Device variables are used to automatically populate QuickCapture fields with common GIS attributes. Not all variables can be applied to all types of fields. For example, the time stamp variables only apply to fields of type date.
Some variables are automatically assigned to button fields that have a specific name. You can manually create these named fields in your feature layer, or optionally, select Capture GPS receiver information when creating a feature layer in ArcGIS Online or creating a feature layer in ArcGIS Enterprise.
Device information
Variable | Compatible field type | Compatible feature type | Field variable automatically assigned to |
Project name Variable name: projectName Name of the project that was used to capture the record. | Text | Points, lines, polygons | - |
Install UUID Variable name: installUUID Unique identifier of the mobile app created on installation. This variable can be used to uniquely identify a device. | Text | Points, lines, polygons | - |
App Version Variable name: appVersion Version of QuickCapture. | String | Points, lines, polygons | - |
Operating System Variable name: operatingSystem Platform and operating system version. | String | Points, lines, polygons | - |
Session Id Variable name: sessionId Unique ID that is generated every time location sharing is turned on. | String | Points, lines, polygons | - |
Power Mode Variable name: powerMode Category of the power mode. Potential results are Unknown (0), Balanced (1), Battery saver. | Integer | Integer | - |
Power Source Variable name: powerSource Category of the power source. Potential results are Unknown (0), AC (1), USB (2), Wireless (3), and Battery (4). | Integer | Points | - |
Battery State Variable name: batteryState Category of the battery state. Potential results are Unknown (0), Unplugged (1), Charging (2), Plugged and fully charged (3), and Plugged but not charging (4). | Integer | Points | - |
Battery Level Variable name: batteryLevel Battery level as a percentage (0–100). | Integer | Points | - |
Magnetic Declination Variable name: magneticDeclination Angle between magnetic and true north in decimal degrees. | Double | Points | - |
Azimuth (°) Variable name: azimuth Compass bearing of device when the record was captured, where true north is 0, east is 90, south is 180, and west is 270. | Double | Points | esrisnsr_azimuth |
Pitch (°) Variable name: pitch Pitch of device when the record was captured, where 0 represents the device face up and 90 represents the device tilted upright, perpendicular to the ground. | Double | Points | - |
Roll (°) Variable name: roll Roll of device when the record was captured, where 0 represents the device face up, 90 represents the device rolled to the right, -90 represents the device rolled to the left, and 180 represents the device face down. | Double | Points | - |
When a point is manually edited, the magneticDeclination, azimuth, pitch, and roll variables are cleared.
User information
Variable | Compatible field type | Compatible feature type | Field variable automatically assigned to |
Username Variable name: username Currently signed-in username. | Text | Points, lines, polygons | - |
Fullname Variable name: fullName Currently signed-in user full name. | Text | Points, lines, polygons | - |
First name Variable name: firstName Currently signed-in user first name. | Text | Points, lines, polygons | - |
Last name Variable name: lastName Currently signed-in user last name. | Text | Points, lines, polygons | - |
Variable name: email Currently signed-in user email address. | Text | Points, lines, polygons | - |
Variable | Compatible field type | Compatible feature type | Field variable automatically assigned to |
Capture time (UTC) Variable name: captureTime Time of capture in UTC. | Date | Points | esrignss_fixdatetime |
Capture time (Date only) Variable name: captureTime_dateOnly Local date of capture only. | DateOnly | Points | - |
Capture time (Time only) Variable name: captureTime_timeOnly Local time of capture only. | TimeOnly | Points | - |
Capture time (DateTime with UTC offset) Variable name: captureTime_timeStampOffset Local time of capture with UTC offset. | TimeStampOffset | Points | - |
Latitude (DD) Variable name: latitude Latitude in decimal degrees. | Double | Points | esrignss_latitude |
Longitude (DD) Variable name: longitude Longitude in decimal degrees. | Double | Points | esrignss_longitude |
Altitude (m) Variable name: altitude Altitude above sea level or ellipsoid in meters. | Double | Points | esrignss_altitude |
Horizontal accuracy (m) Variable name: horizontalAccuracy Horizontal accuracy of the x,y coordinates in meters. | Double | Points | esrignss_h_rms |
Vertical accuracy (m) Variable name: verticalAccuracy Vertical accuracy of the z-coordinate in meters. | Double | Points | esrignss_v_rms |
Location DMS Variable name: DMS Location as a space-separated string in degrees, minutes, and seconds. | Text | Points | - |
Location DDM Variable name: DDM Location as a space-separated string in degrees and decimal minutes. | Text | Points | - |
Location USNG Variable name: USNG Location in U.S. National Grid. | Text | Points | - |
Location MGRS Variable name: MGRS Location in Military Grid Reference System. | Text | Points | - |
Level ID Variable name: levelId Unique ID of the level feature in a floor-aware map. This variable will only be populated if the project has a floor-aware map configured, the map is open, and a building and floor has been selected. Otherwise, the default value stored will be null. | Text | Points, lines, polygons | - |
When a point is manually edited, the altitude, horizontalAccuracy, and verticalAccuracy variables are cleared.
