Quick reference

The QuickCapture website is used to create and manage projects.

Organizational accountWhere to sign in

Using ArcGIS Online with QuickCapture

Go to https://quickcapture.arcgis.com and choose Sign in with ArcGIS Online.

Using ArcGIS Enterprise with https://quickcapture.arcgis.com

Go to https://quickcapture.arcgis.com and choose Sign in with ArcGIS Enterprise. Enter your portal URL, for example, https://host.domain.com/webadaptor/ (where host, domain, and webadaptor are replaced by your portal information) to continue.

Using ArcGIS Enterprise (10.8 and later)

Choose QuickCapture from the app launcher in your portal.

The sections below list key areas of the website and how you can use them to create and manage projects.

My projects

Edit and view results of your QuickCapture projects. Projects are stored as items in your ArcGIS organization.

Click a project card to edit a project. Click the project menu to view results, save as another project, or delete the project.


To download the data collected in your project, you must sign in to your ArcGIS organization, browse to the feature service associated with your project, and choose to export to a format of your choice. For more information, see Export data from hosted feature layers in ArcGIS Online or Export data from hosted feature layers in ArcGIS Enterprise.

Shared with me

Preview and view results of projects that have been shared with your organization or with a group of which you are a member.

Click a project card to preview a project. Click the project menu to view results or save as another project.

For projects shared with a shared update group in ArcGIS Online or shared update group in ArcGIS Enterprise, when you click the project card, the project designer tools launch so you can edit the project.

Organization administrators may have additional permissions to update or delete projects, similar to the author, according to their ArcGIS Online administrative privileges or ArcGIS Enterprise administrative privileges for item management.

New project

Create a project from existing layers or from a template. Add a thumbnail, a title, tags, a data recovery email address, and a folder location (in your ArcGIS organization) to your project.

QuickCapture designer

You can edit the following in the graphical interface for the project:

  • General
  • Layers
  • Map
  • Project details
  • Exclusivity groups
  • Project user input
  • Webhooks

The following can be edited in the graphical interface for groups:

  • Label
  • Number of columns
  • Make group collapsible
  • Colors

You can use buttons to either capture data or open a URL. The following can be edited in the graphical interface for buttons:

  • Appearance—Includes label, size, shape, colors, and image.
  • Data—Includes target feature layer, capture mode (points only), take photo or video (or both), and configure capture fields.
  • Link—Includes launch a URL and launch Survey123 field app.

For more information, see Configure a project.