What's new in ArcGIS Mission

ArcGIS 10.9.1    |    |  

ArcGIS Mission is available in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1. ArcGIS Mission is a geospatial communications and situational awareness app that provides managers, analysts, and responders with a comprehensive picture of the operating environment and helps the coordination of movement and communication among team members. ArcGIS Mission has three components: Manager, Responder, and Server.

The ArcGIS Mission Manager web app is where missions are built and organized. ArcGIS Mission Responder allows mission engagement through a mobile app. ArcGIS Mission Server is an ArcGIS Enterprise server that links Manager and Responder. For more information, see What is ArcGIS Mission.

ArcGIS Mission Manager

  • Manager QR Code ArcGIS Mission Manager can generate a QR code that can be copied, printed, and otherwise distributed using tools inside of mission.
  • Create Sensor Reports ArcGIS Mission Manager can create Sensor Reports, customizable report forms associated with the use of a piece of third-party hardware.
  • Adding mission members and teams—Mission Owners can add portal users to a mission using portal groups or by uploading a .csv file.
  • Mission Map editing—Mission map editing is enhanced with a new UI and more tools than in previous releases.

ArcGIS Mission Responder

  • QR CodeArcGIS Mission Responder users can now use their device's QR code reader to enter their mission portal.
  • Streamlined Message System—Upgrades have been made to the messaging system so that chat threads now host text chats, sketches (formerly geomessages), and attachments.
  • Sensor Reports—Using a piece of third-party hardware, Responder users can trigger a customized report submission without needing to interact with their mobile device.

ArcGIS Mission Server

  • New Self endpoint with Update operation—Allows users to configure settings on the server such as requestTimeout length, enable integrations, and control access to this endpoint.
  • New parameters to facilitate sensor report creation—Integration with third-party hardware to trigger custom reports is now supported by new parameters.
  • Security and performance enhancements