Variable | Compatible field type | Compatible feature type | Field variable automatically assigned to |
Speed (m/s) Variable name: speedMS Ground speed in meters per second. | Double | Points | - |
Speed (km/h) Variable name: speedKPH Ground speed in kilometers per hour. | Double | Points | esrignss_speed |
Speed (mi/h) Variable name: speedMPH Ground speed in miles per hour. | Double | Points | - |
Speed (knot) Variable name: speedKTS Ground speed in knots. | Double | Points | - |
verticalSpeedMS Vertical speed in meters per second. | Double | Points | - |
Variable name: verticalSpeedKPH Vertical speed in kilometers per hour. | Double | Points | - |
Variable name: verticalSpeedMPH Vertical speed in miles per hour. | Double | Points | - |
Variable name: verticalSpeedKTS Vertical speed in knots. | Double | Points | - |
Direction of travel (°) Variable name: direction Direction of travel measured clockwise from north in decimal degrees. | Double | Points | - |
Direction of travel 4 cardinal directions Variable name: directionCardinal4 Direction of travel generalized as one of the four cardinal directions. Potential results are N, E, S, and W. | Text | Points | - |
Direction of travel 8 cardinal directions Variable name: directionCardinal8 Direction of travel generalized as one of the eight cardinal directions. Potential results are N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, and NW. | Text | Points | - |
Activity type Variable name: activityType User activity type: Unknown (0), Stationary (1), Walking (2), Running (3), Cycling (4), Automotive (5) | Text | Points | - |
Start time Variable name: startTime Date and time the button is activated. | Date | Lines, polygons | - |
End time Variable name: endTime Date and time the button is deactivated. | Date | Lines, polygons | - |
Length (m) Variable name: lengthM Geodetic length in meters. | Double | Lines, polygons | - |
Length (km) Variable name: lengthKM Geodetic length in kilometers. | Double | Lines, polygons | - |
Length (mi) Variable name: lengthMI Geodetic length in miles. | Double | Lines, polygons | - |
Area (m2) Variable name: areaM2 Area in square meters, for polygon layers only. | Double | Polygons | - |
Area (km2) Variable name: areaKM2 Area in square kilometers, for polygon layers only. | Double | Polygons | - |
Area (mi2) Variable name: areaMI2 Area in square miles, for polygon layers only. | Double | Polygons | - |
Vertical speed cannot be assigned to a button field in the web designer GUI, but can be created using the variable name when editing the Project JSON.
When a point is manually edited, the speedMS, speedKPH, speedMPH, speedKTS, verticalSpeedMS, verticalSpeedMPH, verticalSpeedKPH, verticalSpeedKTS, direction, directionCardinal4, and directionCardinal8 variables are cleared.
Variable | Compatible field type | Compatible feature type | Field variable automatically assigned to |
Camera Heading (°) Variable name: camHeading Compass bearing of the device's rear camera when the photo was captured, where true north is 0, east is 90, south is 180, and west is 270. This is also saved to the photo EXIF tag GPSImgDirection. Be aware that camHeading is not reliable when images are captured with camRoll values greater than ±10 degrees. | Double | Points | - |
Camera Pitch (°) Variable name: camPitch Pitch of the device's rear camera when the photo was captured, where 0 represents the camera looking down toward the ground, and 90 represents the device looking forward, perpendicular to the ground. | Double | Points | - |
Camera Roll (°) Variable name: camRoll Roll of the device's rear camera when the photo was captured, where 0 represents no roll, 90 represents the device rolled to the right, and -90 represents the camera rolled to the left. Roll beyond ±45 degrees will result in the device orientation being switched from portrait to landscape, and the camHeading, camPitch, and camRoll angles will be adjusted accordingly. | Double | Points | - |
Horizontal field of view (°) Variable name: hfov Horizontal field of view for the camera lens measured in degrees. This variable is calculated from photo EXIF tag FocalLength35mmFilm. It returns null if the EXIF tag is missing. | Double | Points | - |
Vertical field of view (°) Variable name: vfov Vertical field of view for the camera lens measured in degrees. This variable is calculated from photo EXIF tag FocalLength35mmFilm. It returns null if the EXIF tag is missing. | Double | Points | - |
Photo latitude (DD) Variable name: photoLatitude Latitude when the photo was captured, in decimal degrees. This is also saved to the photo EXIF tag GPSLatitude. | Double | Points | - |
Photo longitude (DD) Variable name: photoLongitude Longitude when the photo was captured, in decimal degrees. This is also saved to the photo EXIF tag GPSLongitude. | Double | Points | - |
For buttons that support multiple photos, camera device variables will not be calculated.
