Frequently asked questions

Answers to common questions about ArcGIS for SharePoint are provided.

What are the licensing requirements for ArcGIS for SharePoint?

To access all map tools and content in ArcGIS for SharePoint, you must have been assigned an ArcGIS user type that includes privileges to create, analyze, and share content in an ArcGIS Online organization or an on-premises ArcGIS Enterprise deployment. You can sign up for a free trial subscription of ArcGIS Online. It is assumed that the authentication method used to access ArcGIS has been properly configured by your ArcGIS administrator. Public ArcGIS Online accounts are not supported.

If you do not have an ArcGIS organizational account, you can use an ArcGIS web part as a Standard user.

See Accounts for a comparison of capabilities for Standard users and ArcGIS account holders, depending on user type.

How can I use the ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service?

The ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service provides demographic and contextual data for features in a map. Use of the ArcGIS GeoEnrichment Service requires a subscription to ArcGIS Online or configuration of GeoEnrichment on your installation of ArcGIS Enterprise.

Can I use existing lists with latitude-longitude data?

Microsoft SharePoint lists can contain numerical columns that store the geographic location of each item as latitude and longitude coordinates. In ArcGIS for SharePoint such lists are considered geoenabled, and nothing further is required to map the data as long as the coordinate columns meet specific requirements. See Geocode SharePoint lists using Microsoft Power Automate for more information.

How do I import Microsoft Excel spreadsheets to use with ArcGIS for SharePoint?

See Import Excel data into ArcGIS for SharePoint for information about importing Excel spreadsheets to SharePoint.

There are no basemaps available in the Basemap gallery.

If you are signed in to ArcGIS in ArcGIS for SharePoint and there are no basemaps available, you may not have the privileges required to view your organization's basemap group. Otherwise, the basemaps in your ArcGIS organization's basemap group may be incompatible with ArcGIS for SharePoint.

The ArcGIS for SharePoint geotagging workflow results in terms storing as geotags. What is the workflow for creating them in the SharePoint term store?

See the Set up the term store for geotags workflow for more information.

As a SharePoint administrator, the New-ArcGISTermSet command is giving me an error when I run it in certain non-English locales.

Verify which languages are allowed in your term store, and add them based on your SharePoint organization location. This can be done in the term store administration center using the following link: https://[yourTenantName] The error appears when English is the only default language specified.

How do I geotag and search for geotags in ArcGIS for SharePoint?

To geotag your documents, review the Set geotags for documents workflow. To learn more about searching for geotags in ArcGIS for SharePoint, see Search for geotagged documents.

How can I have my ArcGIS for SharePoint web part interact with other web parts on my SharePoint page?

For a workflow about dynamic data extensibility, see Connect a SharePoint web part to ArcGIS for SharePoint. You can also read the Community blog article about dynamic data extensibility or see the SharePoint Extensions Sample wiki.