in a way that makes sense for your stakeholders. Turn on desired layers and consider adjusting the color and opacity of different layers for visual balance. When you are satisfied with the appearance of your map, browse to the Export menu and click the PDF Export option.

A new modal appears with several PDF design options. You can input header texts, choose page size and orientation, and select your image resolution. A higher image resolution will take longer to export and result in a larger PDF file size. In this mode, you can also adjust the map pan, zoom, and select a basemap. If you want to bring attention to a specific feature or area of the site, you can use the map functions to zoom to it and create a more focused PDF report.


Do not navigate away from the PDF Export model, otherwise it will suspend the rendering of the PDF.

In addition to being displayed on the map, all measurements that are enabled during the export will be shown in a table on a subsequent page in the PDF. The measurement table shows key information about your measurements, grouped by points, lines, and polygons. For point measurements, it contains the coordinate and elevation. For lines, it contains the total distance, degree, and percentage. Polygons show volumetric information along with cut/fill values.