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Essential vocabulary


A basemap provides a geographical context, or background, for the content you want to display in a map. With Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects, you can choose from several Esri basemaps hosted on ArcGIS. These basemaps include many options that combine road, aerial, and topographic data with a variety of symbology. If your organization makes them available, you can also access basemaps in your ArcGIS Organization.


Clustering in Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects refers to grouping point features within a certain distance of each other into one symbol. This is different from grouping in Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects where features are grouped by a user-specified category and styled accordingly. For more information, see Configure clustering.

Contents pane

The Contents pane is a central component of Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects. The Contents pane displays the list of layers contained in the map, provides the ability to toggle layer visibility, and provides a starting point for setting layer properties such as styling, heat maps, transparency, visible range, clustering, and pop-ups.

Coordinate system

Coordinate systems provide a framework for defining real-world locations. In Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects, there are two supported coordinate systems: World Geodetic Survey 1984 (WGS84) and Web Mercator. WGS84 is a geographic coordinate system in which every location on the earth is specified by a set of numbers (coordinates). Coordinates are often expressed as latitude and longitude values. Web Mercator is a projected coordinate system in which locations are identified by x,y coordinates on a grid, with the origin at the center of the grid. Coordinate values in the Web Mercator system generally have 6, 7, or 8 digits to the left of the decimal, and the units are meters. If you are unsure as to which coordinate system you should use, please contact the originator of your data or the person who collected it.


A set of values represented by the letters x and y that define a position within a spatial reference. Coordinates are used to represent locations in space relative to other locations. Coordinates are often shown in latitude-longitude pairs, where x coordinates range from -180 to 180 and y coordinates range from -90 to 90, or as values with 6, 7, or 8 digits to the left of the decimal point. When using Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects, these value pairs are often composed of the values from two columns in your data.


Geographic features are representations of things located on or near the surface of the earth. Geographic features can occur naturally (such as rivers and vegetation), can be constructions (such as roads, pipelines, wells, and buildings), and can be subdivisions of land (such as counties, political divisions, and land parcels). Geographic features are most commonly represented as points, lines, or polygons. In Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects, data you have added is often referred to as features on the map.


Grouping in Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects is the process of placing features in user-specified categories and styling them accordingly. See Feature display and style for more information.

Heat map

A heat map represents the geographic density of point features on a map by using colored areas to represent those points. The areas are largest where the most points are concentrated together. See Add a heat map for more information.


A layer is the way in which Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects visually represents geographic datasets. A layer can be thought of as similar to a legend item on a paper map. On a road map, for example, roads, national parks, political boundaries, and rivers might be considered different layers. When you add SAP Dashboards business data to a map, Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects creates a layer and displays it on the Contents pane. Once the layer is created, functionality such as determining visibility, configuring style, and setting transparency are all enabled.


Lines represent the shape and location of geographic objects too narrow to depict as areas (such as street centerlines and streams).


A map displays geographic data and allows you to explore and interact with that data. In Esri Maps for SAP BusinessObjects, you can add SAP Dashboards data directly to the map and combine it with additional content from ArcGIS Online.

Pan (the map display)

Shift a map image relative to the display window without changing the viewing scale. Panning a map can also be thought of as moving the map image in the display window so that you can see different parts of the map.


Points represent discrete locations of geographic features too small to be depicted as lines or areas, such as well locations, telephone poles, and stream gauges. Points can also represent address locations, Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates, or mountain peaks.


Polygons are enclosed areas (many-sided figures) that represent the shape and location of homogeneous features such as states, counties, parcels, and land-use zones.