Custom analysis

ArcGIS Enterprise (10.9)    |    |  

You can discover and execute custom geoprocessing services. This allows you to access powerful analytical tools to help you make better decisions about your community's resources.

The following steps detail how to use the Custom Analysis tool.

  1. Open a GeoPlanner project and click Explore.
  2. Click Analysis, select Custom Analysis.

    The Custom Analysis Tools window opens. Here you can get access to geoprocessing services in ArcGIS Online.

  3. Select a geoprocessing service from the Custom Analysis Tools window.

    When you select a geoprocessing service, the geoprocessing tool opens in GeoPlanner. This allows you to make changes in the tool.

  4. Click Run Analysis to execute your custom analysis.

    This will allow you to run the geoprocessing tool in GeoPlanner.