GNSS variables are typically available only when connected directly to an external GNSS receiver, however, the variables marked with * are also available on Android when an external receiver is connected through a mock location provider.
Variable | Compatible field type | Compatible feature type | Field variable automatically assigned to |
Position source type* Variable name: positionSourceType Category of the position source. Potential results are Unknown (0), User (1), System Location (2), External Device (3), and Network Device (4). | Integer | Points, lines, polygons | esrignss_positionsourcetype |
Fix type* Variable name: fixType Type of position fix for the coordinate. Potential results are NoFix (0), GPS (1), DifferentialGPS (2),PrecisePositioningService (3), RTKFixed (4), RTKFloat (5), Estimated (6), Manual (7), Simulator (8), and SBAS (9). | Integer | Points | esrignss_fixtype |
Device address Variable name: deviceAddress Typically, this address is the Bluetooth MAC address of the device, for example, 0C:00:0A:BB:28:FC. However, on iOS, a Bluetooth MAC is not available, so instead a unique device identifier is returned—for example, 3f89ecd0-bbe5-11ea-8b6e-0800200c9a66. | Text | Points | - |
Location sensor name* Variable name: sensorName When using the integrated location provider, the name is AppStudio-CoreLocation. When using an external receiver, it will be the name of the receiver as reported by the external hardware. | Text | Points | esrignss_receiver |
Location sensor connection type Variable name: deviceType Type of external device. Potential results are Unknown (-1), Bluetooth (0), Serial Port (1), and Bluetooth LE (2). | Integer | Points | - |
Network name Variable name: networkName This is only available for network location providers. | Text | Points | - |
Network address Variable name: networkAddress This is only available for network location providers. | Text | Points | - |
Network port Variable name: networkPort This is only available for network location providers. | Integer | Points | - |
Orthometric height* Variable name: geoidSeparationCustom Difference between the WGS84 earth ellipsoid and mean sea level as defined by the user in the app settings. This is available for all location provider types. | Double | Points | - |
Antenna height Variable name: antennaHeight Distance from the antenna to the ground surface is subtracted from altitude values in meters. | Double | Points | - |
Altitude type* Variable name: altitudeType Potential results are altitude above mean sea level (0) and height above ellipsoid (1). | Integer | Points | - |
Geoid seperation* Variable name: geoidSeparation Difference between the WGS84 earth ellipsoid and mean sea level as reported by the GNSS receiver in meters. This is also referred to as orthometric height. | Double | Points | - |
Accuracy type (RMS v DOP)* Variable name: accuracyType Type of accuracy reported by the horizontalAccuracy and verticalAccuracy properties. Potential results are RMS (0) and DOP (1). RMS is root mean square accuracy. This is calculated based on a 68 percent confidence interval for latitude, longitude, and altitude errors reported in the GST sentence provided by the receiver. If the receiver does not support GST, DOP is used instead. DOP is a dilution of precision-based accuracy. This uses a constant user-estimated range error (UERE) value to estimate horizontal and vertical accuracies. | Integer | Points | - |
Accuracy confidence level* Variable name: confidenceLevelType Potential results are 68 percent (0) and 95 percent (1). | Integer | Points | - |
Mean radial spherical error Variable name: positionAccuracy Mean radial spherical error in meters. This encompasses both horizontal and vertical error. | Double | Points | - |
GST latitude 1-sigma error Variable name: latitudeError Value of latitude 1-sigma error in meters. This property is only populated if your positioning device supports GST sentences in NMEA streams. | Double | Points | - |
GST longitude 1-sigma error Variable name: longitudeError Value of longitude 1-sigma error in meters. This property is only populated if your positioning device supports GST sentences in NMEA streams. | Double | Points | - |
GST altitude 1-sigma error Variable name: altitudeError Value of altitude 1-sigma error in meters. This property is only populated if your positioning device supports GST sentences in NMEA streams. | Double | Points | - |
HDOP* Variable name: hdop Positional data's Horizontal Dilution of Precision. | Double | Points | esrignss_hdop |
VDOP* Variable name: vdop Positional data's Vertical Dilution of Precision. | Double | Points | esrignss_vdop |
PDOP* Variable name: pdop Positional data's Positional Dilution of Precision. The equation used to determine PDOP is PDOP^2 = HDOP^2 + VDOP^2. | Double | Points | esrignss_pdop |
Differential age* Variable name: differentialAge Age of the differential signal and correction used by the GPS receiver to differentially correct the position in seconds. | Double | Points | esrignss_correctionage |
Reference station id* Variable name: referenceStationId Differential reference station ID (DSID) of the station used by the GPS receiver. | Integer | Points | esrignss_stationid |
Satellites visible Variable name: satellitesVisible Number of positioning satellites visible at the time of location capture. | Integer | Points | - |
Satellites in use Variable name: satellitesInUse Number of positioning satellites being used to return the position data. | Integer | Points | esrignss_numsats |
When a point is manually edited, all external GNSS variables are cleared.