What's new in ArcGIS Mission

ArcGIS 10.9    |    |  

ArcGIS Mission is now available in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9. ArcGIS Mission is a geospatial communications and situational awareness app that provides managers, analysts, and responders with a comprehensive picture of the operating environment and helps the coordination of movement and communication among team members. ArcGIS Mission has three components: Manager, Responder, and Server.

The ArcGIS Mission Manager web app is where missions are built and organized. ArcGIS Mission Responder allows mission engagement through a mobile app. ArcGIS Mission Server is an ArcGIS Enterprise server that links Manager and Responder. For more information, see What is ArcGIS Mission.

ArcGIS Mission Manager

  • Measurement tools—Use the measurement tools to measure distances and areas on your mission map by length or polygon.
  • Proximity tools—Conduct real-time analysis for actionable intelligence through instant GeoMessage communications.
  • Coordinate Conversion tool— Input coordinates using one coordinate system and output to different coordinate systems using multiple notation formats.
  • Create a report—Mission owners and administrators can create custom reports with fields for your mission.
  • Leverage a report as a template—Leverage previously created reports shared to your organization as a template for your mission.
  • Web-tier authenticationManager supports operations in web-tier authenticated environments.

ArcGIS Mission Responder

  • Web-tier authentication—Both iOS and Android now support operation in web-tier authenticated environments.
  • Authenticated map layers—Responder now supports mission maps with authenticated layers.
  • Peer-to-peer—Both iOS and Android can operate in peer-to-peer environments and across platforms.
  • Custom ReportsResponder can access and submit custom report forms generated in Manager.
  • Upgraded and optimized performance—Both iOS and Android have been optimized to use the 100.9 version of the Runtime SDK and most current versions of the respective platform operating systems.

ArcGIS Mission Server

  • Reports API—Clients can now submit custom reports through ArcGIS Mission Server.
  • Proxy Generation Endpoint—Administrators can now generate an Apache HTTPD Configuration file and set the appropriate WebSocket and Web Context URLs using the ‘proxyGen’ endpoint.
  • Enhanced performance— ArcGIS Mission Server can handle more connections from clients.
  • Azure Cloud Builder— ArcGIS Mission Server is now supported on Azure Cloud Builder starting at 10.9.