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Manage observers

ArcGIS Monitor 2024.1 (Windows)   |

Configure settings for a component's observers and run observers on demand on the component's Observers page. You must be assigned the Administrator or Manager role to manage observers.


You can also configure default settings for observers from the Administration page.

Configure settings for an observer

To configure settings for an observer, complete the following steps:

  1. Access ArcGIS Monitor if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Monitoring.

    The Monitoring page appears. Registered components are listed alphabetically by component name.

  3. Click the Observers tab.

    The Observers page appears with a list of observers sorted by name.

  4. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
    • Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
  5. Click More options More options next to the observer you want to configure and click Edit observer.

    The Edit observer dialog box appears.

  6. Click the Interval drop-down arrow and choose an interval.
  7. Optionally, use the Enabled toggle button to enable or disable the observer.
  8. For optional observers, configure additional settings as necessary.
  9. Click Save.

    The observer's settings are updated.

Configure observer settings for a single component

You can enable and disable observers and configure observer intervals to meet your organization's monitoring requirements. You must be assigned the Administrator or Manager role to configure observer settings.

To configure observer settings, complete the following steps:

  1. Access ArcGIS Monitor if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Monitoring.

    The Monitoring page appears. Registered components are listed alphabetically by name.

  3. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click a category on the side of the page to filter the list by that category.
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
    • Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
    • Click Labels to filter the list by the labels that you choose.
    • Type a keyword in the Search by component name or address text box to search for specific components.
  4. Click the name of the component that contains the observer you want to configure.

    The component's Overview page appears with component details and an overview of its metrics.

  5. Click the Observers tab.

    A list of the component's observers appears sorted by name.

  6. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
    • Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
  7. Click the name of the observer that you want to configure.

    The observer's details page appears.

  8. Click Edit next to Interval.

    The Edit observer dialog box appears.

  9. Click the Interval drop-down arrow and choose an interval.
  10. Optionally, use the Enabled toggle button to enable or disable the observer.
  11. For optional observers, configure additional settings as necessary.
  12. Click Save.

    The observer's settings are updated.

Configure observer settings across multiple components

To configure observer settings for observers of the same type across multiple components, complete the following steps:

  1. Access ArcGIS Monitor if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Monitoring.

    The Monitoring page appears. Registered components are listed alphabetically by component name.

  3. Click the Observers tab.

    The Observers page appears with a list of observers sorted by name.

  4. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
    • Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
  5. Check the check box next to the names of the observers that you want to configure.

    The names of the observers for which you want to configure observer settings must match.

  6. Click Edit observers.

    The Edit Observers dialog box appears.


    If the names of the chosen observers don't match, Edit observers is unavailable.

  7. To use the same settings for multiple observers, check the check boxes next to the observers.

    The Batch edit row becomes available and the chosen rows become unavailable. The settings that you configure in the Batch edit row are reflected in the rows for the chosen observers.

  8. Click the Interval drop-down arrow and choose an interval.
  9. Optionally, use the Enabled toggle button to enable or disable the observer.
  10. Click Save.

    The settings for the chosen observers are updated.

View observer logs

You can view observer logs to troubleshoot problems with component observers. You must be assigned the Administrator or Manager role to view observer logs.

To view observer logs, complete the following steps:

  1. Access Monitor if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Monitoring.

    The Monitoring page appears. Registered components are listed alphabetically by name.

  3. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click a category on the side of the page to filter the list by that category.
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
    • Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
    • Click Labels to filter the list by the labels that you choose.
    • Type a keyword in the Search by component name or address text box to search for specific components.
  4. Click the Observers tab.

    A list of the component's observers appears.

  5. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
    • Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
  6. Click the name of the observer that contains the logs you want to view.

    The observer's details page appears.

  7. Click the View logs button.

    A list of the observer's log entries appears sorted by the time they were logged.

  8. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
    • Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
    • Click Refresh to refresh the list of log entries and show new log entries.
  9. Click View details next to the time of the log entry that you want to view.

    The Log details dialog box appears with detailed information about the log entry.

Run an observer on demand

When changes have been made to a component, you can run an observer on demand to immediately refresh its data instead of waiting until the next observer interval. You must be assigned the Administrator or Manager role to run an observer on demand.

To run an observer on demand, complete the following steps:

  1. Access ArcGIS Monitor if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Monitoring.

    The Monitoring page appears. Registered components are listed alphabetically by name.

  3. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click a category on the side of the page to filter the list by that category.
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
    • Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
    • Click Labels to filter the list by the labels that you choose.
    • Type a keyword in the Search by component name or address text box to search for specific components.
  4. Click the Observers tab.

    A list of the component's observers appears.

  5. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
    • Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
  6. Click the name of the observer that you want to run on demand.

    The observer's details page appears.

  7. Click the Run observer button.

    The observer runs and the component's data is refreshed.

Reset observer settings to their default settings

To reset an observer's settings to their default values, complete the following steps:

  1. Access ArcGIS Monitor if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Monitoring.

    The Monitoring page appears. Registered components are listed alphabetically by component name.

  3. Click the Observers tab.

    The Observers page appears with a list of observers sorted by name.

  4. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
    • Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
  5. Click More options More options next to the observer that you want to reset and click Reset to defaults.

    The Reset observer to default dialog box appears.

  6. Click Reset.

    Resetting an observer's settings to their default values is permanent and cannot be undone.

    The observer's settings are set to their default values.

Delete an optional observer

To delete an optional observer, complete the following steps:

  1. Access ArcGIS Monitor if necessary.

    The Home page appears.

  2. Click Monitoring.

    The Monitoring page appears. Registered components are listed alphabetically by component name.

  3. Click the Observers tab.

    The Observers page appears with a list of observers sorted by name.

  4. Optionally, do any or all of the following:
    • Click Sort and change the sorting method.
    • Click Filter and create a query to filter the list.
    • Click Columns and specify the columns to hide or show.
    • Position the pointer at the edge of a column's header and drag the column's edge to resize it.
  5. Click More options More options next to the observer that you want to reset and click Delete observer.

    The Delete observer dialog box appears.


    Unregistering an observer is permanent.

  6. Click Delete to delete the observer.

    The observer is deleted and all metrics collected by the observer are also deleted.

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