Amazon SNS

The Amazon SNS output in ArcGIS Velocity allows you to write output features or values created using Arcade to Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS). SNS is a fully managed pub/sub service for A2A (application to application) and A2P (application to person) messaging. This enables ArcGIS Velocity, through the use of the Amazon SNS output, to integrate and decouple distributed applications and provide notifications through SMS texts, push notifications, and email using the Amazon SNS platform.


When a certain spatial or attribute condition is identified by an ArcGIS Velocity real-time analytic, the Amazon SNS output can send features or messages built using Arcade to Amazon SNS, which can then be configured to send app push notifications and text messages to a field worker.

Usage notes

Keep the following in mind when working with the Amazon SNS output:

  • The secret key is encrypted the first time the analytic is saved and it is stored in an encrypted state.
  • The following output data formats are available:
    • Delimited
    • JSON
    • GeoJSON
    • Esri JSON

    Alternatively, you can configure an Arcade expression to control the message sent to Amazon SNS.

  • Data exported in the JSON format will provide geometry in the Esri JSON format.
  • Certain Amazon SNS actions are required for your user policy associated with the provided Amazon key for Velocity to successfully connect and write to an Amazon SNS ARN.


The following are the parameters for the Amazon SNS output:

ParameterDescriptionData type

Access Key

The Amazon access key ID for the S3 notification service, for example, AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE.

For details on Amazon access keys, see AWS security credentials in the AWS documentation.


Secret Key

The Amazon secret access key for the S3 bucket, for example, wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY.

Velocity uses the provided access keys to load specified data sources into the application.

The secret key is encrypted the first time the analytic is saved and is stored in an encrypted state.

For details on Amazon secret access keys, see AWS security credentials in the AWS documentation.

Password (string)


The region associated with Amazon SNS, for example,


Topic ARN

The ARN identifier for the SNS topic, for example, arn:aws:sns:us-east-2:541649011075:yourSNStopicName.


Subject (optional)

A subject for the Amazon SNS messages.



The message constructed using an Arcade expression that evaluates to text. Alternatively, the data format specified for each record will be sent to the notification service separately.
