Stream Layer

The Stream Layer output in ArcGIS Velocity allows you to write output features to a new stream layer. A new stream layer is created when the output is saved. Once created, you can use the stream layer in ArcGIS Velocity and in your ArcGIS Online organization for use in web maps, applications, and so on.


The following are example uses of the Stream Layer output:

  • After ingesting event data from IoT sensors through a feed and processing and analyzing the data in a real-time analytic, you want to send the features to a stream layer for visualization in a dashboard.
  • You manage a variety of stationary assets with attribute values that frequently update. You can configure a Stream Layer output, select a related feature layer, and join field so that the resulting sensor observations have both attributes and geometry.
  • You configured a feed and a real-time analytic to process events as they occur. You only want to visualize the latest state of the features as identified by the Track ID.

Usage notes

Keep the following in mind when working with the Stream Layer output:

  • The configuration of a related feature layer and associated join field is optional. If you do not need a related feature layer, click Next to skip this step without selecting a layer.
  • If a related feature layer and join field are chosen, the related join field must also exist in the outgoing data schema. Outgoing data to the stream layer can only be visualized in an ArcGIS Online web map if the field names and values are identical. For example, if you choose a SensorID join field on the related feature layer, you also must have a SensorID field in the outgoing data's schema.
  • Configuring a feature layer to keep the latest observation for each Track ID is optional. If configured, the most recent observations are saved in a companion feature layer. When the stream layer is added to a web map, the features in the feature layer display until new features arrive on the stream layer.


The following are the parameters for the Stream Layer output:

ParameterDescriptionData type


The name of the new stream layer.


Related Feature Layer (optional)

The Portal Item ID or URL of a related feature layer.


Join Field (optional)

The field in the related feature layer used in the client application to join geometry to the observation.

This field name must be the same as a field in the output features schema from the real-time analytic.


Keep Latest

Specifies whether a companion output feature layer will be created to keep the most recent observation for each Track ID.


Considerations and limitations

The following are considerations and limitations when using the Stream Layer output:

  • Feature layers hosted by ArcGIS Velocity cannot be shared publicly.
  • If Keep Latest is set to true, the stream layer output name must be unique within the organization.