Use your data

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9)    |    |  

Your ArcGIS organization offers a rich ecosystem of data and apps. You can use any data available to you in your ArcGIS organization in GeoPlanner. However, sometimes you may find that you need to use some of your own local datasets as part of your GeoPlanner project. For example, you may have more accurate or up-to-date shapefiles or geodatabase feature classes provided by a local planning commission that you want to include in your project. Using the ArcGIS platform, you can easily make any of these datasets available for use as visualization, analysis, or scenario layers in GeoPlanner.

ArcGIS makes it easy to share your spatial data with your organization. The following sections describe different ways of sharing your file-based data to your ArcGIS organization for use in GeoPlanner.

Hosted layers

Hosted layers are layers that are stored and managed in your ArcGIS organization. Even if you don't have your own on-premises ArcGIS Server, you can still use your local datasets inside GeoPlanner by creating layers hosted in your ArcGIS organization. To create a hosted layer, you must have privileges to create and publish hosted content to your ArcGIS organization.

Publish features

Feature layers in your organization represent vector data and can be used for display, query, and editing. You can publish many different types of features to your organization and then discover that data using the Add Data tool in the Explore tab of GeoPlanner.

Feature layers in GeoPlanner can be used for the following:

Publish tiles

Hosted tile layers support fast map visualization using a collection of predrawn map images, or tiles. Tiles are created and stored on the server after you upload your data. Hosted tile layers are appropriate for basemaps that give your maps geographic context. You can publish your feature data as a tile layer using ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. You can also publish an existing feature layer to a tile layer.

ArcGIS Server web services

An ArcGIS Server web service represents a GIS resource—such as a map or image—that is located on an ArcGIS Server site. You can access these services in GeoPlanner by adding the service's URL as an item to your organization. Once the item is added and shared, you can discover it in GeoPlanner using the Add Data tool in the Explore tab.

See Add items from the web to learn how to access content from ArcGIS Server.

Weighted overlay service

Weighted overlay is a type of suitability analysis that helps you identify areas based on your criteria. If you have ArcGIS Server, you can create your own weighted overlay service for analysis in GeoPlanner.